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Effect of Non-Farm Payrolls And Exchange Rates USD

If by chance you are a forex trader is concerned with Fundamental data, then you would know that the data changes in a country's workforce is a key driver of currency exchange of the country. The number of workers can be interpreted also as the number of jobs (job) is available. One of the changes in the amount of data that is always awaited job forex market participants is a data Non-farm payrolls (NFP) United States are usually high impact on the dollar. Many scalpers and day traders who take advantage of the High volatility of the current US NFP data release in order to reap the benefits.


Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) report data on the list is the salary received by American workers in all business sectors except: 
- Employees of the federal government (such as civil servants in Indonesia). 
- Agriculture and plantation workers. 
- A housekeeper (PRT) working on the individual. 
- Worker-profit organization (non-profit) that provides consultation to individuals. 
So salary forex traders included in the list of NFP. 

The report, released each month by the Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Friday the first week also includes the average number of working hours and average earnings per week for part-time workers (part-timers). 

Why US NFP data important? 
NFP data show that the income received by 80% of US workers are an essential contribution to the US's GDP figures. The data is an early indicator for consumer spending and overall economic activity. The Fed and the government to use this indicator to determine the current economic conditions and predict the state of a time when that will come. Policy makers always consider the employment data to make important decisions. 

More and more jobs means that the higher the NFP numbers, and business conditions will increase with increasing investment and recruitment so that the demand will rise. Opposite situation occurs if the NFP numbers down. Benchmark estimates NFP normal rate today is around 200,000 jobs (more or less). Below the figure is usually the unemployment rate will rise, indicating that reduced demand or declining business confidence. Opposite situation occurs for high NFP figures. 

NFP rose means many jobs are created by the number of workers increases. This will cause a rise in consumer demand, and will have a positive impact on the exchange rate USD. So if the numbers go up then NFP USD exchange rate will be higher, if the NFP down USD exchange rate will weaken. 

The impact of the USD is usually dependent on the difference between the actual data (the results of release) and expectations, the data from the consensus of economists and analysts, or estimate. If the actual data is greater than estimates of the USD will rise, and vice versa if the actual data is smaller than expected, the USD will weaken. The greater the difference in the actual data and estimates, the higher the strengthening or weakening of the exchange rate to USD.

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