Showing posts with label Protection and investment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protection and investment. Show all posts
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Berita Ekonomi Dunia Hari Ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Berita Ekonomi Dunia Hari Ini,Jumlah orang Amerika yang mengajukan klaim baru untuk tunjangan pengangguran jatuh ke minggu lalu 14-tahun terendah dan output industri meningkat tajam pada bulan September, sinyal positif yang membantu meredakan kekhawatiran atas prospek ekonomi. 

Klaim awal untuk tunjangan pengangguran turun 23.000 ke 264.000, ini adalah tingkat terendah sejak tahun 2000, Seperti yang dikatakan Departemen Tenaga Kerja pada hari Kamis kemarin.

Sebuah laporan terpisah dari Federal Reserve menunjukkan produksi di pabrik-pabrik pemerintah, tambang dan utilitas naik 1,0 persen lebih besar dari perkiraan bulan lalu, kenaikan terbesar sejak November 2012. 

Data yang ditawarkan bukti ekonomi tetap pada pondasi yang kokoh, dengan pasar tenaga kerja yang mendapatkan upah. Investor dalam beberapa hari terakhir telah memiliki  pandangan bahwa perlambatan pertumbuhan di luar negeri akan membebani ekonomi AS dan memaksa The Fed untuk menunda kenaikan suku bunga, dengan lemahnya data penjualan ritel pada Rabu membantu  aksi jual bahan bakar global dalam pasar saham. 

Laporan klaim pengangguran, bagaimanapun diperkuat ekspektasi bahwa lemahnya di pasar tenaga kerja sedang berkurang dan dikombinasikan dengan komentar dari seorang pejabat Fed atas menempatkan perlambatan pada penjualan di Wall Street

"Apakah kita mencapai full employment? Belum. Apakah kita semakin dekat? Tentu saja," kata Stephen Stanley, seorang ekonom di Pierpont Securities Amherst. 

The Standard & Poor 500 .SPX ditutup naik sedikit, sedangkan blue chip Dow Jones industrials .DJI tergelincir sedikit lebih dalam. Imbal hasil obligasi pemerintah US10YT = RR bergerak lebih tinggi. 

Beberapa titik pekan lalu di klaim mungkin telah berhubungan dengan libur Columbus Day, ekonom di RBS mengatakan kepada klien. 
Pemerintah, mengatakan tidak ada faktor-faktor yang tidak biasa dalam laporan, dan pergerakan empat minggu rata-rata klaim, yang kuat keluar volatilitas mingguan, juga jatuh ke titik terendah sejak tahun 2000. 


Sebuah jajak pendapat Reuters yang dipublikasikan pada hari Kamis menunjukkan ekonom masih menempel pandangan bahwa The Fed akan menaikkan biaya pinjaman dasar dari mendekati nol pada kuartal kedua tahun depan meskipun pemasangan tanda-tanda kelemahan luar negeri. 

Jajak pendapat, sebagian besar selesai sebelum  pasar saham terbaru sell-off, yang telah disertai dengan pergeseran besar dalam ekspektasi investor untuk jalankan kebijakan moneter AS. Suku bunga berjangka sekarang menunjukkan kenaikan suku bunga di Oktober 2015. 

Presiden St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank James Bullard mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara televisi dengan Bloomberg bahwa bank sentral AS mungkin ingin menjaga program stimulus pembelian obligasi berjalan lebih lama daripada yang diantisipasi untuk memerangi risiko penurunan inflasi sudah rendah, komentar yang meredakan saraf investor. 
Tapi dengan ekonomi AS otomotif ke depan, banyak analis mengatakan mereka memperkirakan saran Bullard untuk jatuh di pinggir jalan. 
Para ekonom masih mengharapkan pertumbuhan kuartal ketiga terjadi pada sekitar 3 persen per tahun, pandangan ditopang oleh pickup output industri. 

Bagian Fed disematkan dari keuntungan pada cuaca yang tidak biasa yang mendorong AC digunakan, tetapi ada juga peningkatan berbasis luas dalam output pabrik, yang tumbuh solid 0,5 persen. 

Sebuah laporan ketiga dari cabang Philadelphia Fed menunjukkan perlambatan pertumbuhan dalam kegiatan pabrik di wilayah pertengahan Atlantik.
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Investment in equity

Forex Education Center- investment in equity,Equity investments are generally associated with the purchase and storage of capital stock on a stock market by investors, both individuals (individuals) and companies (institutions) in anticipation of income from dividends and capital gain as the value of these shares is increased. It is also sometimes refers to the acquisition of equity (ownership) participation in a private (unlisted) company or a startup (a company being created or newly created). When investments are made in the new company, it is called as a venture capital investment and is generally understood to have a greater risk than investments made in situations where the shares are listed on a stock exchange.

Direct Investments and Funds collected 
Investments can be done directly by the investor in several ways: 

Venture capital investment 
Direct equity investments in companies that have been established and are not listed on the stock market. Usually done to strengthen the financial position of the company, or the company's business expansion can also save oparasional companies due to liquidity problems. 
Direct investments in companies that have been listed on the stock market. In general, the buying and selling of shares is done by using the services of a broker (in Indonesia known as the securities brokerage company), while the trading mechanism established by the authority of the capital market and securities brokerage company in question. 
Indirect investments generally made ​​by individuals through mutual funds or any other form of storage that is specifically from the investment of funds collected, most of them list prices are displayed in financial newspapers or magazines business magazines. 

According to the Capital Market Law number 8 of 1995 Article 1, paragraph (27): "Mutual fund is a container used to collect funds from the public Financier to be invested in portfolio securities by the Investment Manager." 

Mutual funds are typically managed by a fund management company that is well known (eg Fidelity or Vanguard). Such holdings by individual investors an opportunity to diversify risk with little capital and managers have access to the expertise of professional managers in the management of these funds. An alternative usually employed by large investors and institutions (such as large pension funds) is to hold shares directly; in the institutional environment many customers who have their own portfolios have what are called segregated funds in the opposite sense with, or in addition, collected, such as alternative mutual funds.
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Ribbon Bollinger

Forex Education Center- Ribbon Bollinger,Graph Bollinger or better known as Bollinger Bands are one of the indicators in technical analysis (analysis of market movements to read through the chart) were found by John Bollinger in the 1980s. Bolinger chart is a development of the concept of trading bands that can be used to measure the height limits of humility or the limits on stock price relative to the previous price. 

Bollinger chart consists of

Center line which is the period N of simple movements. 
The line up on the K time period N standard deviations above the middle line 
The bottom line on K times the standard deviation below the Period N intermediate line 
Specific values ​​for N and K, respectively, are 20 and 2, respectively. 

Bollinger charts can not be used as a stand alone without the use of other indicators such as using the Relative Strength Index indicator or better known as the Relative Strength Index (RSI). By using this chart, the Bollinger with RSI indicator can be obtained by a sale or purchase, for example: 

If the RSI is above the 80 and if the narrowing Bollinger charts and prices tend to be flat, so in these conditions when the RSI formed a bearish divergence signal then is a right moment to sell. 
If the RSI is below the number 20, and if the narrowing Bollinger charts and prices tend to be flat, so in this condition when the RSI bullish divergence forming it is a good time to make a purchase.
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Technical Analysis

Forex Education center- technical analysis,technical Analysis or better known as technical analysis is an analytical technique known in the financial world that is used to predict the trend of a stock price by studying past market data, primarily price and volume movements, At first technical analysis only takes into account price movements market or instrument in question, assuming that the price reflects all relevant factors before an investor aware of through various other means. Technical analysis can use different models and base, for example, to use the method of price movements such as the Relative Strength Index, Index moving averages, regressions, inter-market correlations and intra-market, cycle or the classic way is to analyze the pattern of the graph. 

Technical analysis is widely known among traders of shares (or known as "traders") and professionals in finance, but in the academic world is regarded as a pseudoscience  or "voodoo finance;" it receives little or no direct support from academic sources and is Considered akin to "astrology." 

Academics such as Eugene Fama say that the proof of this technical analysis is very thin and inconsistent which is "shortages" of the technique is generally accepted that the efficient market hypothesis The Economist named Burton Malkiel argues that "technical analysis is something that is forbidden (anathema) in the academic world "and then he says also that" in the form efficient market hypothesis is weak then engka will not be able to predict future stock prices based on past prices "."

In the foreign exchange market, technical analysis is more widely used by practitioners than the use of fundamental analysis. Several internal studies indicate that technical trading rules can generate consistent returns in the period up to 1987,  most of the academic research focuses on the nature of the anomalous position of the currency market There is speculation that this anomaly occurs as a result of central bank intervention. 
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How To Make Insurance As An Investment

Nowadays the need of society to feel safe and comfortable in the increase of their life.More of  factors that influence this include an increase growth global economy today is increasingly rising sharply even though there are some among countries in the world experienced a gate destruction by swallowing the bitter pill of economic crisis
In developed countries like America needed for security in this case to secure assets and applying the same investment system is a good way of doing it is life insurance, and assets such as property insurance, auto insurance, and even insurance limbs as do many Hollywood famous artist. 

Many insurance products are offered choice now even insurance can also be used as a place to make an investment alternative because aside from a sense of security would be an asset guarantee its customers many insurance companies that provide more value by providing insurance and investment program together in one package.

However, in outline grouping insurance programs can be grouped based programs and services offered as below

1. Life insurance 
2. Health Insurance 
3. Car Insurance 
4. Insurance Of property

Life Insurance

Usually the life insurance company is responsible for serving customers when claims which related to a customer's life by way of previous customers willing to pay a premium in accordance with the contract value and the predetermined time both sides with the value of the two sides also agreed earlier

For example, an investment company that is in America like this

- Aetna 
- Allstate Insurance Company 
- American International Group 
- Aon Corporation, formerly known as the Combined Insurance Company of America 
- banner Life 
- John Hancock Insurance, now a unit of Manulife Financial 
- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 
- MONY Life Insurance Company, formerly known as Mutual of New York 
- Nationwide Insurance 
- New York Life 
- Prudential Financial 
- RBC 
- Sagicor USA, Inc., formerly known as the American Founders Life
- State Farm Insurance 
- Thrivent, formerly known as Lutheran Brotherhood 
- Travelers Group, now part of Citigroup

And as we know that among the many names of the insurance companies over there, some of whom had entered and expanded globally maybe even one of them had no country of your own

 Health Insurance

Insurance group  Of well next is conscious of the importance and high costs for their health then it encourages people to seek alternative forms of security as the protection of their health insurance so be very appropriate choice because in addition to the protection benefit of customers can also benefit investment

- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- The Regence Group
- Regence BlueShield
- Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon
- Regence BlueCross of Idaho
- Premera BlueCross BlueShield of Utah
- Premera Blue Cross
- Harvard Community Health Plan
- Aetna
- GroupHealth
- Humana Inc.
- Medica
- PacifiCare

Usually the company will give varied insurance of products, could have a life insurance company he make health insurance products because of two things that are very close relation between a person's health and life

 Car Insurance

Many entrepreneurs and upscale conglomerate which has a lot of assets in the form of luxury cars who want lightness and ease of maintenance they are using the car insurance so in the hope that if the worst situation occurred in their car, the insurance company will be responsible for coverage of a value that is agreed together 
Have car insurance are of high value benefits to customers because by doing that, the insurance protection against a value will occur and can be included in the category of investment protection of the value of an object

- Geico
- Progressive
- Aflac
- Pemco
- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
- State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
- Liberty Mutual
- Farmers Insurance
- Allstate
- Nationwide Insurance

Insurance Of Property

One of the assets owned by the community with the value of high investment growth is a property, so many of the people too who want no protection against the asset value of an object 
This triggers the growth of some insurance companies that make their products more specialized in the protection of the value of property such as real estate wealth

- Nationwide Insurance
- Manulife Financial

Such insurance and investment relationship based little exposure above then we can take the analysis that there is a close relationship between the conduct of insurance with the investment objectives so can mentioning also that you can do as a form of insurance protection against life, health, automotive and other property as a form of investment

Thus, the question How To Make Insurance As An Investment has been answered with the light as described above.
has been answered with the light as the description above you just decide which insurance company you select is suitable for the needs of the insurance as well as what you need, but remember if you do the purpose of insurance and investment then look for insurance companies that have the product as you need for each each insurance company doing different product diversification