Showing posts with label Broker forex terbaik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Broker forex terbaik. Show all posts
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Stock Market

Forex Education Center And Investment- Stock market,The stock market is a market for trading shares held by the public and related financial instruments (including stock options, stock index trading and forecasts. 

There are several stock markets in advanced economies, with the largest markets being in the United States, China, Japan and Europe. 

Stock index 
Price movements in the market or part of a market are captured in price indices called stock market index, which among others, Standard & Poor's Index, Index of Financial Time. Index as above is usually measured by market capitalization. 

Shares strategies 
There are two types of trades that involve money or shares that are not owned short sales and purchase limits. 

Short Stock Sales 
To more clearly see the short sales. 
In short selling (short selling), a person selling shares they do not have their own, hoping the price will fall. They eventually have to buy back the shares. Exit the short position by buying back the stock is called "covering a short". Simply, someone other people borrowed shares to be sold at market prices. Then the person is hoped that the share price falls to be bought back at a cheaper price to be returned to its owner (in shares) and pocketing the profits (the difference between the sale price and the purchase price).

Purchase limit 
In the purchase limit, a person borrows money to buy stocks and hope the stock can rise in price. Many industrialized countries have laws that require that if the borrowing is based on collateral from other stocks, this loan must be within a certain percentage of the price of other stocks. Other rules include the prohibition of "freeriding" that is, put a message to buy stocks without paying first, and then sell it and use the profits to pay the purchase price in advance.
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Berita Gold Hari ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Berita Gold Hari ini,Sahabat Trader Diseluruh dunia,hari ini kita akan mencoba melihat arah pergerakan harga untuk GOLD terhadap Mata uang Dollar,akan seperti apa pergerakannya dichart market yang ada didepan kita.Kita akan mengintip sedikit tentang itu 

Langsung saja kita melihat Hasil analisa teknikal seperti gambar dibawah ini

Bila sebelumnya kita sudah melihat hasil analisa harga pasangan ini akan kemana,seperti yang disini,nampaknya harga emas sudah waktunya menjawab analisa sebelumnya.
Setelah semat diwarnai aksi Reborn kemarin kini nampak jelas bahwa harga emas terhadap dolar tidak mampu lagi untuk menaiki level harga yang lebih tinggi dari itu dan nampaknya level resistance sudah tercapai.Sebelumnya kita prediksikan emas akan mengalami sedikit kenaikan lebih diatas level yang sudah dicapai ini namun ternyata bila kita lihat sepertinya kekuatannya sudah habis diperjalanan untuk reborn,dan kini saatnya emas akan menuju level dan trend harga sesungguhnya yalitu BEARISH.

Titik pencapaian level harga sudah  tertulis jelas dalam gambar diatas dimana support dan resistancenya sehingga anda akan dapat dengan mudah untuk mendeteksi pergerakan harga  emas tehadap dolar.


XAU/USD Trend = Down,Waktunya untuk melakukan aksi SELL Sampai batasan level yang tertulis dalam gambar diatas.
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Harga Emas Hari Ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Harga Emas Hari Ini,Untuk analisa harga Emas hari ini maka kita akan mendapatkan pola perjalanan harga yang akan ditempuh oleh komodity ini seperti yang akan nampak dalam gambar dibawah ini.
Analisa ini diambil dengan menggunakan cara analisa teknikal berdasarkan kerangka waktu harian atau Daily.

Seperti yang nampak dalam gambar diatas bahwa ada titik-titik tertentu yang akan dicapai oleh pasangan ini.sepertinya pergerakan harga akan menuju level rsistance pertama,kemudian dia akan menuju tanda panah merah yang ada dibawah,baru setela dari sana dia akan kembali naik menuju pola perjalanan selanjutnya.

Untuk keseluruhan trend Emas nampaknya akan mengalami trend turun terhadap dolar sebagaimana yang nampak dalam garis trend diatas.  

Demikian Analisa Harga Emas Hari ini semoga memberikan manfaat untuk anda

Silahkan di share artikel ini untuk yang lainya
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Harga Emas Hari Ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Harga Emas hari ini, adalah bagian dari service yang diberikan oleh Forex Education center dalam rangka membantu mitranya untuk melakukan sebuah analisa terhadap perjalanan harga emas setiap harinya.Anda dapat menemukan analisa harga emas setiap harinya secara gratis

Kami memberikan analisa teknikal untuk berbagai pasangan harga yang akan terjadi diantaranya adalah harga emas.

Nah untuk mempermudah layanan kami kepada anda silahkan segera berlangganan analisa kami setiap harinya dengan gratis

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How Stock Prices Determined

Forex Education Center- How Stock Prices Determined,Price of a stock is determined by market participants based on the demand and supply of the relevant shares in the capital market, where the relationship between price and supply is negative (increased offer price drop), while the relationship between price and demand is positive (increasing demand prices rise ). 

Another thing that affects the supply and demand for a stock of which is the expectation or hope in the future of the company and the issue of performance issues related to the company concerned, giving rise to speculation that is temporary (in the Indonesian capital market just as the stock is known as fried stock ). 

One of the theories about the stock price in the continuous cycle of professional investment is the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EFM), although this theory has been discredited by many widely, both in academic circles and capital markets professionals. In summary, theory suggests that the price of an equity share is price efficient and will tend to follow the movement of randomly determined by the emergence of late-breaking news (randomly) from time to time. Therefore professional equity investors who tend to spend their time immersed in the flow of information is fundamental in order to gain an advantage over their competitors competitors (mainly other professional investors) by more intelligently interpreting the flow of information (news) is emerging. 

EFM theory does not seem to give a complete picture of the process of equity price determination, such as the stock market is more stable than a theory that assumes that the price is the result of the discounted future cash flows expected to be incurred. In recent years it has been realized that the stock market is not perfectly efficient, perhaps especially in emerging markets or other markets in which the level of professional activity (availability of good information) is still lacking. 

Another theory of share price determination comes from the field of Behavior Finance (Finance). In the financial behavior, it is believed that people sometimes make irrational decisions, especially related to the purchase and sale of shares is based on fear and a false perception of an event. Irrational trading can often create stock prices deviate from rational price, which is based on the assessment of the fundamental price. For instance, during the technology bubble that occurred in the late 90s and then burst back in 2000-2002, technology firms are often negotiable far beyond the rational fundamental value because of what is commonly known as the theory of "greater folly ". Stupidity Greater theory states that because the predominant method to realize profits from the sale of shares to other investors, a person should choose stocks that they believe that others will judge these shares at a higher level in the future.
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Investment in equity

Forex Education Center- investment in equity,Equity investments are generally associated with the purchase and storage of capital stock on a stock market by investors, both individuals (individuals) and companies (institutions) in anticipation of income from dividends and capital gain as the value of these shares is increased. It is also sometimes refers to the acquisition of equity (ownership) participation in a private (unlisted) company or a startup (a company being created or newly created). When investments are made in the new company, it is called as a venture capital investment and is generally understood to have a greater risk than investments made in situations where the shares are listed on a stock exchange.

Direct Investments and Funds collected 
Investments can be done directly by the investor in several ways: 

Venture capital investment 
Direct equity investments in companies that have been established and are not listed on the stock market. Usually done to strengthen the financial position of the company, or the company's business expansion can also save oparasional companies due to liquidity problems. 
Direct investments in companies that have been listed on the stock market. In general, the buying and selling of shares is done by using the services of a broker (in Indonesia known as the securities brokerage company), while the trading mechanism established by the authority of the capital market and securities brokerage company in question. 
Indirect investments generally made ​​by individuals through mutual funds or any other form of storage that is specifically from the investment of funds collected, most of them list prices are displayed in financial newspapers or magazines business magazines. 

According to the Capital Market Law number 8 of 1995 Article 1, paragraph (27): "Mutual fund is a container used to collect funds from the public Financier to be invested in portfolio securities by the Investment Manager." 

Mutual funds are typically managed by a fund management company that is well known (eg Fidelity or Vanguard). Such holdings by individual investors an opportunity to diversify risk with little capital and managers have access to the expertise of professional managers in the management of these funds. An alternative usually employed by large investors and institutions (such as large pension funds) is to hold shares directly; in the institutional environment many customers who have their own portfolios have what are called segregated funds in the opposite sense with, or in addition, collected, such as alternative mutual funds.
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MACD Forex Indicator

Forex Education Center- MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence / Divergence (moving average konvergention  / difference), which is a technical analysis indicator created by Gerald Appel in the 1960s. MACD is an indicator for excess buying or selling excess by looking at the relationship between the MA (moving average = moving average) long-and short-term. The MACD line is the difference of 2 MA above. The second line is a line is a sign of the short-term MA of the MACD line. 

MACD shows the difference between the exponential moving average (exponential moving average is commonly abbreviated as "EMA") that rapid and slow closing price. Some development has been done on the MACD for years but still leaves the problem of delay in the indicator, so often criticized for its failure in response to weak market conditions or turbulent. Since the collapse of the market "dot-com" in 2000, most strategies no longer recommend the use MACD as a primary method in the analysis, but only used as a mere observer. Standard period suggested by Gerald Appel in the 1960s is to use the 12 and 26 day periods: 

MACD = EMA  , price - EMA , price 
The signal line or trigger line is formed by refining the formula is then formed by the smoothing this with a further EMA. The standard period for this is 9 days, 

signal = EMA, MACD 
The difference between the MACD and the signal line is often calculated and expressed in the form of lines but not in the form of a histogram containing box. This construction was made by Thomas Aspray in 1986 Method of calculation: 

histogram = MACD - signal 
In the example chart above, shows all three simultaneously. The graph above is the price, which is below the graphs have the blue MACD line and the signal line in red and white in the form of a histogram is the difference between the two. 

The set of periods of average values ​​are usually written as 12,26,9, and may vary. Appel and other analysts have been experimenting with various combinations.
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What Is The Trend On Forex Trading

The basic conception of the trend (trend) is incredibly basic stuff during a kind of market-based approaches to the analysis of technical analysis. All the tools used chartist like support and resistance, value patterns, moving average, trendline, etc.. Everything is that the same aim, particularly to help in activity the trend is going on within the market, so as to participate within the trend. you will usually hear the favored terms like "always change the direction of the trend", "never buck the trend", or "the trend is your friend". 

This short article tries to investigate and outline what's meant by trends and classify them into classes. once viewed generally, the trend may be a movement within which direction the market moves. however aside from that we'd like a additional correct definition of their use in technical analysis
All you would like to recollect may be a type of value movements isn't a line in one direction. The market moves within the type of a series of zigzags. Zigzag Movement is forming a series of consecutive waves, with peak (peak / top) and "copy" (through) is pretty clear. Direction peak and throughs it which can verify a market trend that's happening. whereas Peak and thru moving up, down, or sideways (sideways). On Direction movement is what is going to tell United States regarding the market trends

An ascending trend (uptrend) is outlined as a series of peaks and throughs sequence of ascending

While the downward trend (downtrend) is that the opposite, particularly a series of peaks and throughs of decreasing, the subsequent image of the downtrend

There is conjointly a series of peaks and throughs ar inclined sideways named because the sideways / travel
Well so about a trend in forex trading may provide inspiration for you
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Risk Management For Long Time Forex Trading

Long-term forex strategy really isn't AN absolute resolution. There also are alternative ways which will be used as your companion in taking advantage. It's simply this general strategy in use by those that don't need to hold enter front of a pc on a daily basis

A long term bargainer can hold a foothold open for a extended amount of your time, can be some days or maybe up to some weeks. shut the new group action is finished if the profit generated was applicable targets.

1 Psychological distress is far smaller. 
No have to be compelled to keep a watch chart a pair of on a daily basis
3 Analysis less complicated, additional towards elementary analysis. 

The benefits could also be somewhat longer. 

What would like giant capital? 
Also not, may be adjusted solely. Capital isn't essentially giant. a hundred greenbacks can even be, a vital note ton. 

us take AN example. $ a hundred normal capital account in one of broker 
Lot 0.01 = 0.01 Dollar 
Lot 0.10 = 0.10 dollars 
Lot 1.00 = 1.00 dollars 

You open on patronise one.2998 TP 1.3705 

It seems that the worth fell to one.2663 / 1.2056 / 1.1867 

then his calculations minus is: 
1.2998 to 1.2663 = - 335 pips 
1.2998 to 1.2056 = - 942 pips 
1.2998 to 1.1867 = - 1.131 pips 

How flop Management 
You open the ton zero.01 ($ 0.01) 
Just count your keep. Then you minus: 
-335 Pips x $ zero.01 = $ -3.35 
-942 Pips x $ zero.01 = $ -9.42 
-1.131 Pips x $ zero.01 = $ -11.31 

Please calculate if open with ton zero.02 so on. 
No would like Brobdingnagian capital instead?. ton size becomes key. 

Common Mistakes Long Trams are: 
1 don't concentrate to the best worth / lowest ever. 
2 Open the rear position once more and once more while not calculation. 
3. hedging while not having the ability to induce out. therefore you cornered. 

1. you get risk keharga born lowest ever. 
Up a pair of You SELL risks keharga highest ever. 
3. your advantage reminiscent of that used ton. 
4. your floating Losses proportional to ton that you just use. 

Is there an extended Term Difficulties? 
I think no. Before you get / sell the primary note of the position of the best and lowest worth ever. alter ton to be able to cowl the likelihood that movement happens. Resistance therefore your capital is usually in a very safe level.
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Technical Analysis For Eur/Usd Today

Today I see there will be a pattern of downward price trend is still very strong after a few days before for almost two weeks the pair had a very strong degradation. 
Today is evident in the pattern of the intended travel is still strong to go down although at a smaller time frame will likely trip up there but it is no more merely a correction only way
As seen in the figure below that resistance level 1 for the pair there at level 1.30413, while for level 2 resistance the pair there at level 1.31870

Resistance 1 = 1.30413
Resistance 2 = 1.31870
Support 1 = 1.29423
Support 2 = 1.27 939

According the trend that you can see on that pic above daily trend for this pair is still sell with strong power.
If you are patient then wait the pair correction to the resistance level 1 then you can do a transaction to sell
Conclusion : EUR/USD is still down trend with strong to 1.27939
This is bout Technical Analysis For EUR/USD Today i wish this analysis give you more of benefit s you can make big profit

Note: Remember.....this is just analysis not real market mover so use this analysis with your own risk level on responsibility

Gold analysis Here 
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Will The Economy Grow Quicker Than Expected?

Over the rest of the biennial forecast horizon, the economy was expected to grow typically on its calculable potential. shopper disbursement was anticipated to stay pace with the expansion of disposa...
Over the rest of the biennial forecast horizon, the economy was expected to grow typically on its calculable potential. shopper disbursement was anticipated to stay pace with the expansion of disposable income issues regarding job security remained and shopper debt burdens had up any, however the still-ample availableness of credit and therefore the substantial rise within the worth of menage equity holdings would support any will increase in consumption. The any decline in mortgage rates recently from already-favorable levels would facilitate to sustain homebuilding activity at a comparatively high level.

With sales and profits projected to grow a lot of slowly, and with utilization of existing capability having alleviated significantly, business investment in new instrumentality and structures was expected to expand at a a lot of moderate rate. In light-weight of the recent strengthening of the greenback, the external sector was expected to exert atiny low restraining influence on real activity over the projection amount as a full. abundant uncertainty still encircled the commercial enterprise outlook, however the recent impasse within the budget negotiations between the Administration and therefore the Congress recommended a lower degree of commercial enterprise restraint over coming back years than had been assumed within the previous forecast. Given the projected outlook, rates of utilization of labor and capital resources and of inflation weren't expected to alter materially.

In the Committee's discussion of current and prospective economic activity, members noted variety of temporary factors that were retarding the enlargement. The weakness in endeavor this winter was to some extent the results of the partial closedown of the centralized and therefore the severe storms in a very range of regions; each clearly were fugacious influences on the economy. 

Growth of economic activity conjointly was being affected  by production cutbacks stemming from efforts to bring stocks into higher alignment with disatisfactory sales in a very range of industries. Even so, within the absence of major overhangs in inventories of business instrumentality and consumer goods, and given favorable conditions in money markets, members believed that a recommencement of moderate, property growth once a comparatively temporary amount of weakness was the foremost doubtless outlook for the economy. At an equivalent time, several determined that the risks to such AN outcome failed to appear balanced.

A number of issues, together with the extent of the damping effects of high debt hundreds and employment uncertainty on consumption and questions on the sources of any export growth, recommended the chance of sluggish enlargement, whereas attainable developments on the side were harder to spot. With resource use unlikely to vary appreciably, the members typically expected no vital modification within the underlying inflation image over the year ahead. The recent performance of inflation had some encouraging aspectsPsychology Articles, and therefore the odds on larger value pressures appeared comparatively tiny at now.
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Cara Menggunakan Indikator Average Directional Index Movement ADX

Cara Menggunakan Indikator Average Directional Index Movement ADX

Salam kemajuan sahabat

Kali ini saya akan menuliskan tentang pemahaman terhadap sebuah indikator yang termasuk Indikator untuk mengukur kekuatan trend harga yaitu ADX ( Average Directional Index Movement

Garis ADX tergambar bersama dua garis lainya yang disebut dengan Directional Movement Indikator DMI  dan ADX sendiri merupakan Rata-rata dari dua garis tersebut

Dua Grais DMI itu menggambarkan kekuatan masing-masing trend yaitu down trend dan Up trend. Untuk UP trend ditandai dengan garis +D untuk trend UP dan Garis - D untuk trend Down
Sedangkan garis ADX merupakan gais gabungan antara kedua garis DMI tersebut yaitu +D dan - D namuun hal ini sejatinya bukan menunjukkan arah trend namun hanya sebagai kekuatan rata-rata dari keseluruhan trend.

Cara Membaca Indikator Average Directional Index Movement ADX

- Jika garis ADX semakin naik maka ini menunjukan bahwa kekuatan sebuah trend adalah besar dan ini memberikan peluang untuk kelanjutan trend yaitu naik

Gambar trend naik ADX

- Ketika ADX sudah mencapai Overbought maka akan segera diikuti oleh trend pembalikan sehingga akan segera Trend Turun

Gambar ADX pembalikan trend

- Jangan masuk pasar ketika garis ADX cenderung mendatar dan sulit diprediksi maka saranya janganlah masuk pasar dulu.

Bisa juga digunakan pendapat ini bahwa bila posisi ADX diatas 40 maka trend kuat untuk UP dan bila posisi ADX di bawah 20 maka dia potensi kuat Down,namun karakter ADX terpengaruh oleh Timeframe yang digunakan jadi tidak dapat digunakan secara menyeluruh untuk satu periode kesemua periode.
Setting ADX secara deffault adalah 20 dan bila anda mencari signal yang lebih valid silahkan setting menjadi 5

Cara Mendapatkan Signal Dari Indikator ADX

- Signal BUY ketika garid + D memotong dari bawah Garis - D namun harus dibarengi dengan meningkatnya garis ADX 

Gambar signal BUY ADX

Dan kondisi sebaliknya untuk signal SELL

- Area Jenuh ADX adalah untuk Trend Naik adalah 40 dan untuk level Bawah adalah 20 jadi jangan masuk pasar bila dua kondisi ini anda temukan

Nah itulah Cara Menggunakan Indikator Average Direction Index Movement ADX serta Cara mendapatkan signal dari ADX semoga bermanfaat untuk anda

Salam Kemajuan 

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Rebate Forex

( Cara Mendapatkan Rebate Dari Trading Anda )

Salah satu Cara untuk mendapatkan Keuntungan tambahan dari trading anda adalah memanfaatkan fasilitas pemberian rebat ( cashback ) dari volume trading anda sendiri,fenomena ini disebut dengan Rebate.

Fasilitas pemberian Rebate tersebut memang pada kenyataanya tidak terdapat pada semua Broker forex yang ada, namun tentu ada yang memberikan dan salah satunya akan saya informasikan untuk anda sekarang ini.


Adalah pengembalian sebagian keuntungan yang didapat oleh broker kepada tradernya dan ini tentu berbeda antara broker yang satu dengan lainya,bisa jadi sebabnya adalah karena faktor kesediaan broker tersebut untuk berbagi prosentase keuntugan dengan anda dan ini sifatnya adalah subjektif semata.

Ada sebagian trader yang senang dengan cara ini namun ada juga trader yang tidak terlalu memikirkan tentang fenomena pemberian rebate ini,namun bagaimanapun fenomena pemberian rebate ini memberikan daya tarik tersendiri untuk menambah pundi keuntungan seorang trader sebagai side benefit

Sumber Dana Rebate

Bila anda berdagang dengan bergabung dengan salah satu Broker pilihan anda tentu selalu bersinggungan dengan yang namanya Spread,Spread inilah yang memberikan keuntungan untuk broker karena spread adalah Sumber keuntungan dari broker forex.

Anda tentu sering melihat ada penggunaan spread 0, bahkan sampai 1,2,dan 3 antara posisi order anda dengan posisi harga dimana anda menempatkan order tersebut.Perbedaan antara ask dan bid inilah yang disebut dengan Spread. ( perbedaan antara posisi harga jual dan beli )

 Nah dari uraian diatas tentu anda sudah tahu darimana sumber dana untuk memberikan Rebate dan sumber keuntungan yang didapatkan sebuah Broker forex ( catatan: ini berlaku hanya untuk broker yang legal ) karena biasanya bila anda berdagang dengan broker forex " illegal " maka banyak sekali celah untuk sang broker tersebut mendapatkan keuntungan sendiri diantaranya dengan cara slippage,requoute dan lainya.

Ada salah satu broker forex yang memberikan rebate besar yang ingin saya bagikan informasinya untuk anda dan ketentuanya seperti dibawah ini

Lot Putaran Genap yang diperdagangkan

Dari 1-199 Lot Rabate = 2,00 usd

Dari 200 - 499 lot Rabate = 2,5 usd

Over 500 lot Rabate = 3 usd

Melihat tabel diatas rasanya sangat menguntungkan bila anda ikut berpartisipasi dalam mendapatkan rebate tersebut,silahkan anda kalkulasikan sendiri kira-kira sampai berapa lot anda trading dalam sebulan....!

Bila trading anda mencapai minimal 100 lo saja maka anda berhak untuk mendapatkan Rebate 2$ setiap lot trading yang anda hasilkan jadi hitunganya adalah 2 x 100 maka keuntungan tambahan anda mencapai $ 200 diluar keuntungan trading anda.Lumayan bukan..??

Bagaimana apakah anda tertarik untuk mendapatkanya..?? Bila ya silahkan Klik Disini

Lalu menuju kebagian ini Kompetisi dan promosi dan seterusnya silahkan anda pilih Bonus Rabat Tunai

Silahkan baca keterangan lengkapnya disana dan segera buka akun trading anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam penawaran ini

Demikianlah Pembahasan Rebate Forex serta Cara mendapatkan Rebate Dari Trading Anda semoga menambah keuntungan untuk anda

Claim Rebate Anda Disini


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Technical Analysis Of Forex Prices On 7 July 2014


Below I will show the results of my Technical analysis on several currency pairs are all already reflected in the price of Travel patterns to be formed 

This is the result of the analysis

Technical Analysis for USD/JPY

Gambar analisa teknikal harga forex 7 july 2014

Technical Analysis For EUR/JPY

Gambar analisa teknikal harga forex 7 july 2014

Technical Analysis For  EUR/USD

Gambar analisa teknikal harga forex 7 july 2014

Technical Analysis For EUR/AUD

Gambar analisa teknikal harga forex 7 july 2014

Technical Analysis For AUD/USD

Gambar analisa teknikal harga forex 7 july 2014

As seen in the picture above that each currency pair has its own trends and the natural patterns it had described the trip price will be taken by each currency pair proficiency level.

Technical analysis above would apply in normal market conditions and without considering the fundamentals today so if it turns out there will be news released, please note the fundamental influence on the currency pair that you are trading in money today then you consolidate with the technical analysis.

Thus, Instant Forex Technical Analysis Of On 7 July 2014 may provide benefits to you and keep you trade with your own level of risk 


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Technical Analysis of Forex Prices 20 June 2014

Greetings Friends of Freedom

Reunite with independent FX,in the same event Those provide Daily forex price analysis

Below are the results of my observations on several Currency pairs presented in travel patterns forex price


image technical analysis forex price

It seems the pair will go down in price, but the predicted trend of decline appears only to the extent that the price pattern of the image above


image technical analysis forex price

The pair still seems to be running in the area neutral green striped like in the picture above, except when there is a significant fundamental condition


image technical analysis forex price

Couples are likely to make corrections once entered a period of consolidation so keep it tight


image technical analysis forex price

The pair seems to be experiencing a period of price drops as seen in the image may also he will travel to the price level last week


image technical analysis forex price

The pair seems to be experiencing a period of price drops as seen in the image may also he will travel to the price level last week

So my observation today in the Technical Analysis of the Forex Prices 20 June 2014 may provide benefits to you

Regards independence

Gambar komentar

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Forex Technical Analys today

Sahabat Trader yang baik hatinya

Pada hari ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi tentang Analisa teknikal harga forex yang akan berlaku hari Senin tanggal 16 juni 2014 pada Beberapa Pasangan mata uang Diantaranya adalah seperti nampak pada gambar dibawah ini.

Namun demikian karena seperti kita tahu bersama Bahwa dalam Trading forex tidak hanya Analisa teknikal yang mempengaruhi Arah pergerakan harga forex namun masih ada kondisi Fundamental yang akan mempengaruhinya,jadi gunakan secara bijaksana hasil Analisa teknikal dibawah ini


Seperti nampak pada gambar dibawah ini nampaknya Pola harga GBP/USD akan diwarnai aksi Bearish
Namun nampaknya tidak terlalu jauh dan ini lebih bersifat Koresksi harga saja

Gambar analisa teknikal harga GBP/USD


Nampaknya Pola pergerakan Hrga AUD/USD juga mirip Pola harga GBP/USD

Gambar analisa teknikal harga GBP/USD


Pola pergerakan harga EUR/USD nampaknya akan berbedaPasangan mata uang ini nampak akan kuat menuju Trend bullish

Gambar analisa teknikal harga GBP/USD


Setelah mengalami Tren Bearish yang cukup dalam beberapa waktu lalu kini nampakanya XAU/USD mulai menunjukkan gelait bangun dari keterpurukanya dan menuju Trend Bullish

Gambar analisa teknikal harga forex


Pasangan mata uang ini juga Mulai mencoba bangkit setelah dihantam badai dan kini Pola harga Bullish sudah mulai nanmpak

Gambar analisa teknikal harga forex

Sahabat Tarder yang baik hatinya demikianlah hasil Teropong saya tentang beberapa Pasangan mata uang dalam Forex Technical Analys today semoga memberikan manfaat

Harap diingat selalu putuskan Analisa anda sendiri sesuai dengan apa yang anda yakini kebenaranya selama in agar anda tidak semakin bingung

Hanya gunakan Hasil analisa ini sebagai pertimbangan karena tidak ada jaminan harga akan seperti yang nampak pada gambar diatas.
