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Understanding the Forex Market

What is in your mind when observing motion chart? How do you capture the information provided by the indicators you use? No matter whether you embrace the technical and fundamental analysis, in essence, you need to understand what is going on in the market. 

You do not only respond to current conditions, but ideally, you understand why it happens. Understanding the market does not mean we should be able to influence the market. As long as we are trading with a relatively small capital for the total size of the transaction that is in the market, we should indeed follow the trend going. Observing the movement and observe the formation of candlestick charts, you can imagine what is actually happening in the market, how the attraction that occurs between buyer and seller.

Kekuatan antara buyer dan seller

How then trends are formed and ultimately how you decide to enter the market. Supposing we listen to a musical composition. Besides we enjoy the sound of music composition as a whole, we can also understand how each instrument is issued each tone were finally combined. 

In looking at the movement of the chart, we need to understand, why a candlestick eventually be bull or bear candle candle. How do we get the message of a candlestick and how do we get the message of a row of candlesticks is a way to understand what is going on behind a particular trend. 

For those of you who use fundamental analysis, you may tend to use the information from the news related to trying to understand the market. However, sometimes what is happening in the market is not as we expected. Remember that traders are human. Each one may have different expectations of each other. The expectations of each of these traders will be reflected in the market. Of the expectations of the individual, in the aggregate will be formed force buyers and sellers who fought in the market, which will determine the direction of the trend. Well, you are expected to be able to find out, how the direction and strength of the trend is going to happen. 

For those of you who use technical analysis, you may tend to use the information from the history of the movement chart. You'll put indicators and trying to catch the signals given by the indicator. Your understanding of the indicator largely determine how you read the message delivered by your mainstay indicator, because the indicator as well as humans, have the advantages and disadvantages of each. 

Well, you are expected to understand in information that is given by the indicator to also know what is happening in the market and decide what you should do. Understanding the market means that you are expected to "communicate" with the chart in front of you. Communication is essentially the delivery of messages using symbols. So the next time you open a trading platform and observe the chart, are actually communicating with the chart. 

Therefore, try to understanding chart is not just a series of numbers and lines and symbols without meaning. Each line, numbers or symbols that exist that can provide information to us, if we are willing to listen. Maybe you are wondering, how to "listen" chart? I can suggest here, understand actors and forces that exist in the market and also know what influence it. 

For those who are Fundamentalists, understand the expectations of the market news relating to the movement of the pair. Meanwhile, for those of you who technicalist, understand the advantages and disadvantages of the indicators that you use and adjust with the market is going. Maybe you also need to look at the chart with new understanding. Look at the movement chart and try to imagine what is happening in the market at the moment. Can imagine how the thrill of war that occurs between buyer and seller? Guaranteed deh linger at home staring at your chart. 

Eh, maybe I need to remind you before, do not get too comfortable yaa, there are still many things around us that interesting really. So do preoccupation communicate with charts to forget to communicate with those around us! Can be dangerous tuh!