Showing posts with label terms in forex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terms in forex. Show all posts
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Investasi Online Terbaik Saat Ini,Investasi Online Terbaik Saat Ini-Kepuasan anda adalah prioritas pertama kami dan kepercayaan Anda adalah aset kami.
UNITED KREDIT MIKRO ORGANISASI TERBATAS adalah perusahaan investasi secara resmi terdaftar yang bekerja dengan investasi modal dalam operasi mikro-kredit internasional, Anda dapat memverifikasi informasi tentang pendaftaran dan legitimasi umo1 terbatas di alamat berikut: Companieshouse.Gov.Uk untuk recive menerima informasi tentang pendaftaran resmi perusahaan Anda perlu untuk memasukkan namanya di baris pencarian (UNITED KREDIT MIKRO ORGANISASI TERBATAS) atau memasukkan nomor pendaftaran di baris yang sesuai mencari perusahaan nomor 09279326
Rencana UMO1 tersedia pada 2 domain, dan
Perhatikan warna sambungan dalam nevigation Bar browser Anda (Green Bar). Perusahaan kami menggunakan layanan validasi Truste Certified perusahaan. Memastikan bahwa situs web bekerja, perusahaan UMO1 juga berjuang untuk mencapai keselamatan teknis dan keuangan.

UNITED KREDIT MIKRO ORGANISASI TERBATAS menggarap pasar kredit mikro sejak tahun 2010, membantu pelanggan memecahkan kesulitan keuangan mereka. Volume besar pinjaman jangka pendek kepada pelanggan selama ini, menunjukkan permintaan yang tinggi dari bisnis ini di pasar jasa keuangan global. Pasar kredit mikro adalah momentum: dibandingkan dengan 2010, pasar tumbuh sebesar 315%. dokumen perusahaan
Hari ini kita bekerja tidak hanya ke arah mengeluarkan kredit mikro, tapi mengundang semua yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam program investasi kami. Menarik investasi tambahan, kami dapat meningkatkan omset perusahaan dan mendapatkan bisnis kami profit.Join lebih besar sebagai investor dan memiliki penghasilan harian konstan.
Keamanan Bisnis

kami menyediakan tingkat keamanan bank yang tinggi dan Keselamatan investasi dalam program terbatas lembaga kredit mikro bersatu
Semua deposito di lembaga kredit mikro bersatu terbatas aman diasuransikan. Kami menggunakan sistem deposit re-asuransi. Deposit Setiap investor sudah berisi komisi asuransi.

A. Deposit adalah cross-diasuransikan di 2 perusahaan asuransi di Inggris. Penutupan simultan dari semua perusahaan asuransi ini tidak mungkin, sehingga metode cross-mengasuransikan ini telah terbukti menjadi yang paling aman.

B. Deposito disimpan dalam 3 bank yang terletak di daerah yang aman dan lepas pantai. Bukan perang, maupun bencana atau pemerintahan yang korup dapat mempengaruhi tabungan Anda di sana.

C. Deposito disimpan dalam bentuk yang berbeda, dimulai dengan kripto-mata uang dan uang tunai dan berakhir dengan emas dan platinum. Metode diversifikasi ini telah terbukti menjadi salah satu yang paling aman. Dalam metode ini tingkat risiko adalah 0.0000001% saja.

Untuk Informasi selengkapnya silahkan menuju website utama dibawah ini

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Stock Market

Forex Education Center And Investment- Stock market,The stock market is a market for trading shares held by the public and related financial instruments (including stock options, stock index trading and forecasts. 

There are several stock markets in advanced economies, with the largest markets being in the United States, China, Japan and Europe. 

Stock index 
Price movements in the market or part of a market are captured in price indices called stock market index, which among others, Standard & Poor's Index, Index of Financial Time. Index as above is usually measured by market capitalization. 

Shares strategies 
There are two types of trades that involve money or shares that are not owned short sales and purchase limits. 

Short Stock Sales 
To more clearly see the short sales. 
In short selling (short selling), a person selling shares they do not have their own, hoping the price will fall. They eventually have to buy back the shares. Exit the short position by buying back the stock is called "covering a short". Simply, someone other people borrowed shares to be sold at market prices. Then the person is hoped that the share price falls to be bought back at a cheaper price to be returned to its owner (in shares) and pocketing the profits (the difference between the sale price and the purchase price).

Purchase limit 
In the purchase limit, a person borrows money to buy stocks and hope the stock can rise in price. Many industrialized countries have laws that require that if the borrowing is based on collateral from other stocks, this loan must be within a certain percentage of the price of other stocks. Other rules include the prohibition of "freeriding" that is, put a message to buy stocks without paying first, and then sell it and use the profits to pay the purchase price in advance.
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Gold Prices Fall Due to Dollar Strengthening America

Forex Education Center And Investment- Gold Prices Fall Due to Dollar Strengthening America,After being strengthened, the pressure drop in the price of gold continues today. Strengthening of the United States dollar (USA) due to poor economic sentiment survey data and data in the Euro Zone Consumer Price Index (CPI) British, put pressure on gold prices. 

"Prices are now in the range of US $ 1227 per ounce, below yesterday's close at US $ 1,232 per ounce," said the Head of Research and Analysis PT Monex Investindo Future, Ariston Tjendra in his review, Wednesday (15/10/2014). 

In the short term, the pressure drop shadowing gold price movements. According to him, it can be seen from the current price moves below the 20 MA on the 4-hour chart. 

However, further decline should wait for confirmation of a break down support US $ 1,223 per ounce by the target potential area for US $ 1216 per ounce.

"While the upward movement of US $ 1232 per ounce, opening new areas to increase the potential of yesterday's US $ 1,238 per ounce," said Ariston. 

Today some economic data could be a market mover as a data Producer Price Index (PPI), Retail Sales and Manufacturing Index New York area. Data better than the predictions potentially push the price of gold down.
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Forex Educaton Center And Investment- Antam,Didirikan pada tahun 1968, ANTAM adalah sebuah perusahaan milik negara yang dihasilkan dari penggabungan beberapa perusahaan dan proyek pertambangan milik negara, yaitu Perusahaan Pertambangan Umum Negara, Bauksit Mining Company, Tjikotok  Emas Mining Company, Perusahaan Negara logam mulia, PT Nickel Indonesia, proyek Diamond dan proyek-proyek lain di bawah Bapetamb. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22/1968, Perusahaan ditetapkan sebagai Perusahaan Negara (PN) Aneka Tambang pada tanggal 5 Juli 1968 Pembentukan diumumkan dalam Lampiran Nomor 36, BNRI No 56, tanggal 5 Juli 1968. pada tanggal 14 September 1974, status Perusahaan diubah dari Perusahaan Negara untuk milik Negara (Persero) dan dikenal sebagai "Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) Aneka Tambang".

Perusahaan berubah menjadi Perseroan Terbatas pada tanggal 30 Desember 1974, sebagaimana tertuang dalam Akta Pendirian Nomor 320 tanggal 30 Desember 1974 dibuat di hadapan Warda Sungkar Alurmei SH, yang pada waktu itu sebagai pengganti Abdul Latief, saat itu notaris di Jakarta. Akta Perubahan No 55 tanggal 14 Maret 1975 dibuat di hadapan Abdul Latief, saat itu notaris di Jakarta, tentang perubahan status Perusahaan dalam rangka melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 9/1969 tentang Penetapan Peraturan pemerintah pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 1/1969 (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1969 Nomor 16, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 2890) dari bentuk Usaha Negara memiliki Hukum (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1969 Nomor 40) , Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 12/1969 tentang Perseroan Terbatas negara, Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1969 Nomor 21 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26/1974 tentang konversi bentuk perusahaan negara Aneka Tambang menjadi Perseroan Terbatas, Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1974 nomor 33 jo. Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor Kep. 1768 / MK / IV / 12/1974, tentang Penetapan Modal Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Aneka Tambang sebagai Perseroan Terbatas dengan nama PT Aneka Tambang, yang telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Keputusan Nomor YA 5/170/4 tanggal 21 Mei 1975, dan kedua Perbuatan di atas terdaftar dalam buku Registry di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta No 1736 dan No 1737 tanggal 27 Mei 1975 dan diumumkan dalam Tambahan Nomor 312 dari BNRI No 52 tanggal 1 Juli 1975 Perusahaan meluncurkan Penawaran Umum Perdana dengan menjual 35% sahamnya ke publik dan tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 1997 dana hasil IPO digunakan untuk mendukung proyek feronikel ekspansi III . Dua tahun kemudian, Perusahaan mencatatkan sahamnya di Australia dengan status badan dibebaskan asing, yang ditingkatkan pada tahun 2002 menjadi ASX Listing yang memiliki ketentuan lebih kuat.
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Definition Of Terms In Forex Trading

Forex Education Center And InvestmentDefinition Of Terms In Forex, the forex trading there are many terms that the term should be understood as we understand it and the terms of trade will always be with us in the future. and between the short term and the definition are as follows

-Account (Account) - Notes in the database, which contains information about the user and other objects of the system. 

-Fundamental Analysis - market analysis type, in which th

e estimate is based on financial market news, analysis of economic and political information to predict market movements. 

-Technical Analysis (graphical analysis) - which type of market analysis in this estimate is based on the fact that the market has a memory and the future will be influenced by changes in behavior patterns in the past. 
-Arbitrage - Transfer funds from one market to another market to profit from the difference in interest rates, exchange rates, or commodity prices. 
-Aussie (AUD) - a slang term for the Australian dollar. 

-Automated trading - the special method of trading when programs execute orders on the trader's Behalf, based on a particular system, but without the participation of the traders. 

-The central bank - Bank that provides financial services to the government and the country's commercial banks. 

-Bull (Bull) - Trader, the main priority is the increase in the exchange rate. 
-News Trading (trading News) - The type of trading system, the essence of which is to receive a profit on the price gaps at times of important economic news releases. 

- Bear (Bear) - Trader, which is the preferred currency devaluation. 

-Broker - a wealthy individual or company that takes the responsibility to be an agent between buyers and sellers of financial instruments while charging a fee (commission fee). 

-Buy Limit - Pending orders to buy at a price lower than the current price level (buy cheaper than now). It is placed in the hope that prices will fall to a certain level and then will begin to rise again. 
-Buy Stop - Pending orders to buy at a price higher than the current price level (purchase more expensive than it is now). It is placed with the expectation that the market price will reach a certain level and will continue to grow. 
-Cable - slang for a pound. It is called this way because the first offer that was sent to America by the trans-Atlantic cable in the middle of the 19th century. 

-Candlesticks - One method of displaying graphics exchange rate changes of financial instruments'. 

-Close Order (position) - the reverse process of selling / buying the volume of such financial instruments, which compensates for the buy / sell volume opening position. 
-Dealer - An individual or company with whom the trader has an agreement with, set up the basics of trading operations. Dealers take the responsibility to act as the second part of the transaction. 
-Deposit - Funds are included in the account for further transactions. 
-Diversification - The strategy aims to reduce risk by allocating investments in financial instruments or investment object. 
-Instant Execution (Instant Execution) - Method execution order, where the order is executed at the price indicated. If the price changes while getting to the trading server, the client gets a notice about the change in price (requote). Traders can accept or reject the new price to be executed. 

-Execution Market (Market Execution) - Method execution order, where the order is executed If any. If the price changes at the time of execution of the order, it will be executed on the new, the price changed. 

-Equity (Equity) - indicator that characterizes the current status of the trader's account. It is calculated as follows: equity = balance + floating profit - floating loss. 

-Expert Advisor - Automatic System (script) that executes the trade without trader's participation is based on a predetermined algorithm. 
-Flat - Period when the price remains the same range and does not indicate the direction of growth or decline. 
-Gap - Break on the graph is caused by a mismatch between the offer price of an open trading period and the closing price of the previous trading period. This can occur due to unforeseen circumstances (eg, after the weekend). 

-Day Trading (Day Trading) - Trade operations are completed in one day. 
-Hedging - The use of a financial instrument to reduce risk, which is linked to the influence of unfavorable market factors on the price of another financial instrument, related to the first or the cash flows they generate. 
-Indicators - The tools of computer analysis of price movements based on the statistical data used in technical analysis. 
-Financial instruments (Financial Instrument) - Product tTipe financial market environment (ie currencies, stocks, futures, options, etc.) 

-Key (Lock) - The presence of the two open positions of the financial instruments in the opposite direction at a time. 
-Kiwi (NZD) - a slang term for New Zealand currency (New Zealand dollar). 
-Exchange rate (exchange rate) - The ratio of the price of one currency for another at a time. For example, 1 EUR can buy 1.3000 USD. Looks like EUR / USD = 1.3000. 
-Profit (Profit) - Increased positive balance resulting from investment or trading, after deducting all costs. 
-Level of support - term technical analysis, which determines the rate at which market players often start buying. 
-Leverage - The instrument allows a greater amount of trading, having only a portion of the amount. For example, with a 1: 100 leverage, you can trade in volumes of 100 000 USD, USD 1000 only to have your own funds. 

-Liquidity (Liquidity) - Features an asset to change each other. A greater liquidity provides an opportunity to make a big deal, without being affected by significant changes in the price. 
-Long - position to buy. Profit increases when market prices grow. 
-Lot - A number of units or amount of assets that are used to execute certain trading instruments (currency pair, a lot of Forex standard of 100 000 units of the base currency). 
-Margin - Collateral is required to carry out trading with the help of leverage. For example, if the leverage is 1: 100 and 10 000 USD order volume, margin is 100 USD. 
-Margin call - Notification which indicates that little amount of funds remaining in your trading account and that, in the case of unfavorable market movements, stop out may occur. This notice is sent at a time when the rest of the funds on the trading account is a certain percentage of the margin (eg, 40%). 

-Market-maker - a big bank or financial organization that determines the exchange rate at this time because most of the operations in the entire market volume. 
-The base currency (base currency) - which stands first currency in a currency pair. All transactions are made with the base currency. 
-Quoted Currency (Quoted currency) - which stands second currency in a currency pair. The price of the base currency is reflected by the aid. 
-Major (Majors) - the main currency pairs: EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / JPY, USD / CHF, AUD / USD, and USD / CAD. 

-Order (position) - Instructions client to execute trading on a certain level (to buy or sell one currency to one another). Once an order is opened, it should be closed to improve profit or loss. 
-Open Order (position) -Processes buy or sell a certain volume of financial instruments for profit due to changes in supply in a favorable direction. To improve trading results, you have to close the order. 
-Currency Pair (Currency pair) - Financial instruments ditraderkan in the foreign exchange market. The pair formed by the two currencies, which is written as a ratio of one to the other. For example, USD / JPY. The result is called the exchange rate or offers. 
-Cross currency pair (Cross currency pairs) - Currency pairs that do not include USD. For example, EUR / JPY. 

-Pending orders - Orders to buy or sell financial instruments in the future, when price reaches the level indicated in the order. 
-Non-market offer - Offer in accordance with the following conditions: 
significant price gaps; 
return of the price in a short time to the initial level, the price gap formation; 
the absence of rapid price dynamics before the advent of this offering; 
the absence of important economic news, which obviously affects the financial instruments at the time of offer appearance. 
-Offer (Bid) - The price at which you can sell the currency. The offer price is lower than the ask price. 
-Short (Short) - Position to sell. Earnings increase with a decrease in the market price. 

-Permitaan (Ask) - The price at which you can buy the currency. Asking price is greater than the Bid price. 
-Pips (Points) - Unit price changes of financial instruments (0.0001). For example, if a major change 1.3000-1.3001, it means that he will change for 1 pip (point). Fractional unit price changes used in NDD and ECN accounts, which means that supply can be changed at 0.1 pips and will look like 1.30011. 
-Trading platform (trading terminal) - Software that allows traders to execute the trading of computer or other telecommunication devices. 

-Resistance level - term technical analysis, which determines the rate at which market players often start selling. 
-Requote - Notification in the trading terminal on price changes during the process of placing the order. You can accept the new price or cancel the execution of the command. Requote can appear in an account with the Instant Execution. 
-Balance (Balance) - The number of funds in the trading account after completing the last transaction in the given period. 

-Scalping - a trading strategy in which a trader executes a large number of orders over a short period (even a few seconds) and improvement in a few pips profit. 
-Slip (Slippage) - The number of market movements of the time of placing the order until its execution. This is the situation when the command executes at a better price / worse than indicated in the order. For example, this may occur during high market volatility. 
-Sell ​​Limit - Pending orders to sell at a higher price than the current price level (selling more expensive than it is now). It is placed with the expectation that the market price will increase to a certain level and then it will start to fall. 

-Sell ​​Stop - Pending orders to sell at a price lower than the current price level (selling cheaper than now). It is placed with the expectation that the market price will decline to a certain level and will continue to fall. 

-Spread - The difference between the real-time Bid and Ask price of one currency to one another. 
-Stop out - automatic closing process orders. This procedure took place at the time when the remnants of the trading account is a certain percentage of the margin (eg, 20%). 
-Stop loss - a pending order type that helped limit losses while trading. 
-Swissy (СHF) - a slang term for the Swiss franc. 
-Swap - Cost to transfer trading positions open all night. Funds can be reduced or added from / to the account. 
-Take profit - a pending order type that helps fix (taking) advantage while trading. 

-Automated trading (Autotrading) - Method trading when a specific program executes orders on behalf of the trader, based on a particular system, but without the participation of traders. 
-Тrailing stop - an instrument that "recruit" stop loss to a current price at a certain distance to the changing market and distributed. This helps for price movement in one direction. 
-Тrend - clearly visible market movements in one direction (upwards - bullish, down - bearish, sideways - flat). 
-Volatility - the strength of the exchange rate variation. 
-Volume - The number of financial instruments to trade during a certain period.

Those are some terms and defition of  present in about forex trading is expected understanding and understand our respective functions so that in the future we can apply in our trade