Showing posts with label teknik trading terbaik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teknik trading terbaik. Show all posts
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Analisa Harga EUR/USD Hari Ini

Forex education Center And Investment- Analisa Harga EUR/USD Hari ini,Analisis Gelombang EUR / USD dan proyeksi 24,10-31,10: Pasangan ini cenderung menurun. 

Perkiraan pivot point adalah pada tingkat harga 1,2840. 

Pendapat kami: Menjual pasangan mata uang ini dari koreksi di bawah level 1,2840 dengan target 1,25 - 1,24-1,23. 

Skenario alternatif: Breakout dan konsolidasi harga di atas level 1,2840 akan memungkinkan harga untuk terus naik ke tingkat harga 1,2950-1,30. 

Analisis: Agaknya, pembentukan "bullish" koreksi sebagai gelombang keempat telah selesai. Secara lokal, satu-dua satu-dua momentum sebagai gelombang pertama (i) dari v hampir selesai. Jika asumsi ini benar, masuk akal untuk mengharapkan bahwa pasangan akan menurun dalam gelombang kelima ke tingkat 1,25 - 1,24-1,23. Tingkat harga yang kritis untuk skenario ini adalah 1,2840.

Berdasarkan gambaran diatas maka pasangan mata uang ini sangat jelas memiliki potensi turun dan inilah Analisa harga WUR/USD Har ini
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Dollar Internet

Forex Education Center And Investment- Dollar Internet,Mendengar atau membaca tentang yang namanya Dollar Internet pertama kalinya rasanya sunggug aneh ditelinga saya,pertanyaan demi pertanyaan muncul dalam pikiran saya " Apakah ada dolar diinternet sehingga muncul istilah Dollar Internet..?? Terus terang itulah pertama kali yang ada dalam pikiran saya.

Seiring jalanya waktu kemudia akhirnya saya mulai menyadari akan arti Dollar internet itu setelah beberapa tahun saya mengenal internet.

Dollar internet hanyalah sebuah istilah saja sedangkan yang nampak dalam internet tentunya adalah tentang cara bagaimana mendapatkan uang dari internet entah itu dolar atau Rupiah sekalipun.

Ada banyak cara dalam dunia internet untuk mendapatkan uang atau penghasilan diantaranya kita bisa melakukan jual beli secara online,atau yang dikenal dengan perdagangan online.
Perdagangan online sendiri memiliki banyak cara dan jenis yang dapat dilakukan entah anda berdagang produk pakaian,sepatu dan lainya atau anda sebagai penyedia jasa yang semua anda bisa promosikan melalui media internet yang pada akhirnya menghasilkan uang untuk anda.

Dewasa ini dunia perdagangan online sudah sangat dikenal dimayarakat kita bahka bila anda memiliki produk yang harus dijual dan belum memiliki akses internet maka hampir bisa dipastikan anda ketinggalan jaman dan cara anda juga sangat ketinggalan moderenisasi dunia global.
Dengan internet dunia ada ditangan kita,kita bisa melakukan apa saja hanya dengan menekan sebah tombol komputer dirumah anda masing-masing dan dengan internet pula dunia yang jauh kini menjadi semakin dekat bahwan seolah tidak ada sekat antar benua satu dengan lainya.

Dengan melakukan aksi perdagangan dan jasa menggunakan media internet maka kita sudah melakuakn cara untuk mendapatkan Dollar internet tersebut,jadi intinya dollar internet adalah sebuah istilah dan aksinya adalah aktifitas perdagangan barang dan jasa yang kita lakukan dan hasilnya adalah uang yang kita hasilkan dari perdagangan dan jas tersebut,sehingga kini mengerti sduah saya akan arti Dollar Internet yang tidak lebih adalah Cara mencari Dollar dari internet
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Hikkake Chart Pattern
Forex Education Center And Investment-Hikkake Chart Patent,Pola Hikkake (atau Hikkake), adalah pola analisis teknis yang digunakan untuk menentukan pasar mengubah-poin dan lanjutan. Ini adalah pola sederhana yang dapat diamati dalam data harga pasar, menggunakan grafik bar tradisional, titik dan angka grafik, atau diagram candlestick Jepang. Pola bukan milik koleksi tradisional candlestick pola grafik. 

Meskipun beberapa telah disebut pola hikkake sebagai "hari dalam breakout palsu" atau "pola fakey", ini adalah penyimpangan dari nama asli yang diberikan kepada pola oleh Daniel L. Chesler, CMT dan tidak populer digunakan untuk menggambarkan pola. Misalnya, nama "pola hikkake" telah dipilih lebih "dalam hari breakout palsu" atau "pola fakey" oleh mayoritas penulis buku yang telah membahas subjek, termasuk: "Analisis Teknis: Sumber Daya Lengkap untuk Teknisi Pasar Keuangan" oleh Charles D. Kirkpatrick dan Julie R. Dahlquist, dan "Panjang / Dinamika Pasar pendek: Strategi Trading untuk hari ini Pasar" oleh Clive M. Corcoran, dan "Diary of a Perdagangan Komoditi profesional" oleh Peter L. Brandt. 

Dasar konseptual Pola Hikkake
Pola ini terdiri dari periode terukur untuk beristirahat dan volatilitas kontraksi di pasar, diikuti oleh pergerakan harga yang relatif singkat yang mendorong pedagang tidak curiga dan investor untuk mengadopsi asumsi yang salah tentang arah masa depan kemungkinan harga. Pola, sekali terbentuk, menghasilkan mengatur sendiri parameter trading untuk waktu dan harga masuk pasar, jumlah risiko dollar (yaitu, di mana untuk menempatkan berhenti pelindung), dan target keuntungan yang diharapkan. Pola ini tidak dimaksudkan sebagai berdiri sendiri "sistem" untuk spekulasi pasar, melainkan sebagai teknik tambahan untuk metode teknis dan fundamental analisis pasar tradisional. 

Deskripsi Pola Hikkake
Pola diakui dalam dua varian, satu bearish dan satu bullish. Dalam kedua varian, bar pertama dari pola bar di dalam (yaitu, satu yang memiliki baik lebih tinggi rendah dan tinggi lebih rendah, dibandingkan dengan bar sebelumnya). Hal ini kemudian diikuti oleh salah satu bar dengan kedua tinggi rendah dan tinggi lebih tinggi untuk varian bearish, atau dengan rendah rendah dan tinggi lebih rendah untuk varian bullish. Sebelum pola menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan yang harus dikonfirmasi; ini terjadi ketika harga melewati bawah rendah dari bar pertama pola (dalam varian bearish) atau di atas tinggi dari bar pertama (dalam varian bullish). Konfirmasi harus terjadi dalam tiga periode dari bar terakhir dari sinyal untuk sinyal yang akan dianggap sah.

Asal Pola Perdagangan Hikkake
Pola hikkake pertama kali disusun dan diperkenalkan kepada komunitas keuangan melalui serangkaian artikel yang diterbitkan ditulis oleh analis teknikal Daniel L. Chesler, frase CMT.The "Hikkake" adalah kata kerja bahasa Jepang yang berarti "trik" atau "menjerat." Chesler memilih nama "hikkake" setelah berkonsultasi dengan Yohey Arakawa, Associate Professor Jepang, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 

Menggunakan Kelembagaan dan pengakuan rekan 
Pola hikkake telah diadopsi untuk digunakan oleh IntStream Oy, distributor data global dari pasar energi listrik Nordic Nord Pool, platform analisis mereka E2 pasar energi dirancang untuk digunakan oleh pedagang institusional  Pola hikkake juga telah dipilih untuk. inklusi antara pola dasar, grafik analisis teknis lainnya terdiri Teknisi Pasar Asosiasi Yayasan Pendidikan (MTAEF), Universitas Tingkat Pengenalan analisa Teknikal  pola hikkake telah menarik. perhatian internasional di antara komunitas keuangan.
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Price Action Trading

Forex Education Center And Investment- Price Action Trading,Konsep price action Trading mewujudkan analisis pergerakan harga dasar sebagai metodologi untuk spekulasi keuangan, seperti yang digunakan oleh banyak pedagang ritel dan sering kelembagaan di mana perdagangan algoritmik tidak bekerja. Karena mengabaikan faktor fundamental keamanan dan terlihat terutama pada sejarah harga sekuritas - meskipun kadang-kadang menganggap bahwa nilai-nilai yang berasal dari  sejarah harga - itu adalah bentuk analisis teknis. Apa yang membedakan itu dari sebagian besar bentuk analisis teknis adalah bahwa fokus utamanya adalah hubungan harga sekuritas saat ini untuk harga masa lalu sebagai lawan nilai yang berasal dari bahwa sejarah harga. Sejarah masa lalu ini termasuk tertinggi ayunan dan ayunan terendah, garis trend, dan level support dan resistance

Pada yang paling sederhana, ia mencoba untuk menggambarkan proses pemikiran manusia dipanggil oleh yang berpengalaman, pedagang non-disiplin karena mereka mengamati dan perdagangan pasar mereka.Tindakan Harga hanya bagaimana harga berubah -. Yang aksi harga. Hal ini mudah diamati di pasar di mana likuiditas dan volatilitas harga tertinggi, tapi apa pun yang dibeli atau dijual bebas di pasar akan per se menunjukkan aksi harga. Perdagangan harga tindakan dapat dimasukkan di bawah payung analisis teknis tetapi dibahas di sini dalam artikel terpisah karena menggabungkan analisis perilaku pelaku pasar sebagai kerumunan dari bukti yang ditampilkan dalam aksi harga - jenis analisis yang cakupan akademik tidak terfokus dalam satu bidang, bukan secara luas dijelaskan dan mengomentari dalam literatur pada perdagangan, spekulasi, judi dan persaingan umumnya. Ini mencakup sebagian besar dari metodologi yang digunakan oleh pedagang lantai  dan pembaca pita. Hal ini juga dapat opsional mencakup analisis volume dan tingkat 2 tanda kutip.

Trader mengamati ukuran relatif, bentuk, posisi, pertumbuhan (ketika menonton saat harga real-time) dan volume (opsional) bar pada OHLC bar atau candlestick chart, mulai yang sederhana seperti bar tunggal, paling sering dikombinasikan dengan bagan formasi yang ditemukan dalam analisis teknis yang lebih luas seperti rata-rata bergerak, garis tren atau rentang perdagangan. penggunaan analisis harga tindakan untuk spekulasi keuangan tidak mengecualikan penggunaan simultan dari teknik lain analisis, dan di sisi lain tangan, minimalis aksi harga trader dapat mengandalkan sepenuhnya pada penafsiran perilaku tindakan harga untuk membangun strategi perdagangan. 

Berbagai penulis yang menulis tentang aksi harga, misalnya Brooks, Duddella,  memberi nama tindakan harga formasi grafik dan pola perilaku mereka amati, yang mungkin atau mungkin tidak unik untuk penulis itu dan dikenal dengan nama lain oleh penulis lain (lebih penyelidikan penulis lain untuk menjadi dilakukan di sini). Pola-pola ini sering hanya dapat digambarkan secara subyektif dan pembentukan ideal atau pola dapat pada kenyataannya muncul dengan variasi yang besar.

Artikel ini mencoba untuk menguraikan sebagian besar candlestick bar utama, pola, grafik formasi, pengamatan perilaku dan setup perdagangan yang digunakan dalam perdagangan harga tindakan. Ini mencakup cara mereka diinterpretasikan oleh pedagang aksi harga, apakah mereka sinyal kemungkinan arah pasar masa depan, dan bagaimana pedagang akan menempatkan pesanan Sejalan dengan keuntungan dari itu (dan di mana perintah exit pelindung akan ditempatkan untuk meminimalkan kerugian ketika salah). Karena pedagang aksi harga menggabungkan bar, pola, formasi, perilaku dan setup bersama-sama dengan bar lain, pola, formasi dll untuk membuat setup lebih lanjut, banyak dari deskripsi di sini akan mengacu pada deskripsi lain dalam artikel. Tata letak deskripsi di sini adalah linear, tetapi tidak ada satu urutan sempurna - mereka muncul di sini longgar dalam urutan: pengamatan perilaku, tren, pembalikan dan rentang perdagangan. Pendekatan editing ini mencerminkan sifat pergerakan harga, sub-optimal karena akan muncul.
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Harga Emas Hari Ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Harga Emas Hari Ini,Untuk analisa harga Emas hari ini maka kita akan mendapatkan pola perjalanan harga yang akan ditempuh oleh komodity ini seperti yang akan nampak dalam gambar dibawah ini.
Analisa ini diambil dengan menggunakan cara analisa teknikal berdasarkan kerangka waktu harian atau Daily.

Seperti yang nampak dalam gambar diatas bahwa ada titik-titik tertentu yang akan dicapai oleh pasangan ini.sepertinya pergerakan harga akan menuju level rsistance pertama,kemudian dia akan menuju tanda panah merah yang ada dibawah,baru setela dari sana dia akan kembali naik menuju pola perjalanan selanjutnya.

Untuk keseluruhan trend Emas nampaknya akan mengalami trend turun terhadap dolar sebagaimana yang nampak dalam garis trend diatas.  

Demikian Analisa Harga Emas Hari ini semoga memberikan manfaat untuk anda

Silahkan di share artikel ini untuk yang lainya
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Forex Scalping Strategies

Forex Education Center And Investment-Forex Scalping Strategies,Many professional Forex traders use Forex Scalping strategies and abundant benefit. for more details, please refer to the following Scalping Strategy Review. 

Scalping Strategy Forex help forex traders to make profits very quickly in the forex market. Most beginners use scalping strategy to get a quick profit, as it is associated with short-term trend. But without a proper forex trading plan, this strategy can lead to more harm than benefit for forex traders. Traders who follow the forex scalping strategy known as Scalpers. Scalpers stay in the forex market for very little time. The traders make a few pips profit again and again. 

The traders usually make trades and wait a long time to get the highest profit, but Scalpers small benefit in a few seconds by the number of trading that many on the same day. Forex scalping technique is useful if the trader can not be online for a long time. Forex Scalping ensure that the trader closes all his trades within a few minutes or sometimes seconds. However, many forex brokers do not allow traders to use scalping strategy because it can put their business at risk. There are many online forums that help to understand and use this technique. 

Scalpers need good speed and concentration to profit in the forex market is moving quickly. Forex Scalping techniques can not be done during office hours or when tarder is busy with other things, Despite offering quick results, not recommended for beginners to choose the type of strategy. Forex scalping is a very stressful and beginners can not deal with a market that could suddenly move very quickly and result in losses. 
If you are a novice trader, and is really interested in forex scalping strategy, forex trading experts advise to try scalping strategy on a demo account first before trying it in the real market. With a demo account novice trader can use scalping strategy with counterfeit money and find success and the benefits they are able to get. Once the novice trader begin to make profits through forex scalping, the same pattern can be applied in real markets (real currency). 

In the world of trading, this strategy has been widely used by traders daily / intraday, like one trader named Paul Rotter. He is quite well known as "The Most Successful Scalper Trading". From his interview with one of the media, there are some important points regarding scalping technique that he uses. 

Using 2 Chart Where he uses a different chart, the 30-minute time frame to predict the movement of trends and using 5 minute time frame to conduct an open or closed position. 
Scalping Using Indicators To support scalping techniques, in general scalper trades using multiple technical indicators such as Fibonacci indicators, trend line as well as the CCI. Market Opening Moment Typically the scalper using or targeting the right time, such as during the opening of the European market, which is about 12:00 to 15:00 pm and about America 20:00 to 22:00 pm. At these times the trading volume that occurs forex market big enough. 

Scalping techniques actually legitimate, because this technique could be something fun trading strategy, but on the other hand can also create stress and fatigue, then Make a daily profit targets will have to achieve, do not get caught for excessive trading. At the moment trading, where you experience loss when using scalping techniques, do not mind once in a while to take revenge for the loss you have been experiencing at that moment. Because there is still tomorrow where you can trade re-use scalping techniques

Without you slowly realize you probably will find a match if you use this technique as an intraday or swing trader as a result of self-confidence and all the experience that you get for using scalping techniques

Hopefully we can further explore the psychological side is crucial for mental shape to be a scalper trading. How did your experience in using this technique? Please share here, so that other traders can learn the proper strategy he used.
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Forex Hedging Methodology

Forex Education Center And Investment- Forex Hedging Methodology,In general, Hedging is a risk management strategy used in limiting or offsetting probability of loss from fluctuations in the price of commodities, currencies, or securities. As a result, the transfer of risk without hedging is buying an insurance policy. Hedging using a variety of techniques, but, in essence, involves taking equal and opposite positions in two different markets (such as cash and futures markets). Hedging is used also in the capital to protect a person against the effects of inflation through investment in high-yield financial instruments (bonds, stocks), real estate, or precious metals. 

While Hedging in the proper sense he is protecting the value. In forex trading, hedging action means we open two opposite positions, so even if prices rise or fall of its floating rate remains the same. Hedging is usually done when we open position losses. In order not to be larger losses, we key with this hedging technique. So next Hedging also known as Locking (lock) because when we use these hedging techniques we locked position which makes the value of gains and losses always move in tandem. 

For some people considered Hedging is one way that is powerful enough to achieve a profit, but back again any tactics, strategy and the way that his name will always be inherent risks. Most traders may prefer to save the hedging position or lock our defeat. One disadvantage of this is in terms of hedging a long time, demanding calculations more quickly and thoroughly, can affect our psychological terms for the impatient. As a result, even we can get stuck into minus points greater. 

The basics of hedging 
Hedging is a situation where we open 2 opposite positions simultaneously open buy position is open, but also simultaneously open simultaneously open sell position with no stop loss in pasangi but only profit targets are usually 30-50 poinan profit target range as for the intent and purpose is that we make a profit when the price swing occurs either when the price bullish or bearish when price 

How it works hedging 
By the time one reaches the open position of the target such as 50 points before the open position is automatically liquidated so that you only have one position are still minus 50 points the next step is to wait until a minus in position only reduced a little example of minus 50 points so stay minus 30 points. If true minus reduced, then we will do the opposite position open again but the fact we had a profit of 20 points and so on running processes that are important to remember is that we must consistently meet the target we do not become nervous if for example the second position even minus all think calmly that the actual minus whatever happens you will not be more than the numbers that have been the key. 

How after trying to wait some time in the hope of living my position on this one minus reduced, but instead a growing reality? 

This is one of the weaknesses of the hedging tactics one way to do so as soon as possible to do the opposite of open positions before growing big minuses in the hope of future opportunities to reduce the negative will always be there. 

Ideally hedging system in practice if one position suffered losses ranging from 30-50 poinan alone. Hedging system is starting to feel heavy in practice if one position has already suffered losses of more than 100 points, there is one way to reduce the negative points that will be discussed in the following session. 

Other Tips How to Disassemble Hedging 

The first way 
1 Do not be carried away / forward looking moments out of the locking. 
2 If locking / hedging more than 50 pips, it takes up to several times the use of these techniques. 


Use H1 
Use daily pivot indi 
Wait for the moment the price touches the S / R 3 According to the monitoring if the price has touched the S / R 3, then the price will bounce 30-50 pips, before the market will decide to continue the trend or even a trend change. We take advantage of the moment. 
Remove the valuable hedging profit when price touches the S / R 3. 
If locking / hedging that occurs more than 50 pips, then you should do a limit order 25-30 pips in the opposite direction with an open position we are worth minus (floating is still open) 

The second way 

Hedging can we do, and we can take advantage of the movement of the price fluctuations. it's just the initial stage there must be sacrificed. 
example: BUY and SELL simultaneously. The same with Lot. If it reaches 100 pips for example, we were minus Closs, and let the profit. then we go to the opposite position back. Here we have the profit of hedging positions. going up or down we just take SL profit. 

For example hedging profit: SELL AUD / USD at 0.9100 and a BUY AUD / USD at 0.9000 

prices there in the middle. If the price rises BUY leave. install the SL at 0.9085. Sell ​​executed automatically. If it is safe we sell again. If the plunge, ready ready we put in BUY 0.9020 SL for example. Let SELL, BUY executed if the plunge. when viewed safely. we BUY again. and handled by SELL. and so on.
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Principles That Should Include In Trading

Forex Education Center-Principles That Should Include In Trading,All traders, who joined Forex, trying to achieve the best results. However, for trade with profit, the trader must know and follow some of the principles of Forex
  - Having your own trading strategy. Develop your system, which is based on several factors significant for Forex trading

  - Take control of your emotions. Unstable emotional state can interfere with the decision-making process. 
- Learn how to control emotions and desires. 
  - Having your own historical data. Write down where the circumstances and factors of your decision to open / close orders and comments are based on each situation. 
- Constantly review your work

  - Learn from your mistakes. And work on error analysis is one of the most important components of successful trading. It is important to be self-critical in a loss position analysis. Having dealt with the loss position, you can avoid repeating these mistakes. 

  - Do not trade without reason. Do not open a trading platform just because you have nothing else to do or you can not fall asleep. Trade only when trere are factors that justify such action. 

  - Work and think for themselves. Assistance and guidance from others can help, but not while trading in Forex. You can consider the advice of experienced traders, but do not just follow it without thinking. Progress will only appear when you make your own analysis, develop your own strategy, and only depends on your decision. 

  - Trade only when you are sure about it. Better to wait for the right moment to enter the market rather than opening order when you do not understand the situation. It is important to enter and leave the market at the right time. If you do not feel confident, you better not take the risk. Some pips lost can not be compared to a huge loss, which may be caused by the reckless actions. Just open the order later, the market will not work. 

  - Limit your risk. Use only the amount of money to trade, the loss of which will not cause a shortage of family budgets. 
  Know your limits. Can be stopped. 
  - Be careful with early success. Do not lose your head of happiness just because a few hundred dollars profit '(back to 2). 

  - Do not trade against the market. With a lack of experience, it is better not to take risks. In the process of price movement in a particular direction, the market began to jump up / down. To learn how to use short-term fluctuations, you have to get experience, so as to minimize the risk.
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Trend indicators

Forex Education Center And Investment- Trend indicators,As the name suggests it has a distinctive indicator in determining the direction of the trend. For real name not know whether the original author Trend or no name other than the name on the outcome there. It is suitable for beginners and who have sufficient experience in forex trading. 

Another advantage to recognize the movement of the market. Either a reversal or during a long trend. Moreover, it also can help traders identify future market condition in the form of a cross signal that serves to understand the trend of trend has not occurred. 

Trend indicators classified as leading or ahead of the market. This condition allows the Trend indicator can find opportunities faster than utilizing the MA indicator. Specifically to detect the state reversal trend and I think it is quite capable of using Trend Indicator. 

Time frame is no problem, the trader can use it whenever and whatever. If possible, focus on h1. Because of the results of testing a potential indicator applied to the time frame h1. But it is not related to a person's character. May use it in another time frame. 

The color of the indicator can be used as a signal. Where the down trend is represented by the red line and blue line represented the trend up. If the line is experiencing a cross then found a possible trend will occur. 

Focus on crossover indicator, and if there are no open positions do not cross. Wait state indicator crosses having a complete and clear, then the trader can use these signals as the opening position. 

Trend indicators provide an opportunity for traders to identify trends early. Use Trend indicators as the easiest way in recognizing trends and reversals. The more you use it the easier it is to recognize the trend.
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Trade with Support and Resistance

Forex Education Center And Investment- Trade With Support And Resistance,Support and Resistance is a limitation that connects the lowest point to the highest point of a trend. This strategy is usually referred to as an SR strategy which means Support Resistance. The advantages of using SR strategy is able to provide guidance to traders regarding the highest and lowest area on the graph. He can also explain whether the market will continue the trend or bounce (bounce), a reversal of the previous trend. 

Therefore, the Forex Education Center And Investment article will discuss about the support and resistance, as well as benefits to trading. 

S and R And Trading Plan 
Support and Resistance is one of the techniques most widely followed technical analysis in financial markets. It is a simple method to analyze the charts quickly. It can be seen from the 3-point in trading using SR strategies, including: 

1 When driving directions trend occurred 
2 When time entry begins 
3 When to get out of the trading 

If you can answer the 3 items above, then you essentially have a trading plan. Identify the Support and Resistance in the table below can answer the questions above.

As you can see in the chart above, support is oversold point under. While Resistance is overbought point located at the top of the price because it was considered expensive. 

Think of it this way, you see a room and see the Support as the floor while Resistance is the ceiling. Support and Resistance From this, the price will reach the breakout price is referred to as a trend. The penetration itself is done with one-way. If the price penetrates the Resistance, it means the trend will move toward buy. Conversely, if the price moves to penetrate Support the trend will be down-trend. 

In theory, Support is a price level where demand (purchasing power) is strong enough to prevent the price down past the lowest price at the time. The reason is if the price is getting close to the support, it is regarded as a less expensive price. Buyers can see the price is too cheap, and agreed to start making a purchase. Sellers ultimately less confident because the sale price was too low and it does not fit because of the price offered by the buyer at a very low price. In such cases, the request or the buyer will try to maintain the price to go up so that the price does not penetrate Support. 

Resistance is the price level at which supply (selling power) is strong enough to prevent the price from rising further. The reason behind this is when the price is getting closer and closer to the Resistance, the price is more expensive to make so that sellers tend to sell. While buyers become less or a little to take action to buy. In that scenario, supply (sellers) will overcome demand (buyers), this then prevents the price of a breakout above resistance. 

As a general rule, the longer the period of time from the graph, the more accurate level of support and its Resistance. In other words, the level of support and resistance are reflected on the graph D1 will be stronger than it appears on the H1 chart.
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The Types of Technical Analysis Indicators

Some technical analysis tools are widely known use is as follows: 

Average true range - the daily trading price range 
Coppock - Edwin Coppock developed the Coppock Indicator for the usefulness of which is to identify the start of the upward trend in the market (bull market) 
Dead cat bounce - This describes the recovery while the price of a stock or the market in the midst of a prolonged decline or bear market. That is, the rebound experienced by the market or a stock after a fall of prices, in fact only temporary as the market or the stock will continue to fall. 
Elliott wave principle and the golden ratio (golden ratio) to calculate the price movements 
Patron Hikkake - patron to identify reversal and continuation of motion 
Momentum - the value of the price change 
Point and figure charts - charts based on price to the exclusion of time 
CPV rank - patron to identify reversal by using indicators of volume and price as the indicator. 
Indicators used in a way menumpukkannya / combine it with the price chart: 

Resistant - an area in which an increase in sales 
Support - rea where an increase in the purchase 
Breakout - when prices pass through and hold above the area of ​​support or resistance 
Trend line - a line indentation of support or resistance 
Channel - a pair of parallel trend lines 
Moving average - from a price 
Ribbon Bollinger - price volatility ranges 
Pivot point - a calculation using the average value of the lowest price, and the highest closing price 
Indicator price is usually placed below the price chart 

Index accumulation / distribution-based on the closing price of a certain time span 
Commodity Channel Index - is an indicator used to measure a wide range of average price statistics. A high value indicates that prices are abnormally higher than the average price 
MACD - konverjensi / diverjensi moving average 
Parabolic SAR - 
Relative Strength Index - shows the oscillator strength of the price 
Rahul Mohindar Oscillator - an indicator for identifying trends 
stochastic Oscillator 
Trix - oscillator 3 shows the curve of the average movement developed by Jack Hutson in the 1980s 
Volume-based indicators: 

Money Flow - the amount of shares traded when the price moves up 
On-balance volume - the momentum of buying or selling shares 
PAC charts - two-dimensional method to create the chart ranked by volume too big
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Technical Analysis

Forex Education center- technical analysis,technical Analysis or better known as technical analysis is an analytical technique known in the financial world that is used to predict the trend of a stock price by studying past market data, primarily price and volume movements, At first technical analysis only takes into account price movements market or instrument in question, assuming that the price reflects all relevant factors before an investor aware of through various other means. Technical analysis can use different models and base, for example, to use the method of price movements such as the Relative Strength Index, Index moving averages, regressions, inter-market correlations and intra-market, cycle or the classic way is to analyze the pattern of the graph. 

Technical analysis is widely known among traders of shares (or known as "traders") and professionals in finance, but in the academic world is regarded as a pseudoscience  or "voodoo finance;" it receives little or no direct support from academic sources and is Considered akin to "astrology." 

Academics such as Eugene Fama say that the proof of this technical analysis is very thin and inconsistent which is "shortages" of the technique is generally accepted that the efficient market hypothesis The Economist named Burton Malkiel argues that "technical analysis is something that is forbidden (anathema) in the academic world "and then he says also that" in the form efficient market hypothesis is weak then engka will not be able to predict future stock prices based on past prices "."

In the foreign exchange market, technical analysis is more widely used by practitioners than the use of fundamental analysis. Several internal studies indicate that technical trading rules can generate consistent returns in the period up to 1987,  most of the academic research focuses on the nature of the anomalous position of the currency market There is speculation that this anomaly occurs as a result of central bank intervention. 
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Trend In Market Forex

We could have detected the phrase "the trend is our friend". Well, presumptuous that is true, particularly with respect to commercialism within the Forex market. after we area unit ready to establish the trend of worth movements of currency pairs and to grasp that direction the market can move for a definite amount of your time, it'd be terribly useful. 

Trading within the direction of the trend on the daily chart with the flow like running water, while not having to swim we've carried by the flow itself. however though we are able to follow the currents trends, market volatility will generally occur suddenly. it's that you simply ought to remember of the movement of costs within the market

1 Checking the daily chart of any currency combine that has been elect 
2 Finding the strongest tendency in either direction of the trend 

After doing these 2 steps, concentrate, whether or not there'll be a high rise or a pointy decline. Here area unit some samples of the currency combine shows a robust trend:

If the combine area unit during a sturdy up-trend, it will simply be known on the daily charts. therefore there ought to be no doubt in our minds concerning that direction is most applicable to maneuver this trends. however if undecided of the direction of the trend, then we must always realize that basically has shown a transparent and powerful trend

Looking at the chart NZD / USD Daily on top of, we are able to make certain that currency combine to be within the direction of the up-trend. Besides seeing rising trend pictured on the chart within the higher right corner of the table, we are able to additionally ensure the up-trend by noting that the combine has traveled a worth more than all-time low purpose ever. The movement is claimed to be the movement of the worth rise. 

When commercialism was up-trend, the most effective strategy is to attend for it to come back to the extent of support then take an extended position by victimization the direction of the daily trend amount. within the chart on top of, once AN up-trend has occurred, traders will take long positions in close to the points denoted in red within the table. this method is thought as "buy the dips". subsequent step is to position a stop loss below all-time low purpose of the worth. 

The opposite happens once commercialism tends to decrease. examine the table below.

Downtrend is known once the currency combine has affected down from the very best worth worth (green) to all-time low worth (red). during this case, the bargainer can usually short positions as seen tendency for down-trend. Traders can sit up for lower costs to the extent of resistance (green) so take a brief position within the direction of the daily trend. marketing techniques of resistance to the current support space is named "sell the rally". 

The key here is to exchange the direction of the daily trend, the bargainer can enter into a trade that encompasses a larger likelihood of success. whereas pips are often collected once the trend is afoot. As traders, we would like to scale back the danger the maximum amount as potential from every trade. Well, currently we have a tendency to have already got AN understanding of the way to confirm the trend of the currency combine within the Forex market.
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How To Know Trend Of The Pair Was Change

One of the foremost commonly asked queries by traders is the way to understand once the trend has modified. Despite its frequent commercialism, typically issues trend remains elusive. the solution to run isn't absolute and definite answer however simply a mere prediction or analysis

Let's investigate the daily chart of the AUDUSD currency combine below:

Last candle on the left of the graph is that the fifteenth of Gregorian calendar month 2011 this happens once associate degree uptrend begins. you'll observe that the uptrend on the chart, is in a position to penetrate the resistance levels at SMA indicator with amount two hundred during this case, the AUD is that the currency that's being reinforced whereas the USD during a weakened state. 

Price is taken into account still trend up till it reaches the best purpose on day, 2012 Suddenly there was a reversal of the trend and lasts regarding 2 and a 0.5 months and has moved  thousands of pips. 
Often times, once the uptrend is over, the worth movement can sometimes move sideways, slightly, and foggy. currently the question, whether or not the worth trend can continue or reverse direction when somewhat of movement? Let behind what happens after you see the uptrend. If you're longing for a reversal of the uptrend ought to see an inclination for the downtrend. you'll see the three points below in determinant the trend and also the reversal of the trend, including: 

Point 1: If the worth decreases penetrate support purpose it are often aforesaid the worth would be a pessimistic trend amendment. if costs rise through the resistance purpose are often illustrated worth can still be optimistic. 

Point 2: after you investigate the symptoms, the image might appear as if this: "The worth approaching two hundred SMA line, the nearer to the trend change". Trend might continue or reverse direction opposite to the previous trend. 

Point 3: If costs still decline in many decades and there's no increase during a few days, chances are high that the worth can continue the trend for consecutive one week. 

So you'll contemplate the 3 points on top of to see whether or not the trend can continue or do a reversal of the trend. 3 points ar terinpirasi of expertise relating to worth movements in achieving the correct momentum. The a lot of momentum is weak, the larger the worth reversal
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The Key To Successful Forex Trading Online

Do you believe that to achieve something there is always a secret key goals that must be owned by the culprit ... ??? I think of course you also know about it and of course it also applies to forex trading world you live. 
all things there is a way and there is always a secret. 
on this occasion I will try to write a little big secret in forex trading that is much sought after by people to spend a lot of money to it, but here I will explain to you free of charge.

There are some secrets you must discover and you apply if you want to succeed in forex trading, and this nature is essential to your own
Let us go step by step immediately lock a success in trading forex and the list can be read below immediately

1. Mindset 

Did you know that your picture of what the future was very influenced by that name mindset ... ??? 
a mindset that will always shape the behavior will be realized in steps and the results you will get, as well as in terms of forex trading is that this mindset will determine what your future will be like in this forex trading
In the case of this mindset you have to set it correctly before you too far astray, therefore immediately order your mindset back in viewing angle to provide the forex trading.

The first step is to arrange the right mindset to this forex trading are as follows

@ Look at that trading forex is not a shortcut to achieve rapid and short wealth
@ Behold that forex trading is a life and your work
@ Behold that forex trading is not a get rich quick scheme so you need to make the struggle to succeed
@ Ready to learn because there is no such thing as success without science

Looking at some of the above that you should have at the beginning that forex trading also requires a strong foundation to be successful in it and is preceded by the name that mindset, then you get lost before any further please reset your mindset and start with the next step.

2. Learning to persevere

Once you set the mindset of the most important points that become the foundation for your success is the second you have to be ready to learn, because there is not an achievement of a success without the name of science.
Although at this stage we are already aware of the fact that science is absolutely a must have for a successful but in fact many people who are not ready at this stage, why this is so .. ??? 
Back again to the initial stages that you have to remember the mindset that you should have in view an achievement so you also have to realize that every achievement, there must be sacrifice
So this stage you do not want or need through it because without this step you will never make it and I guarantee it

During this learning process you should find some thing like this 

@ Technique that you believe  success on
@ Find your identity in trading what you want as the next in the trade as this will later become your trading character
@ Finding simple trading system so you are not getting confused by your own system and so do not trigger a sense of despair will appear to you

3. Focus 

This is the next step that you must have to achieve a level of success that you need, even not only in terms of forex trading in any business whose name it is also very important focus for us have

You need to focus on the following matters 

@ Holding true to what you have selected is forex trading 
@ You have to focus on the learning process 
@ You have to focus on what you've learned one including you must hold firm to the techniques that you've learned until you start to actually find your weak points of the system 
@ Focus on your ultimate goal is success

4 Do not be easily influenced 

In fact many traders are very fragile soul so easily to be affected by other traders. 
When I observe that occur in the various groups existing forex trading virtual world that most traders are still fragile soul because there are so other people exhibiting the history of their transactions and then he was immediately interested as it reflects the confusion that such a trader is a trader who is still fragile and certainly still at a level below the level trader.

Well this is the 4 basic things you must have before you make your choice, 
Before you find out about things that are more complicated in this forex trading at least four things mentioned above this is that you must have these things because they are things as a fundamental key to your trading success in the future

Now that you have the right mindset to this forex trading the next step is to learn, learn in terms of determining the technique or trading system that you want and according to your soul, please find on this website because it's all available to you for free. 
To facilitate your search, please use the navigation menu SITEMAP order soon find that you are looking for

So a little review of the key to success in forex trading hope this discussion provides benefits to you and if you want to discuss please enter your question and commentar bottom of this post and we will be discussions with.

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