Showing posts with label Rahasia Menang Trading Binary Option. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rahasia Menang Trading Binary Option. Show all posts
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Understanding Investment Strategies: Dollar Cost Averaging

Every person who invests, any type of investment, must expect to be profiting aka profit. If possible profit obtained is the greatest, of course. 
However, investing is not so natural. Because there are times when an investment gives a great advantage at one time, but at other times the same investment is actually causing huge losses. 

The causes are numerous, including the knowledge of investors about investment instruments that he chose, and an understanding of the macro and micro economics. Complicated? It is certain. 

But it could be slightly modified with an investment method called Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA), which is known for easy and simple and can be done by anyone. 

"The words" dollar "because this method originated from the United States that uses the dollar," said Edhi Widjojo, president director of AXA Asset Management Indonesia. "The dollar can easily be replaced with" dollars "to adjust the currency used in investing." 

In essence DCA is a method of investing regularly in the same amount of money in a specific period, in the form of stock or mutual fund investments. By investing regularly, then the investor will still make the purchase when the stock price down or up. When dropped, the shares purchased would increase much, and vice versa. At the end of the period, the difference in the purchase of high and low purchase price, and the number of shares held, which determines the success of your investment. 

In other words, according to Edhi, DCA is an investment strategy regularly every certain period regardless of market movements. 

"The goal is to reduce the investment risk due to market fluctuations aka market volatility," said Edhi. 

Edhi explains that DCA is suitable for novice investors who do not need to care pergrakan market or market timing. "Because the investment is made in" installments ", then no need to wait for a huge amount to get started."

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Dimensional analysis

Dimensional analysis is a conceptual tool often applied in physics, chemistry, and engineering to understand the physical state of the physical quantities that involve different. Dimensional analysis is routinely used in physics and engineering to check the accuracy of a decrease in the equation. For example, if a physical quantity has units of mass divided by unit volume decline but equality of outcome only load unit mass, the equation is not exactly clear. Just the same dimensionless quantities that can each be added, subtracted, or equated. If the magnitudes are different dimensions in the equation and each other is limited sign "+" or "-" or "=", the equation is not possible; The equation must be corrected before use. If the quantities of the same or different dimension multiplied or divided, the dimensions of these quantities are also multiplied or divided. If the amount raised to dimension, the dimension of these quantities are also raised to.

Dimensions, quantities, and unit
Dimensions of physical quantities are represented by symbols, such as M, L, T representing the mass, length (the possibility of an English term: length), and time (the possibility of an English term: time). As there is a derived unit which is derived from the base unit, there are basic dimensions of physical quantities of primary and secondary dimensions of scale derived from the basic dimensions of the primary. For example, the dimensions of magnitude speed is distance / time (L / T) and the dimensions of the force is mass × distance / waktu² or ML / T2. 

Unit and a variable dimension of physics are two different things. The units of physical quantities defined by the agreement, relating to a particular standard (for example, the length scale can have units of meters, feet, inches, miles, or micrometer), but only one-dimensional length scale, namely L. Two different units can be converted to each other (example: 1 m = 39.37 in; 39.37 figure is referred to as a conversion factor), while no conversion factor between code dimensions. 

Below is a table showing the dimensions and scale of seven basic units in the SI system.
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Technical Analysis

Forex Education center- technical analysis,technical Analysis or better known as technical analysis is an analytical technique known in the financial world that is used to predict the trend of a stock price by studying past market data, primarily price and volume movements, At first technical analysis only takes into account price movements market or instrument in question, assuming that the price reflects all relevant factors before an investor aware of through various other means. Technical analysis can use different models and base, for example, to use the method of price movements such as the Relative Strength Index, Index moving averages, regressions, inter-market correlations and intra-market, cycle or the classic way is to analyze the pattern of the graph. 

Technical analysis is widely known among traders of shares (or known as "traders") and professionals in finance, but in the academic world is regarded as a pseudoscience  or "voodoo finance;" it receives little or no direct support from academic sources and is Considered akin to "astrology." 

Academics such as Eugene Fama say that the proof of this technical analysis is very thin and inconsistent which is "shortages" of the technique is generally accepted that the efficient market hypothesis The Economist named Burton Malkiel argues that "technical analysis is something that is forbidden (anathema) in the academic world "and then he says also that" in the form efficient market hypothesis is weak then engka will not be able to predict future stock prices based on past prices "."

In the foreign exchange market, technical analysis is more widely used by practitioners than the use of fundamental analysis. Several internal studies indicate that technical trading rules can generate consistent returns in the period up to 1987,  most of the academic research focuses on the nature of the anomalous position of the currency market There is speculation that this anomaly occurs as a result of central bank intervention. 
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10 Rahasia Kelas Kapitalis Bagian 2

1. Mereka Bekerja pada Proyek yang Bayar Dividen selama 25 + tahun, Bukan Gaji Tunggal 

Perbedaan terbesar tunggal antara kelas kapitalis dan kelas bawah adalah bahwa anggota dari kelas kapitalis memfokuskan upaya mereka pada proyek-proyek yang akan terus menghasilkan dividen selama bertahun-tahun, jika tidak puluhan tahun. Kelas bawah melakukan pekerjaan yang sama, tetapi menukarnya dengan gaji yang hilang setelah mereka telah menghabiskan uang

Filosofi ini menjelaskan banyak mengapa aku cukup kaya untuk meluncurkan serangkaian perusahaan berikut kuliah bukannya pergi ke bekerja untuk sebuah perusahaan seperti Goldman Sachs atau Merrill Lynch. Selama hari-hari sarjana saya, teman-teman saya mendapat pekerjaan di sebuah roaster kopi lokal dan Banana Republic, saya berfokus pada pertumbuhan perusahaan online kecil. Meskipun tidak dalam kelas, aku akan mengambil komputer saya ke Starbucks, duduk di kursi membaca oleh jendela, dan bekerja pada memperluas bisnis. Banyak dari mereka pikir saya gila karena tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan (dan beberapa pikir kemalasan). Namun, hari ini, mereka sudah lama menghabiskan $ 9 per jam yang mereka terima untuk kerja mereka dan bahwa perusahaan online yang sama memberikan hingga US $ 60.000 per tahun laba bagi saya meskipun membutuhkan kurang dari dua atau tiga jam kerja setiap minggu. 

Sejujurnya, saya bahkan tidak ingat beberapa proyek yang saya lakukan, tapi seperti jam, pendapatan tersebut disetorkan ke rekening broker saya setiap bulan. Pada akhir tahun, saya membayar pajak wirausaha saya, federal dan negara, dan sisanya akan ditambahkan ke portofolio investasi saya saham dan obligasi

Saya tidak bekerja lebih keras daripada teman-teman saya. Bahkan, aku punya lingkungan kerja yang lebih baik dan memiliki total kontrol atas waktu saya. Mereka takut gagal, sedangkan saya bersedia mengambil risiko itu. Filosofi tunggal berfokus hanya pada proyek-proyek yang akan menghasilkan saya mengumpulkan pendapatan bagi jangka waktu yang lama setelah aku menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya memungkinkan saya untuk kembali ke Midwest dan memulai perusahaan holding saya. Meskipun kami mulai dengan jaket Letterman, hari ini, kami memiliki berbagai anak perusahaan yang menjual segala sesuatu dari pena-berlian tip dan hadiah bayi kelas atas untuk perlengkapan pernikahan dan syal kasmir. Uang dari operasi ini akan dibayar hingga saya di kantor pusat, di mana saya bisa memindahkan uang tunai ke dalam usaha baru, akuisisi, atau investasi seperti saham, obligasi, atau real estate

Filosofi ini digunakan sepanjang waktu oleh kelas kapitalis. Ambil Drury Inn. Sangat diakui kelas atas terbatas layanan hotel di Midwest telah dimulai oleh sebuah keluarga yang memiliki bisnis konstruksi. Mereka akhirnya menyadari bahwa bukan membangun hotel untuk orang lain, mereka bisa membangun properti mereka sendiri, mendapatkan uang selama beberapa dekade pada pendapatan tamu. Untuk meminjam istilah dari seorang konsultan bisnis yang sangat bijaksana: Akibatnya, perusahaan konstruksi dibayar sekali untuk setiap kuku yang ditumbuk ke dalam gedung. Sekarang, kuku lebih seperti aliran anuitas. Biaya yang sama. Upaya yang sama. Jauh konsekuensi yang berbeda bagi pemilik, yang menerima arus kas bulanan yang besar dari sifat, beberapa di antaranya senilai $ 15.000.000 atau lebih.

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Kunci Dasar Untuk Sukses Dalam Trading Forex

Apakah anda benar-benar mencari rahasia terbesar dalam sukse atau gagalnya perdagangan forex yang selama ini membuat anda penasaran dan anda yakini akan mampu membuat anda menjadi pedagang yang sukses..kalau begitu silahkan baca ini dengan jelas dan sampai selesai
Perdagangan di Forex tidak mudah. Sebelum masuk, semua pedagang Forex pikir mereka akan menjadi kaya dengan sangat cepat dan 20.000 USD dalam satu atau a pasangan dalam seminggu. Tapi mulai perdagangan mereka, mereka menyadari bahwa hal ini tidak benar, itu tidak mudah untuk membuat uang. Terutama ketika bekerja dengan perak. Forex adalah bisnis dasar yang sangat rumit. Banyak Iranian language kita percaya bahwa ADA konspirasi principle direncanakan oleh orang-orang principle tahu apa principle kita pikirkan, apa principle kita lakukan dan melakukan principle sebaliknya untuk mencuri uang kita. Seringkali kita berpikir sebaliknya, keputusan Kami (jika saya melihat bahwa pasar Kwa naik maka saya Kwa menjualnya). Kemudian Kami mulai mencari seseorang untuk membantu Kami melakukan setidaknya two hundred atau three hundred pips per bulan. Sebagian besar Iranian language kita mungkin bekerja dengan penasihat principle mengambil uang kita dan mungkin tidak membantu kita untuk membuat keuntungan principle layak. Banyak Iranian language kita berpikir untuk menghentikan perdagangan Forex. Aku lebih berpikir bahwa kebanyakan pongid tidak meninggalkan begitu saja karena kita melihat kesempatan emas untuk memiliki bisnis sendiri dan menghasilkan banyak uang.

Mata uang asing adalah kesempatan untuk membuat uang dan pada saat principle sama adalah kesempatan untuk kehilangan uang kita. Kita bisa membuat keberuntungan jika kita tahu bagaimana menangani Forex. Dengan kontra, jika kita tidak tahu bagaimana mengontrol Forex itu agar tidak menghancurkan kita. Itulah sebabnya kita harus lebih kuat Iranian language United States intelligence agency. 
Selain itu, jika kita tidak tahu bagaimana mengontrolnya dengan tangan kita sendiri, United States intelligence agency Kwa menghancurkan kita juga. Bagaimana, kemudian, lebih kuat Iranian language binatang ini? Cukup dengan belajar, mengamati dan berlatih. Pasar Forex tidak Kwa pergi ke mana pun. Ini Kwa mencari dan Kwa berjalan selamanya. Perhatikan bagaimana para pedagang berpengalaman sekarang begitu baik. Lihatlah grafik dan melihat kesamaan. Perhatikan mengapa harga berubah arah. Jika Anda adalah alasan principle mempengaruhi mata uang, principle Anda miliki di tangan Anda alat pertama principle Kwa membantu Anda untuk mengontrol. 
Setiap hal baru principle Anda pelajari, mencobanya pada demo account, melihat apakah itu sah dan mengembangkannya. Dalam artikel Forex ini, saya Kwa membantu Anda menemukan jalan Anda. Artikel ini menawarkan Forex tidak ikan tapi mengajarkan Anda untuk ikan. Tidak ADA teori konspirasi di daerah ini, tidak ADA pongid besar atau kecil. Kami kalah karena kita tidak tahu, dan hal pertama principle harus kita lakukan untuk menjadi pedagang principle baik adalah mengakui bahwa kita tidak tahu dan kita harus selalu belajar. 
Pada artikel ini Forex, saya Kwa memberikan beberapa petunjuk. Lalu Aku Kwa membiarkan Anda mempelajari, mengamati dan praktek. 
Pertama, Anda harus menggunakan analisis dan teknik forex mendasar dalam hubungannya, dua saling melengkapi. Jadi tidak mengandalkan meninggalkan sisi lain. Akar adalah pillar of Islam satu alasan principle mempengaruhi pasar. Jika Anda berada dalam perdagangan principle panjang dan tiba-tiba mata Anda runtuh, pergi dan menonton jika laporan ADA. Kemudian melihat apa principle diharapkan dan apa knowledge. Setelah itu, bandingkan knowledge ke grafik Anda dan Anda memiliki alat pertama Anda principle memungkinkan Anda mengontrol bisnis Anda. 
Kedua, di mata saya, semua indikator teknis tidak membantu saya sama sekali. Aku mencoba semua kombinasi. Tidak ADA principle berhasil. Indikator menggambarkan situasi pasar, tetapi tidak memberikan informasi tentang arah berikut. Saya membaca sebuah artikel seseorang Forex principle menggambarkan strategi dalam perdagangan Forex. Aku benar-benar hilang, IA menggunakan kombinasi twelve indikator EMA340, SEMA890, EMA2900 dll ... dan memasukkan FIBONACCI. Aku benar-benar hilang. Bahkan jika strateginya memiliki keberhasilan ninety fifth, saya tidak Kwa menggunakannya karena saya bisa mengendalikan pasar dengan menggunakan teknik sederhana. Kita tidak perlu mencari indikator. Aku, Aku hanya menggunakan pillar of Islam satu indikator Bollinger Band adalah senjata principle sempurna dalam perjuangan saya melawan perdagangan di Forex. Saksikan Bollinger Band dan melihat bagaimana hal itu mempengaruhi mata uang. Fokus pada hal itu dan Anda membaca artikel ini Forex principle baik ini Kwa memungkinkan Anda untuk menemukan banyak hal. Anda kemudian Kwa memiliki alat kedua. 
Ketiga, misalkan Anda pada perdagangan principle panjang dan tiba-tiba tanpa alasan harga perdagangan jatuh dan tidak ADA laporan. Ini hanya menjatuhkan. Ini aneh. Hal-hal aneh adalah mereka principle kita tidak mengerti. Amati grafis Anda, kembali beberapa jam atau beberapa hari kembali, menempatkan garis titik ayunan berongga principle lebih tinggi dan Anda Kwa melihat bahwa tidak ADA misteri. Baris ini Kwa digali perlawanan Anda. Jika harga istirahat, itu Kwa terus meningkat, tapi pergi ke mana dan untuk berapa lama? ... Perhatikan dengan seksama dan Anda Kwa belajar apa principle saya lakukan. Tidak perlu banyak. Lakukan apa principle Anda bisa. Binatang ini tidak seperti seganas itu. Melarikan diri adalah alat keempat Anda. ( memberikan traiders alat principle sangat penting principle mereka dapat berdagang dengan rincian lebih lanjut, hubungi bagian sinyal Forex gratis. Anda dapat mengakses sinyal dasar gratis). 
Keempat, periode apa principle harus kita gunakan? Hal ini bagi Anda untuk memilih waktu principle tepat, H1, H4, D1 ... saya tidak tahu, bandingkan grafik dan melihat periode principle sesuai. Periode penting. Bila Anda menemukan Anda memiliki alat keempat Anda. (Trader dapat mengakses bagian kalender situs World Economic Ini adalah alat principle hebat principle membantu pedagang mengidentifikasi dan mengkonfirmasi perdagangan mereka ketika laporan ekonomi muncul.
Inti dari rahasia sukses trader dalam perdagangan forex tidak lain adalah seberapa kuat dan mampu dia mengendalikan emosinya sehingga dia selalu dalam kondisi perdagangan yang normal.
Demikianlah sekiranya tulisan saya tentang Kunci Dasar Untuk Sukses Dalam Trading Forex semoga memberikan manfaat untuk anda
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Where To Find A Good Forex Trading Education

Where To Find A Good Forex Trading Education

Forex or Foreign Exchange is the most liquid and the largest financial market in the world. Unlike other financial market, the Forex market doesn’t have a centralized location. Exchanges are done through electronic network and the whole world participates in the trade.

Forex trading involves buying and selling of different currencies. As with most trades, to make a profit in Forex, you need to buy low and sell high. Forex isn’t really complicated. However, there are things that you need to consider in order to successfully make some profit out of this very liquid financial market.

Forex trading can really give you a chance to earn large amounts of money. In fact, people who traded in Forex became instant millionaires almost overnight. However, you need to realize the fact that aside from the earning potential you can get when trading Forex, there are also risks involved and many people suffered huge financial losses trading in Forex.

This is why it is important for you to get an education on Forex trading. You have to get a proper education and not just a crash-course-read-articles kind of education.

In most business schools in the United States, there are courses that specialize in trading in the financial market such as Forex. These schools can really give you that proper skills and knowledge you need in order for you to successfully trade in the Forex market. Not only that. Getting a proper education from good business schools about Forex prepare you when you enter the Forex market to trade.

A good Forex trading school will educate you on how to read charts effectively and how to spot trends. Since knowing how to read the Forex market charts can give you an idea on where a particular currency is heading, you will have an idea on which currency you want to buy and sell. Knowing how to read the charts is one of the most important skills you need to have when you enter the Forex market. This skill will substantially minimize the risk of losing money and maximize the chances of earning.

As much as possible, you should look for a school that offer real-time trading with dummy accounts and real accounts. Since the best teacher is experience, schools should require you, as their students, to set up dummy accounts for practice and also real funded accounts to trade currencies in the actual Forex market. However, the real funded accounts should be in mini Forex accounts to avoid risking and losing a lot of money in case you made a mistake in the trades.

Another benefit that you can gain if you trade in real or dummy accounts for practice is experience. Once you enter the Forex market, you will have a better idea on how Forex markets work. The school should also have different trading systems to allow you to choose which trading system you are most comfortable with. Also, you will get a first hand feel on how to use these systems and avoid making mistakes in the real world.

Since trading Forex today is widely available for all kinds of people with a computer and an active internet connection. Most people don’t realize that Forex requires you to have skills and considerably, a high amount of money to invest. Forex doesn’t guarantee that everyone will win; you should know that Forex is a very risky financial market to invest in and having the proper knowledge and skills is essential for your success in trading in the Forex market.

You should know about the risks involved in Forex and you should also know that many people have suffered financially because they entered the Forex market without having the knowledge and skills required to be successful. Therefore, it is very important for you to get the proper education first before you enter the Forex market.

Always remember, with the proper knowledge about trading Forex, the better your chances will be to profit in this financial market.

There are different schools available that teaches all about the basics in Forex and allow you to experience trading in Forex with a trial account. Look for the things mentioned above and you can be sure that you will obtain all the things you need in order to start trading in the Forex market.

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How To Make Money And Succeed In Forex Trading

How To Make Money And Succeed In Forex Trading

To a newbie learning Online Forex Trading, it looks very simple in the beginning. Take currency pair EURUSD for instance, if you bullish on Euro, simply place a Buy order. Bearish on EUR, just short it. So easy, you may ask? The truth about Forex Trading is that it is a professional activity that not many traders will succeed.

I will just go through a few very straight forward pointers on how to consistently generate Forex pips.

In the world of Forex currency trading, many newbie traders believe that Forex trading software or system that contains rocket science is more likely able to make money. It may be true, but how many of us will be able to find such a system or methodology? Why not just spend time and money to learn systems or trading methods that are simple but works?

In the Forex currency trading, the fact is simple systems just work best. Simple systems are more robust and easier to trade as you understand the logic and can therefore follow it with confidence when you are in a losing streak.

I personally feel that it is much simpler to trade with the trends rather than the ranging market.

For many successful traders, once they are happy with a system or methodology, they stick with it. Remember, you only make money trading Forex, and not having 100 systems or trading methodologies but trading none of them.

In Forex trading, most traders succeeded primarily due to good money management. So long as your system or trading methodologies has a positive profit factor coupled with proper money management, you will succeed in the long run.

However, for many Forex Trading beginners, after many days and nights of learning and digesting Forex Trading courses, purchasing of various Forex Trading Software and Forex Trading System, you still find yourself with a huge hole in your initial capital.

As times go by, slowly, your dreams of financial freedom and success begin to fade. You will begin to ask yourself, are you a failure? Are you not intelligent enough to become a profitable Forex trader? After all, there are many successful Forex Trading experts out there who are living their Online Money Making dreams….

So the Money Making Online million dollar question – Are you cut out to be a profitable Forex Currency Trading trader? Yes, you can become a profitable Forex Trading Trader! You just need to treat Online Forex Trading like running a Successful Online Money Making Business.

Forex Trading Style

Similar to Stock Trading or any form Investment Trading. You must ask yourself – what is your Online Forex Trading style – news Forex Trading, swing Forex Trading, momentum Forex Trading, pattern Forex Trading and intraday or longer term Forex Trading? It is alright to have a “library” of Forex Trading style or setups, but most Money Making Foreign Currency trader does is to concentrate on a niche or particular Forex Trading style. Learn to do one thing consistently well instead of trying to master too many trading methodologies. You have to pick a style that suits you.

Online Forex Trading Plan

What is your Foreign Currency Trading plan? Before any trade entry, you have to ask yourself it this the right Set Up entry for your Forex Trading style? Where is your exact Forex Currency trade entry point? What are you Forex Trading Stop Loss target? What is your Forex Trading profit target?

Anyone involves in Foreign Currency Trading and not having a well defined stop loss is going to have their entire Online Forex Trading account wipe out before they even realized it. I knew someone did just that recently. A US$10,000 account was wiped out within a week without Stop Loss trading a few currency pairs. You also need to know what your Forex Trading profit target point is. What is the point of having an Online Money Making Forex Trading trade but your Forex Trading Account does not Make Money. For one simple reason, you didn’t take the money from your Forex trade and market reversal against you.

Forex Trading Profit & Loss Plan

Lots of Online Forex Trading beginners don’t realized the important of reward to risk factor for every Forex Trading trade. You will never Make Money Online if you risk $500 but make $100.

Follow your Well-Defined Forex Trading Plan

Once you have written down a well-defined Online Forex Trading, you must have the Discipline to stick to it. All Forex Trading beginners must remember that Discipline and Money Management are the two most import aspects of Forex Trading. Even the greatest Forex Trading System or methodologies will fail if you can’t stick to it.
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Breakout Entry Techniques In Forex Trading

Trading on market conditions that are trending strongly is very profitable. Trend followers traders always observe the direction and strength of the trend to get the most appropriate entry opportunities. The only way to obtain maximum profit from trending conditions being strong is the technical breakout or breakout highs or lows. 

Here's an example of a state that is strong downtrend characterized by the formation of a lower high levels (lower highs) and low levels lower (lower lows). Traders wait for the best opportunity to sell the technical breakout entry.

Breakcout system

As shown in the picture above daily chart, in May of 2014 EUR / JPY has declined by 582 pips calculated from a high in March 2014 (the highest at 143.78 level), with levels forming a lower high and lower low. It can thus be concluded that the movement of this currency pair downtrend is strong. 

Trading with technical breakout 
In circumstances such as the example above downtrend, first determine the level of support that is closest, then the lows today. From the definition of being a strong downtrend, EUR / JPY will surely establish new lows in order to state a downtrend may continue. The most effective technique for breakout entry in this situation is to use a pending order, the sell stop or sell below the current market price. 

Level entry (sell) below the lowest level should be determined at this time. To be more accurate to use a lower time frame, in this example example time frame of 4 hours (H4). Specify the level of stop loss and targets (take profit) in accordance with the risk management that you agree. Your order will be executed when the price has touched the level of entry you have specified. 

Lowest level at this time is 137.96 and traders must put its entry level below that level. Aggressive traders will determine the sell entry level as close as possible to the lowest level at this time, could be to within 1 pip course, being a conservative trader will determine the level of entry is rather far from the lowest level. If below the lowest level there is a strong support level, then you should set the entry level below the support level.

Breackout trading system

Stop loss level above the lowest level can be determined at this time in accordance with the agreed money management. In order to obtain optimal results, it should be the risk / reward ratio above 1: 1.

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Utilizing Gap At Market Open in Early Week

This time I will discuss about how to exploit the gap that usually happens when the market opened at the beginning of the week. As we know, the forex market is closed over the weekend, to be exact closed on Saturday at 04.00 pm and reopen on Monday at 04.00 am. On the other hand, the factors that affect the value currency a State, such as the political economy of the country concerned, it still continues to run, because of human activity in general is still running. That is why, it is very likely to occur in the open market at the beginning of the beginning of the week, there is a gap or a price jump, either up or down and the final price when the market closed. 

Gap which often occur at the beginning of this week made many traders avoid positions holding remain open during the weekend when the market is closed. It makes sense really, because when the market closes we will not be able to do anything against our position is still open. In fact, anything can happen. Carried to its extreme, political and economic conditions of a country may change drastically during the weekends, which makes the value of the currency may change drastically without us can do anything about it because the market is closed. 

This gap can indeed be a nightmare for traders who taking by  SL position when the market opened at the beginning of the week, but could also be an opportunity for us who want to take advantage of the gap. Utilizing the gap at the beginning of the week, principle similar to utilize the movement of the news release as quickly as we discussed earlier. Let us examine the following chart:

If the price on Saturday at 03:58 is 1.5620, then we put pending order buy stop 10 pips above it, which is at 1.5630 with TP about 20 pips at 1.5650. Post a stop sell order is also pending for approximately 10 pips below the price before the market closed, ie at 1.5610 with TP about 20 pips at 1.5590. 

Shortly after the market opened on Monday at 04.00 pm, check the position of pending orders. Cancel the order has not been touched, in the above example is his pending sell order. Thus we have gotten about 20 pips when the market is open. The downside of this method is, we have to "sacrifice" to wake up shortly before the market closed and shortly after the market open.

Ok, the above is just an example, if we want to take advantage of the gap occurs at the beginning of the week. The choice is entirely in your hands, whether to avoid Gap to close all positions at the weekend, or just take advantage of the Gap intentionally put the position just before the market closed.

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Triple Screen Trading System Part 5

Stochastic on the second screen 
Besides Force and Elder Ray Index, an indicator oscillators commonly used on the second screen is stochastic. The stochastic oscillator is a fairly popular indicators used by forex traders. This indicator is good enough to filter out noise or signals useless. Three ways to use this indicator was observed divergence happens, overbought and oversold levels and the direction of the stochastic line. The parameter that is often used is 9,3,3 and 14,3,3. 

Bullish divergence between the stochastic indicator and the market price movement occurs when prices form new lows are lower, but the stochastic indicator forming higher lows from the previous level. This situation suggests the trend of the price movement will be changed from bearish to bullish. Conversely, if the price of forming higher highs than the previous level but stochastic indicator to form a high level that is lower than the previous high level, then the price will soon change direction from bullish to bearish or bullish divergence occurs. 

Overbought and oversold levels 
Stochastic lines are above level 80 indicates overbought market conditions or overbought, and shows the price movement that will soon be corrected. Overbought condition is a signal to sell. Momentum for accurate entry when the% K line crosses the% D from above. Oversold conditions or oversold situation occurs when the stochastic lines are under level 20, and is a signal to buy. Buy entry can be done when the% K line has cut the% D from below. 

With the triple screen trading system, the use overbought and oversold errors can be avoided because the trader only if the entry in the long-term trend has been the appropriate time frame. Suppose trend on the weekly time frame bullish, traders will only buy if there is an entry oversold conditions on the second screen or 5-day time frame (intermediate time frame) as the benchmark time frame. 

Stochastic line direction 
If the lines% K and% D moves upward in the same direction, then the uptrend is strong sentiment and indicates a buy signal. Conversely when the% K and% D moving downward, the bearish sentiment is strong and indicates a signal to sell. 

Examples of the application of stochastic on the second screen 
Here's an example of the application of stochastic (9,3,3) on the second screen (intermediate time frames) for the EUR / USD with a 5-day time frame. The first screen (long term time frame) is a weekly time frame.

Triple Screen Trading System

Triple Screen Trading System

Triple Screen Trading System

In the period of time between March and October 2009 EUR / USD trend, as seen on the weekly time frame. Level entry can be done in 5-day time frame when the stochastic lines above the level of 20 (oversold) and% K and% D simultaneously moving upwards (middle image). Level exit after the stochastic lines are above level 80 and cut the line% K% D from above. In the time period between December 2009 and May 2010 EUR / USD is bearish. Entry can be done in the event of a bearish divergence in the intermediate time frame or 5-day time frame as the benchmark (bottom image)

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Cara Lain Mendapatkan Penghasilan Dari Bisnis Forex


Ada banyak Cara untuk menciptakan penghasilan dari dunia trading forex,bila selama ini anda hanya beranggapan bahwa untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari forex maka anda harus trading dengan modal besar maka anggapan itu sesungguhnya tidak 100% benar karena ternyata banyak cara lain untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari bisnis trading forex ini
Daiantaranya adalah dengan cara anda menjadi partner salah satu broker dalam hal marketing sehingga anda dapat menciptakan penghasilan tambahan selain anda melakukan trading sendiri.

Menjadi partner sendiri juga banyak ragam pilihanya diantaranya

Program affiliasi forex

- White label
White label adalah kerjasama antara broker dengan perseorangan atau lembaga untuk memasarkan produknya disuatu wilayah negara tertentu dan sekaligus dapat merupakan perwakilan atau cabang dari broker yang bersangkutan dengan syarat-syarat tertentu seperti calon mitra harus memiliki kantor,administrasi,karyawan,ijin usaha perdagangan dan lainya.
Kondisi kerjasama ini banyak sekali terjadi di indonesia sehingga akhir-akhir ini banyak bermunculan broker lokal
 White label ini memiliki kewenangan untuk mengatur tingkat spread,komisi dan lainya namun tentu dengan persetujuan dari pihak broker yang menjadi induknya.

- IB atau intruducing broker
Kerjasama ini setingkat lebih rendah dibawah posisi white label
kerjasama model inimjuga membutuhkan berbagai persyaratan namun agak sedikit lebih mudah dibandingkan white label.
Seorang IB atau intruducer broker akan mendapatkan komisi perdagangan yang diberikan oleh broker induknya dengan masing-masing antara broker yang satu dengan lainya tentu ini akan sangat berbeda.
Seorang intruducer broker tidak harus memiliki perijinan dan perijinan.

-Affiliasi partner
Pada tingkatan kerjasama ini adalah model kerjasama yang paling mudah untuk dilakukan setiap orang karena persyaratanya juga sangat mudah
Tugas utama seorang affiliator adalah hanya melakukan promosi untuk perusahaan mana dia mengikuti program tersebut.

- Mendaftarlah kepada perusahaan forex yang menyediakan program affiliasi sebagai contohnya Klik Disini 

- Lakukan aktivasi akun anda

- Menjalankan Tugas utama yaitu Promosi karena nantinya setiap affilator itu akan mendapatkan sebuah link website replika untuk dipromosikan agar mendapatkan client baru yang bergabung pada perusahaan anda tersebut

Pada prinsipnya hanya seperti diatas itulah tugas utama seorang affilator dan bila kita amati nampaknya hampir semua orang dapat melakukan tugas tersebut

Untuk hal ini saya sendiri tidak dapat menjelaskan secara detail karena tentu masing-masing perusahaan akan memperlakukan peraturan yang berbeda dan sifat antara komisi satu perusahaan deangan lainya tentu berbeda pula karena ini akan berkaitan dengan kemampuan perusahaan termasuk tingkat keuntungan perusahaan yang kemudian dibagi dengan anda untuk imbalan kerja anda.

Namun demikian saya bisa memberikan contoh gambaran penghasilan yang akan anda dapatkan bila anda menjalankan program affiliasi ini seperti dibawah ini

Perhatikan baik-baik gambar dibawah ini

Komisi affiliasi bisnis forex

Bagaimana menurut anda..Mantab bukan tambahan penghasilan yang akan anda dapatkan...??

Ingat....!! Anda akan memiliki penghasilan yang tidak terbatas selama jaringan bisnis anda berjalan dan seandainya tanpa anda melakukan tradingpun anda sudah memiliki penghasilan lebih besar bila akun balance anda hanya dalam ukuran ratusan dolar atau bahkan puluah dolar saja,maka cara ini pantas anda coba...!!

Kalau anda tertarik dan minat untuk kerjasama dengan model affiliasi dan mendapatkan penghasilan seperti diatas sebagai passive income anda maka silahkan anda mendaftar dengan cara 

Akhrinya semoga informasi tentang  Cara Lain Mendapatkan Penghasilan Dari Bisnis Forex ini memerikan manfaat untuk anda dan agar manfaatnya bisa menular untuk orang lainya silahkan anda berbagi tentang tulisan ini


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Know Leading indicators Forex

Oscillator indicator is any object or data moves back and forth between two points. In other words, this is an item that will always fall somewhere between point A and point B. so, try to think about when you hit a switch on your electric fan, what's going to happen. Please think about Technical indicators as "on" or "off". More specifically, an oscillator will usually produce a signal "Buy" or "Sell", with the only exception being instances when the oscillator is not clear between the two ends of the range in which the buy / sell will be executed. 

Stochastic, Parabolic SAR, and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an oscillator. In each of the indicators have been designed to signal a reversal, at which time the previous trend has run its course, the price component ready to change direction. let us look at the example below: I have presented the three oscillators on GBP / USD daily chart below. Remember when we discussed how to work Stochastic, Parabolic SAR, and RSI?

Then, in the third week of January, Stochastic, Parabolic SAR, and RSI all Selling signaling. When viewed from the drop 3 months later, then you have made a lot of pips if you do sell. However, at about the middle of April, the third oscillator gives a sell signal back, after price made ​​a sharp dive. Now let's look at the leading oscillator gives a false signal, just so you know these signals are not perfect. In the table below, you will be able to see that the indicator may give conflicting signals. For example, Parabolic SAR gives sell signal in mid-February while the Stochastic shows the opposite signal. Which one should you follow? RSI seems like you are in doubt because it does not provide sufficient signal to perform the open position buy and sell at the time.

indikator forex

if we look at the chart above, you'll quickly see many false signals are emerging. During the second week of April, both the Stochastic and RSI gives sell signal while the Parabolic SAR signal no. Prices continue upward from there and you could lose a lot of pips if you immediately open sell short. Thus you will be even more lost about the middle of May if you do buy from Stochastic and RSI and just ignore the sell signals of the Parabolic SAR. 

Then what should we do? The answer lies in the method of calculation for each. Stochastic based on the price range of high-to-low on the time period (in this case, it's per hour), but does not account for the change from one hour to the next. Relative Strength Index (RSI) uses a change from the closing price to the next closing. While the Parabolic SAR has its own unique calculations that can lead to further conflict oscillator That bebera of nature. They assume that the movement of a certain price always produce the same recovery. Of course, that's nonsense. While you realize why the primary indicators may be wrong, there is no other way to avoid them. If you get a mixed signal, you better not do anything other than take a "best guess". If the chart does not meet all your criteria, do not force yourself to enter the market.

Those bout Leading Indicator Forex wish give you more sharing with this artcle
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Get To Know Bout Forex indicators

In forex trading course we can not leave knowledge and do not know the name of the indicator because it is a tool that will help us work as a real trader
In simple indicators can be classified into 3 sections, namely Trendline Indicators, Oscillators and Momentum Indicators. Here's a description of the Three indicators

Have major role know the trend is happening right now with the existing range of periods. Nevertheless trendline indicator can also be used to determine things such as Support and Resistance Point. 

is unique, where the indicator has a limited range of values​​, typically 0-100. RSI, Stochastic Oscillator is an example of this type of indicator. Usually used to determine overbought and oversold points that will ultimately trigger uptrend or downtrend. 

used to determine how fast the acceleration of a trend that is going on so we can find out how long the trend will last. Of the three indicators mentioned above, the traders try to use it as a medium of Technical Analysis (Mathematical Analysis). Technical Analysis itself is built on the assumption that the price will move based on the trend is going. While the trend line itself is the medium which is very important in analyzing, especially Technical Analysis which serves to identify a trend that is going on and can be used to identify a price of Support & Resistance. 

All you have to remember is that you should be able to understand about the support and resistance before you proceed further material because the material is very important both for you to learn. Regarding the support and resistance is essential for you to understand, especially for a novice trader. Here understanding of support and resistance. 

Support and Resistance is the appointment of an exact time in which the power supply and demand meet. Usually a trader or investor Utilizing this opportunity to perform purchase transactions when prices are in the Support area and do trasaksi sell when prices are in a Resistance area. 

Simply put support is formed under the price limit because demand exceeds supply. While the resistance is the upper limit where the request has been discovered that offers high that decreased In a technical analysis support and resitance line that has a high validation data, in terms of the price of having a pressure many times so prices hit a bottom, then this line is referred to as Major support or resistance line. While the line suport and resistance lower validation referred to as line Support / resistance Minor. 

There is no definitive measure of how many times a support or resistance can be touched so that it can be referred to as support or resistance major or minor, but the possibility can be said major support or resistance if it bounces more than 3 times. And if the minor support or resistance line is tested again by the price for a minimum of 2 times. 

A support is the level where the price is in a condition that the selling pressure is expected to be offset by the increase in purchases that can withstand correction is going on or even make the price reverses. While the support is formed by a line connecting the image points are parallel to the lowest prices. Support penetration in an ascending trend will mean a change in trend is lowered or sideways. 

Support created: Where exactly was the level of support below the current price, this is a common thing to do a transaction when price approaches support. But for more amanya you should be able to consider that the right time to do the transaction. A technical analysis is not an exact knowledge, sometimes it is difficult to determine the appropriate level of support, and sometimes volatile and prices fell more than support area. Sometimes it does not make sense to consider that the support has been broken or has been penetrated, if the closing price has exceeded 1/8 below the support that has been built. For reasons such as this, from a few traders provide terms as support area (support zones). 
A price level at which the buying pressure condition is expected to be offset by the increase in sales that can withstand price increases that occur or even make the price reverses to the downside. Resistance was formed by drawing a line connecting the highest price points are aligned, Penetration Resistance in an ascending trend (uptrend) can mean a change in the trend be upward or sideways. 

Chick Resistance: Resistance While the exact level is above the current price is going. Subject This is a common part to perform a transaction when the price approached the resistance. But for more amanya we should consider that the time to conduct a transaction with the right. A technical analysis is not an exact knowledge that is sometimes difficult to determine an appropriate level of resistance. Sometimes the price is volatile and rise above resistance area boundary. Sometimes it does not make sense to consider that the price of the resistance has been broken or breached if the closing price has exceeded 1/8 above the resistance that has been built. For this reason some traders gave sebuatan with the name of the resistance or resistance zones. 
Methods to build support & resistance include: 

Baseline: Strong and weak depending on the price movement of a foundation or baseline is constructed. Usually after the price broke through the support or resistance price will experience a correction that is on that line has been penetrated. After experiencing some period of time on a price return for a movement to continue longer, this is referred to as the baseline. Or changes in resistance or support becomes resistance into support. 
Trading Range: Trading ranges can be an important role to determine the rules that support and resistance will be a turning point or a pattern forwarding. Trading range is pereode time when prices are relatively moves with a relatively narrow range. when the price has penetrated through the price or trading range resistance or down through the price support. So it can be said the winner after a time pereode price range has emerged. 
Support and Resistance Zones: Analisys a technical knowledge is not exact, where everything does not have the certainty that remains then is very important to create areas of support and resistance support and resistance zones.

Those bout of Get To Know Bout Forex indicators wish give you bennefite Seeing the importance of this tool as a tool in our trade every day