Showing posts with label Sekolah forex indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sekolah forex indonesia. Show all posts
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Tata Cara Pengurusan Penanaman Modal Asing Di Indonesia Tata Cara Pengurusan Penanaman Modal Asing Di Indonesia,Bagaimana mengurus izin Penanaman Modal Asing?

Halamn ini bisa membantu Anda dan/atau mitra Anda (orang asing) untuk mengenal lebih dekat proses administrasi investasi asing di Indonesia baik sebagai 100 persen kepemilikan asing ataupun  sebagian.

Tahapan Penanaman Modal

Secara umum, berikut adalah tahapan yang Anda harus lalui untuk melakukan investasi asing di Indonesia.


Pada tahap ini atau Tahap Persiapan (istilah yang digunakan BKPM), Anda mengajukan permohonan kepada BPKM tentang rencana penanaman modal asing. Anda bisa juga langsung mengurus izin prinsip pada fase ini. 

Anda menyediakan data dari (calon) investor yang akan melakukan investasi PMA: memberikan informasi tentang bisnis yang akan dikerjakan, modal yang akan diinvestasikan, rencana produksi, proyeksi omset, jumlah tenaga kerja dan nama-nama pemegang saham dari (calon) perusahaan PMA.

Bila permohonan rencana penanaman modal asing Anda diterima, BKPM akan mengeluarkan izin prinsip (IP), yang menjadi dasar bagi Anda untuk mengimplementasikan permohonan rencana PMA Anda.

Lamanya proses pengurusan Izin prinsip ini bisa mulai dari 4 - 7 hari. 


Pada tahap ini, Anda merealisasikan rencana yang sudah dicantumkan di izin prinsip. Misalnya, bila perusahaan PMA belum ada, Anda mendirikan PT. PMA sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah. Anda melengkapi seluruh dokumen, fasilitas, sarana dan pra-sarana untuk merealisasikan rencana PMA.

Ini termasuk sewa atau bangun kantor, pembuatan PT PMA, urus surat keterangan domisili usaha, pengesahan PT PMA, NPWP, izin gangguan (bila diperlukan), UKL/UPL atau AMDAL, API-P, API-U, dan lain-lain. Data-data ini kemudian Anda gunakan untuk mengurus izin usaha tetap (IUT)

Pada tahap ini Anda bisa juga mengajukan permohonan pembebasan pajak atas mesin-mesin yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan produk dari PT PMA Anda. Tidak semua jenis bisnis bisa mendapatkan fasilitas ini. Anda bisa berkonsultasi dengan konsultan PMA tentang jenis bisnis yang bisa mendapatkan fasilitas ini.

Semua dokumen yang terkait  dengan konstruksi dilakukan pada tahap kedua.


Bila dokumen pada tahap kedua sudah siap dan usaha Anda siap atau 85 persen siap untuk beroperasi, Anda mengajukan permohonan untuk mengurus izin usaha tetap (IUT). Semua dokumen (copy) yang disiapkan pada tahap kedua Anda serahkan ke BKPM. 

Bila semua dokumen sudah dinyatakan ok, BKPM akan menerbitkan izin usaha tetap (IUT).

Lamanya proses pengurusan Izin Usaha tetap ini bisa mulai dari 7 - 10 hari. 

Itulah secara singkat langkah-langkah mengurus izin PMA di BKPM.

Persyaratan Perizinan PMA

Formulir Permohonan
Nama Perusahaan (opsi) bila belum diproses atau data-data perusahaan (akte pendirian, pengesahaan akte (SK Menteri Hukum dan HAM, SK Domisili Usaha, NPWP Perusahaan, SIUP, TDP, dan PKP)
Bidang Usaha 
Nama Pemilik Modal (Min. 2 Orang) dan Presentasi Saham
KTP/Paspor Direktur
KTP Pemilik Saham/ Copy passport pemilik saham
NPWP Pemilik Saham (WNI)
NPWP Direktur (WNI)
Copy Sertifikat Tanah dan IMB bila bangunan adalah milik PT atau copy surat sewa-menyewa bila tempat usaha disewa
Flow Chart mulai dari bahan baku sampai jadi (penjelasan detail) atau deskripsi usaha
Kartu Keluarga bila Dirut adalah Wanita
Foto Direktur Utama 4 Lbr (Ukuran 3x4) dan 4x6 2 lembar 
Nama dan Copy KTP Komisaris
Alamat Domisili Usaha
No. Telepon Perusahaan
Denah Lokasi Tempat Usaha (Bila Perusahaan Menjadi Perusahaan  Kena Pajak (PKP))
Stempel Perusahaan (Bila nama Perusahaan Sudah Disetujui sdep. Hukum dan HAM) 
Surat Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Izin Lingkungan/Gangguan bagi perusahaan yang tidak berdomisili di gedung
Surat kuasa bila pengurusan izin ini dikuasakan kepada perusahaan
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Rencana Kenaikan Suku Bunga Amerika Rencana Kenaikan Suku Bunga Amerika,Jakarta - Ekonom senior Mandiri Sekuritas Aldian Taloputra memperkirakan Bank Sentral AS The Fed akan menaikkan suku bunga acuan (Fed Fund Rate) pada akhir 2015 atau awal 2016, berbeda dengan konsensus yang memprediksi kenaikan pada kuartal II atau kuartal III 2014.

"Kenaikan Fed Fund Rate bisa terjadi di penghujung 2015. Fed Fund Rate akan naik jika inflasi di atas ekspektasi (2 persen)," ujar Aldian saat paparan "Economic Outlook & Condition for 2015" di Jakarta, Selasa (23/12).

Menurut Aldian, inflasi di AS saat ini masih relatif rendah. The Fed memproyeksikan inflasi AS sepanjang 2014 akan mencapai 1,5-1,6 persen, sama dengan proyeksi pada September 2014 lalu.

Namun untuk tahun depan, The Fed merevisi proyeksi Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) inflation atau indeks yang mengukur perubahan harga barang dan jasa ditingkat konsumen, dari 1,6-1,9 persen menjadi 1-1,6 persen.

Sementara itu, inflasi inti (core inflation) yang tidak termasuk harga makanan dan energi diproyeksikan turun lebih sedikit dibandingkan proyeksi sebelumnya yakni dari 1,6-1,9 persen menjadi 1,5-1,8 persen.

Dalam pernyataan Gubernur Bank Sentral AS The Fed Janet Yallen, disebutkan bahwa perekonomian AS mengalami ekspansi dan pasar tenaga kerja terus membaik, tetapi tingkat inflasi turun dibawah target FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) yang sebagian disebabkan oleh merosotnya harga energi.

Selain karena kekhawatiran masih merosotnya harga minyak dunia, Aldian menilai, tingkat belanja di AS masih belum menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan sehingga belum mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih cepat.

"Tanpa belanja yang signifikan, inflasi tidak akan naik. Jika inflasi tidak mengancam, The Fed tidak akan naikkan suku bunga," kata Aldian
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Understanding Investment Strategies: Dollar Cost Averaging

Every person who invests, any type of investment, must expect to be profiting aka profit. If possible profit obtained is the greatest, of course. 
However, investing is not so natural. Because there are times when an investment gives a great advantage at one time, but at other times the same investment is actually causing huge losses. 

The causes are numerous, including the knowledge of investors about investment instruments that he chose, and an understanding of the macro and micro economics. Complicated? It is certain. 

But it could be slightly modified with an investment method called Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA), which is known for easy and simple and can be done by anyone. 

"The words" dollar "because this method originated from the United States that uses the dollar," said Edhi Widjojo, president director of AXA Asset Management Indonesia. "The dollar can easily be replaced with" dollars "to adjust the currency used in investing." 

In essence DCA is a method of investing regularly in the same amount of money in a specific period, in the form of stock or mutual fund investments. By investing regularly, then the investor will still make the purchase when the stock price down or up. When dropped, the shares purchased would increase much, and vice versa. At the end of the period, the difference in the purchase of high and low purchase price, and the number of shares held, which determines the success of your investment. 

In other words, according to Edhi, DCA is an investment strategy regularly every certain period regardless of market movements. 

"The goal is to reduce the investment risk due to market fluctuations aka market volatility," said Edhi. 

Edhi explains that DCA is suitable for novice investors who do not need to care pergrakan market or market timing. "Because the investment is made in" installments ", then no need to wait for a huge amount to get started."

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The Types of Investments You Need To Know

The types of investments you need to know 

Well, every asset investment has the characteristics of the potential benefits and risks different. "So when asked 'where the best investment asset', then the answer is DEPENDS!" Said Pritchard Hapsari Ghozie, SE, MCom., CFP, an independent financial planner and director of ZAP Finance. "It depends on what your risk profile? Depending on how long the funds would be used? Depending on how much profit you want? 

Pritchard explained that despite the current financial products offered in Indonesia is very diverse, ranging from deposits, retail bonds Indonesia, mutual funds, unit-linked up, actually kind of investment only assets are divided into four. What? 

Cash or Cashier. "Although the name of cash, does not mean you can put money in a closet or under a pillow like those earlier times," said Pritchard. "Property investment in the form of cash are generally offered in the form of savings, deposits, or money market mutual funds. The potential benefits are usually not more than 6 percent per year, but the risk is very small investment. "

PendapatanTetap. Financial assets, according to Pritchard features provide a fixed income for its investors, can monthly or yearly. "Generally offered in the form of bonds or debt securities, and fixed income funds," said Pritchard. "The possibility of the value of your investment will grow over 10 percent per year is minimal, but if there is any fluctuation in market value of investments are generally not reduced drastically." 

Stock. It is proof of ownership of a company. "I usually split into two shares, which shares an open and a closed stock company," said Pritchard. "Examples of the company's stock closed is if you have a business franchise, or a small business rumahan.Untuk public company shares, no stock options Blue Chips are usually large market capitalization, and the second tier stocks." 

Mike further explained that for asset classes of shares, the options can be found in the form of a mix of mutual funds, mutual fund shares, and common stock. "The risk of this investment is quite high, but the potential benefits that could be given to more than per cent per year on average," said Pritchard. 

Physical assets. The last type is a physical asset that is typically in the form of gold, precious stones, and property. "Well, the potential returns can be quite varied, depending on the form of investment that we choose," Pritchard explained. "The main advantage of this asset class course investors holding direct investment products." 

So, where the investment asset class that should be your choice? According to Pritchard, of course everything. "It should always be remembered that the basic principle of investing is to never put all your funds in one class," he said. "Establish an investment portfolio consisting of four above investment grade, with a composition adjusted by the risk profile of each
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Dimensional analysis

Dimensional analysis is a conceptual tool often applied in physics, chemistry, and engineering to understand the physical state of the physical quantities that involve different. Dimensional analysis is routinely used in physics and engineering to check the accuracy of a decrease in the equation. For example, if a physical quantity has units of mass divided by unit volume decline but equality of outcome only load unit mass, the equation is not exactly clear. Just the same dimensionless quantities that can each be added, subtracted, or equated. If the magnitudes are different dimensions in the equation and each other is limited sign "+" or "-" or "=", the equation is not possible; The equation must be corrected before use. If the quantities of the same or different dimension multiplied or divided, the dimensions of these quantities are also multiplied or divided. If the amount raised to dimension, the dimension of these quantities are also raised to.

Dimensions, quantities, and unit
Dimensions of physical quantities are represented by symbols, such as M, L, T representing the mass, length (the possibility of an English term: length), and time (the possibility of an English term: time). As there is a derived unit which is derived from the base unit, there are basic dimensions of physical quantities of primary and secondary dimensions of scale derived from the basic dimensions of the primary. For example, the dimensions of magnitude speed is distance / time (L / T) and the dimensions of the force is mass × distance / waktu² or ML / T2. 

Unit and a variable dimension of physics are two different things. The units of physical quantities defined by the agreement, relating to a particular standard (for example, the length scale can have units of meters, feet, inches, miles, or micrometer), but only one-dimensional length scale, namely L. Two different units can be converted to each other (example: 1 m = 39.37 in; 39.37 figure is referred to as a conversion factor), while no conversion factor between code dimensions. 

Below is a table showing the dimensions and scale of seven basic units in the SI system.
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Markets Have Memory Pattern

Markets never forget, or rather have memories. By naked eye you can see the levels of support and resistance that proved this. Markets never forget the moments of the start of a significant movement. How many times have you observed price movements experienced a correction and back again to a level or area where the movement started? 
Sometimes prices ranging move around that level before continuing or reverse direction. This incident in the history of repeated movement of any currency pair, and if you understand why this is the case you certainly will not have trouble again in anticipation of market price movements
Forex trading is about probabilities, so it is not like measuring or calculating something definite and absolute. The market will always remember every significant movement he made. It is a high probability but not always. However a high probability can be used as an assumption. 
Clear evidence of the high probability seen in the formation of the bar (candlestick) or the formation of price movements (price action) occurs. Price action is a signal of the direction of the next movement. The combination between the assumptions and the formation of price action can give a clear indication of the price movement and trading signals with a high probability. 

Here's an example of the daily chart stock index DAX30 (Germany):

Key resistance level (key resistance) formed between 9735.00 to 9700.00. Area between the key resistance level and downward price movements are significant in this case referred to as 'events area'. Trading signal does not have to occur at the level of the key, but can also be at the event area. As in this example a pin bar reversal looks formed on the event area is a signal to sell. 

After 12 days of re-formed pin bar reversal in the event area and move the price back down. This suggests that the market is never forgotten and always respect levels and also key events that formed the area. If a trader has understood this then he will be able to anticipate when the signals are formed at levels key events in the area. 

Entry is based price action signals that occur close to the level of resistance or support and event area is usually safer and often true. This is because the situation was confirmed by the memory market.
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What Breakout Strategies..????

Breakout mercantilism could be a strategy utilized by several traders. If you wish to understand what the break, any conditions that encourage break, break strategy and the way to implement this? Here is that the clarification 

Breakout could be a strategy that's contrary to what we have a tendency to perceive normally. we have a tendency to don't frequent the bottom purpose and sell at the very best purpose. to try to to is to shop for on top of the very best purpose (the purpose of resistance) and sell below the bottom purpose (the purpose of support).

The concern of loss could be a powerful feeling. break heed these emotions, as if we have a tendency to aren't fearful of losing -will or loss. in a very growing market trend, everybody are vying to form purchases once the worth moves up. A break strategy is to attend for the market to succeed in the purpose of resistance and so enter (break) on top of the purpose (out) them. in a very growing trend, sometimes not longer purpose the market can move higher once more. 

A break strategy is applied once a robust rising trend in addition to market conditions area unit volatile. robust trend, especially, tend to be ready to penetrate worth. we will illustrate this as a robust and muscular man hit a picket board. Of course, the board are simply penetrated. Trends and market conditions that area unit probably penetrate support and resistance points. 

We need to seek out a robust trend before break as a result of it plays a vital role in control the upper likelihood. On the opposite hand, volatility isn't taken under consideration. Discomfort market can probably lead to costs moving from the very best or lowest purpose. 

You can use Donchian indicator to spot support and resistance levels yet as facilitate you identify get and sell points. In AN uptrend, you're suggested to shop for at that time is on top of the road and place a stop loss at some extent below the road. In distinction, in a very downtrend, you're suggested to sell at that time is below the road and place a stop loss at some extent on top of the road.
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Gold Trading On The Modern Era

Receiving interest once commerce gold or silver Loco-London on the last interest rate; 
Transactions leverage on the margin; 
Diversified investment portfolio
B. World Gold Market

In London, gold and silver are listed by members of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), supervised by the Bank of European country. Most of its members ar international banks or bullion dealers and a few big skilled worker. Trade gold on the London market incorporates a long history for three centuries, and also the Gold Fixing (Gold Pricing) solely shaped once war I in 1919, Fixing System comes from the London silver market and a plan for investors round the world to shop for and sell gold at one quoted worth. 
The Fixing is finished a pair of times the daily a
t 10:30 am (16:30 pm) and 15:00 pm (21:00 pm) in London involving five Fixing Members as follows: 
Scotia-Mocatta, Mocatta & Goldsmid successor and have become a part of Bank of Scotia 
Barclays Capital, replace NM Rothschild & Sons restricted 
Deutsche Bank Sharps Pixley owner 
HSBC, owner of prophet Ashley Montagu & Co. 
Société Générale, replaced Johnson Matthey and CSFB (Credit Swiss Confederation initial Boston) 

In 1975, America big apple exchange started mercantilism COMEX gold forward, changing into a central forward gold world trade. Now, the big apple gold forward market to switch the standing of the market in London in regulation the worth of gold. the explanation why this is often happening? as a result of the big apple market have a bonus within the dealing methodology, mixture offer, marked worth and dealing time. 

The gold market in Hong Kong is additionally referred to as the gold market fruity (Local) London. currently the market has concerning seventy active participants transacting, most banks, investment firms and native gold traders to hedge against their positions within the forward market. fruity London gold market was quoted in America greenbacks per apothecaries' unit ninety nine.99% pure gold and with delivery in London. 
Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society operates one amongst the most important gold markets within the world. Gold listed through these agencies have a purity of ninety nine, the unit weight of the weight and quoted in Hong Kong greenbacks. the worth is sort of follows the opposite major gold market in London, Zurich and big apple. Turnover within the market the maximum amount as four.3 million taels in 2001. 

In everyday reality, the worth of gold doesn't solely rely on true of demand and provide, or offer and demand. the worth of gold is additionally laid low with the economic state of affairs. Here are a number of the economic state of affairs that usually have an effect on the worth of gold

The weakening of the dollar rate is sometimes pushed up gold costs. this is often as a result of investors value more highly to sell their own greenbacks so purchase gold that's thought-about capable of protective the worth of their assets. for instance, in period 2009, the rate of the dollar against different currencies continued  to say no, whereas {the worth|the worth|the value} of gold continues to stand up to the extent of $ 1070 per apothecaries' unit price of gold that is that the highest in history. 

The increase within the worth of gold at the tip of 2002 associate degreed early 2003 occurred as a results of the attack on Irak are done by an ally United Nations agency commanded the us. Market participants to change investments from securities industry and also the securities market to gold investment demand for gold jumped thus sharply. 

One of the samples of things which will have an effect on the availability and demand (supply and demand) of gold is just like the incident in mid-1980 At that point, forward sales by mining firms continuously goddam for the rise within the worth of gold. In business terms, the particular behavior of the company is sensible. By doing forward sales once gold costs rose, they will secure a mining output costs at a reasonably engaging worth. 
As another example, the case in mid-1998 within which the worth of gold continued  to say no. At that point, central banks in Europe aforesaid it'd scale back its gold reserves in respect of the decide to implement the monetary unit currency. Gold costs plunged around 290 greenbacks per apothecaries' unit. 

About eighty % of the overall offer of gold used jewellery business. Consumption of jewellery may be a nice influence on the demand aspect. once the economy improves, demand for jewelery tends to rise. However, from the applied math knowledge visible demand for jewellery is additional sensitive to fluctuations within the worth of gold compared to the rise of economic conditions. 
The fall of the extent of jewellery demand throughout recessions within the years 1982-1983 principally as a result of rising gold costs at the same time. the autumn of the extent of jewellery demand in times of recession the first 90's additional in tune with the on top of, at the time the worth of gold to fall. 
Uncertain economic state of affairs could lead on to high inflation. Gold is employed as a hedge against inflation. This profit has been felt for a protracted time capitalist. With gold, investors got an ideal protection against the declining getting power. once the years 1978-1980 the worth of gold is booming; whereas inflation within the us rose from four % to fourteen %, gold costs rose by three (three) times. 

When interest rates rise, there's a good effort to stay cash on deposit than gold that doesn't earn interest (non-interest-bearing). it'll place pressure on the gold worth. Conversely, once interest rates fall, the worth of gold can tend to rise. In theory, if the short-run interest rates rise, the worth of gold down. In country, this theory doesn't continuously run. In 1998, because the rate fell sharply against the dollar currency, the govt. raised interest rates considerably. The hope, restrain the speed of increase within the dollar. As a result, though the interest rates rise, the worth of gold additionally rose. 
Now fruity London gold by-product contracts as derivatives dealing object through the choice mercantilism System (SPA), supported the Regulation of artifact Futures mercantilism administrative body (Bappebti) numbered seventy two / BAPPEBTI / Per / 9/2009. additionally to gold, the opposite 2 merchandise ar derivatives contracts between foreign currency (foreign currencies cross) and index.

Ok you just read bout Gold Trading On The Modern Era and i wish this articles will give you more bennefites
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Aturan - Aturan Dalam Perdagangan Forex

Perilaku memenuhi emosi berlebihan ketika perdagangan di pasar forex bisa berakibat fatal. 
Jika kehilangan lemak, perilaku emosional kadang-kadang dapat mendorong monger berpengalaman untuk kembali terlalu cepat di pasar pada saat principle tidak tepat untuk mencoba untuk memulihkan uang principle telah baru saja kehilangan. Pedagang berpikir Hawkeye State bisa mengejar ketinggalan dengan mengalikan jumlah operasi. 
Cara terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan membuat daftar aturan untuk mengikuti dalam perdagangan forex dan tidak pernah menyimpang Iranian language prinsip-prinsip ini.

1 Tinggalkan emosi Anda ke samping. 
Perdagangan mata uang adalah seperti busines lain, dan harus diperlakukan seperti itu. Karena sulit untuk dipisahkan Iranian language emosi principle disebabkan oleh kerugian, menganggap bahwa sekali kerugian principle ditulis dalam buku-buku, enzyme seorang pun principle bisa mengubah itu. Jadi tindakan principle terbaik adalah untuk mencoba untuk belajar Iranian language semua kesalahan principle telah dilakukan, dan memproses transaksi berikutnya dengan cara principle sama seperti jika uang telah diperoleh pada transaksi sebelumnya. 

2 Jangan pernah membuat lebih Iranian language perdagangan. Hal ini disebabkan aturan nomor satu di mana sering, emosi telah menjalankan monger forex untuk berdagang juga. Dengan mencoba untuk mengkompensasi hilangnya, pemula forex monger cenderung membuat keputusan tergesa-gesa principle dapat merugikan posisinya akun. Berpikir bahwa transaksi lebih menghasilkan lebih banyak uang, terlalu banyak transaksi hanya berdasarkan keputusan intuitif dapat dengan cepat memburuk standing account Anda. 

3 Ikuti tren. 
Satu hal principle ribuan pedagang principle melakukan analisa basic atau analisa teknikal (atau keduanya) setuju adalah bahwa pasar Forex berikut tren. Identifikasi tren ini dapat berarti perbedaan antara keberhasilan dan kegagalan. Mengikuti kecenderungan umum mata uang, Anda dapat merebut kesempatan untuk mengambil keuntungan Iranian language tren sampai terbalik. 

4. Tetap keluar Iranian language pasar jika enzyme keraguan. 
Jika monger tidak dapat mengidentifikasi tren principle mengikuti mata uang, lebih baik untuk menghindari waktu sampai gambar principle lebih baik dapat dibentuk pada apa principle terjadi pada tren harga. 
Dengan mengikuti aturan-aturan dasar, traders Forex tinggal jauh Iranian language masalah principle disebabkan oleh keputusan tergesa-gesa berdasarkan emosi atau kurangnya analisis.
Inilah beberapa Aturan-aturan dalam perdagangan forex yang semestinya wajib kita ikuti untuk menghindari resiko kerugian
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How To Make Money And Succeed In Forex Trading

How To Make Money And Succeed In Forex Trading

To a newbie learning Online Forex Trading, it looks very simple in the beginning. Take currency pair EURUSD for instance, if you bullish on Euro, simply place a Buy order. Bearish on EUR, just short it. So easy, you may ask? The truth about Forex Trading is that it is a professional activity that not many traders will succeed.

I will just go through a few very straight forward pointers on how to consistently generate Forex pips.

In the world of Forex currency trading, many newbie traders believe that Forex trading software or system that contains rocket science is more likely able to make money. It may be true, but how many of us will be able to find such a system or methodology? Why not just spend time and money to learn systems or trading methods that are simple but works?

In the Forex currency trading, the fact is simple systems just work best. Simple systems are more robust and easier to trade as you understand the logic and can therefore follow it with confidence when you are in a losing streak.

I personally feel that it is much simpler to trade with the trends rather than the ranging market.

For many successful traders, once they are happy with a system or methodology, they stick with it. Remember, you only make money trading Forex, and not having 100 systems or trading methodologies but trading none of them.

In Forex trading, most traders succeeded primarily due to good money management. So long as your system or trading methodologies has a positive profit factor coupled with proper money management, you will succeed in the long run.

However, for many Forex Trading beginners, after many days and nights of learning and digesting Forex Trading courses, purchasing of various Forex Trading Software and Forex Trading System, you still find yourself with a huge hole in your initial capital.

As times go by, slowly, your dreams of financial freedom and success begin to fade. You will begin to ask yourself, are you a failure? Are you not intelligent enough to become a profitable Forex trader? After all, there are many successful Forex Trading experts out there who are living their Online Money Making dreams….

So the Money Making Online million dollar question – Are you cut out to be a profitable Forex Currency Trading trader? Yes, you can become a profitable Forex Trading Trader! You just need to treat Online Forex Trading like running a Successful Online Money Making Business.

Forex Trading Style

Similar to Stock Trading or any form Investment Trading. You must ask yourself – what is your Online Forex Trading style – news Forex Trading, swing Forex Trading, momentum Forex Trading, pattern Forex Trading and intraday or longer term Forex Trading? It is alright to have a “library” of Forex Trading style or setups, but most Money Making Foreign Currency trader does is to concentrate on a niche or particular Forex Trading style. Learn to do one thing consistently well instead of trying to master too many trading methodologies. You have to pick a style that suits you.

Online Forex Trading Plan

What is your Foreign Currency Trading plan? Before any trade entry, you have to ask yourself it this the right Set Up entry for your Forex Trading style? Where is your exact Forex Currency trade entry point? What are you Forex Trading Stop Loss target? What is your Forex Trading profit target?

Anyone involves in Foreign Currency Trading and not having a well defined stop loss is going to have their entire Online Forex Trading account wipe out before they even realized it. I knew someone did just that recently. A US$10,000 account was wiped out within a week without Stop Loss trading a few currency pairs. You also need to know what your Forex Trading profit target point is. What is the point of having an Online Money Making Forex Trading trade but your Forex Trading Account does not Make Money. For one simple reason, you didn’t take the money from your Forex trade and market reversal against you.

Forex Trading Profit & Loss Plan

Lots of Online Forex Trading beginners don’t realized the important of reward to risk factor for every Forex Trading trade. You will never Make Money Online if you risk $500 but make $100.

Follow your Well-Defined Forex Trading Plan

Once you have written down a well-defined Online Forex Trading, you must have the Discipline to stick to it. All Forex Trading beginners must remember that Discipline and Money Management are the two most import aspects of Forex Trading. Even the greatest Forex Trading System or methodologies will fail if you can’t stick to it.
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What Forex Trading Demystified

What Forex Trading Demystified

Forex involves the trading of currencies. It is the largest financial market in the world and has an estimated daily turnover of 1.9 trillion dollars. This turnover is larger than all the worlds’ stock market on any given day.

The forex market does not have a fixed exchange. The forex market is considered an over-the-counter (OTC) market. The forex market is completely electronic and trades are executed over the phone or on the Internet. Until 10 years ago the forex market was the preserve of Large financial institutions. Now an ever-increasing amount of individual traders thanks to the advent of the Internet and an increasing amount of online forex brokers are trading forex.

Currencies are always traded in pairs. A typical pair would be EUR/USD (Euro over US dollars). The first currency is the base. The second currency is the counter currency. The pair can be viewed, as the amount of the secondary currency that is needed to buy 1 unit of the first currency. If you were to buy the above pair you would buy Euro and simultaneously selling US dollars. If the pair were sold the reverse would happen you would sell the Euro and buy the US dollar. This might sound confusing but simply think of the pair as one item and you are buying or selling one item. If you think the Euro will go up against the US dollar you buy the EUR/USD pair. If you think the EUR will decrease against the US dollar you sell the EUR/USD pair.

When you see forex quotes you will see two numbers. If we use the EUR/USD as an example you might see 1.2350/1.2355 the first number 1.2350 is the bid price and is the price traders are prepared to buy euros against the US dollar. The second number 1.2355 is the offer price and is the price traders are prepared to sell the EURO against the US dollar. The difference between the bid and the offer price is the called the spread. The spread for the major currencies is usually 3 to 5 pips (explained later).

The most common increment of currencies is the pip. If the EUR/USD moves from 1.2350 to 1.2351 that is one pip. A pip is the last decimal point of quotation. Most currencies quoted to 4 decimal points. The exception is the Yen, which is quoted to 2 decimal points eg 139.41. The term pip is just forex lingo so if a forex trader says the EURO has gone up 20 pips against the US dollar add 20 points to decimal part of EUR/USD pair.

Forex is traditionally traded in lots also referred to as contracts. The standard size for a lot is $100,000. In the last few a mini lot size of 10,000 dollars has been introduced and this has become increasing popular. Forex trading is leveraged with most forex brokers offering 1% margins. This means you can control one standard lot of $100000 with $1000. Typically you would need a minium of $2500 to open a standard size forex account.

A mini account can be opened with $300 with most forex brokers. To trade a one mini lot you need a margin of $100, which in turn controls $10000. If the currency goes up 1% and if you traded one mini lot of $10000 you would make $100 dollars or 100% of your original margin. Forex trading is a very lucrative market to get into and it is suggested that traders new to forex trading trade a mini account for an extended amount of time. Trading a mini account is a low cost entry to the forex market, as only $300 is required to open an account. You can still make money while you become more experienced in forex trading. You can trade one mini lot until you have made your first $100 dollars then start trading 2 mini lots. As you gain more experience you can trade standard sized lots.

Forex trading is becoming increasing popular with traders of other financial products. It can be traded in amounts a lot smaller than other financial products, which makes learning forex trading safer than other markets. Forex trading can be a very lucrative market, which no trader can dismiss.

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Triple Screen Trading System Part 6

The third screen in the triple screen as a place to stop orders 

The third screen is for short-term time frame (short term). In accordance with the rules of triple screen system that divides the time frame by a factor of five to six, then if a long-term time frames (long term) weekly on the first screen, then the standard time frame (mid-term) on the second screen is a 5-day period and the time frame (short term) is daily. 

The third screen is used to place a stop order, either buy stop or sell stop, depending on the analysis we have done on the first screen and the second screen. Buy stop technique is applied to the condition that the uptrend market and sell stop for a downtrend market conditions. 

For example, if the weekly time frame bullish (uptrend) and the movement of the oscillator indicator 5-day time frame (second screen) is down, then we can put a stop buy order on the third screen in anticipation of an upward breakout. Conversely, if the time frame weekly on the first screen bearish (downtrend) and the movement of prices on the second screen (5-day) is rising, then we put a stop sell order on the third screen to anticipate beakout downwardly. Specifically, the placement of a stop buy order on the third screen with a technique called trailing buy stop and sell stop order placement technique is called with a trailing sell stop.

Techniques trailing buy stop and sell stop 
If the bullish trend on the first screen and the indicator oscillator on the second screen is off, then buy stop orders can be placed at the level of a few pips above the previous highest level bar. For example, we use the 5-day time frame as a rule of thumb, if the trend in the first screen bullish (uptrend) and the second screen oscillator indicator (benchmark) is down, then we place a stop buy order at the daily time frame (third screen) a few pips above the highest level the previous day. 

If the prices continue to rally, then we stop buy order will be subject to, and vice versa when the market sentiment is bearish then we stop buy order will not be touched. Ways otherwise applied to the stop sell order if the trend is bearish on the first screen. This technique will show you the best time to open a position if the ripple (ripple) on short-term time frame has gained enough momentum to follow the wave (wave) time frame of reference (second screen) and tides (tides) the current time frame for long-term (first screen). 

Level of stop loss and exit 
To stop buy order, stop loss level can be placed on several pips below the lowest price of the current bar or earlier, whichever is lower, and vice versa for a sell stop order. Level can exit when the second screen oscillator indicator has been saturated (overbought or oversold), or when the first screen trend reversed direction, in accordance with the risk / reward ratio in our trading plan.

Changing the time frame in metatrader platform 
In addition, to make the time frame that is less common, can be done on the MetaTrader platform. For example, to make a 5-day time frame, we first entered into the daily time frame, then go to the Navigator - Scripts - Conversion Period, and change the parameters ExtPeriodMultiplier into: 5 (see figure below), then click OK.

Triple screen trading system

Open the 5-day time frame (D5) in offline mode (File - Open Offline). D5 will be updated every 2 seconds (default) while D1 chart (daily) remains open.

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Mind Power In Trading Success

Life is filled with feelings of happiness, joy, sadness, grief, and happy. In this life you are required to keep abreast of the market that is always changing and fluctuating. If you find trading difficult, intractable and difficult to predict, then it is going to happen to you.

Your mind is the invisible force that is able to create an atmosphere of good or bad to yourself, as well as the environment around your home. Similarly, your success in Forex trading air. If your mind was not able to find an idea for profit, then that will be seen is a series loss on trading account. But if you think there are many ways to make profit, then a series of profit will be visible in your Trading account

It all depends on how well the current state trader. For example, there is a pack of apples near you, there are already rotting and there is good. This can lead you to think good thoughts (positive) or think bad (negative). If your thoughts are negative then there is even a sense of disgust as she saw a lot of apples, because you focus on the bad apples. On the contrary, if your mind is positive, then you will be able to see the apples are still good in the middle of a rotten apple.

Kekuatan pikiran dalam sukses trading

Be careful 
The things you think are sometimes carried over into the words. 

Are not aware that there are people who want an open question how many today? Usually a trader will tell as it is in his mind. Then he would say, for example open 1 lot. 
Well, these words are transformed visualization of thoughts into words. So, you need to remember what you think can be transformed into words. 

After the words you speak, the body will unconsciously realizing through action. And it will run for a long time. Without control, the body will lead her to follow the words that you say. 

If you often say something, then your body will follow and eventually will become a habit. You will get used by such activities gradually. 

If you still do not realize when your body realize something, then it is a good solution to the possibility of insight am left your body to do something. Therefore, when the action will usually have a habit of forming personality. When you are constantly loss, profit or does not go, maybe your personality needs to be changed. 

Sure and belive to Success 
As with any of your personality, you can change them armed with confidence. 
When the character you like to think negative, then change to a conviction. This confident sense of mind will lead you to develop a plan that would later become a success. Sure sense will help the mind to find a solution for success. 

If you believe the mind can find a way to successful trading, then your mind is supportive. When you think of success, then the mind also will work to find solutions how you will succeed. 

When you are going to succeed are usually the body, mind, and you have to Support your habit to reach that success. Encourage your mind to seek and find a way out for your dreams. Do not hesitate before you reach it, because your support will be very helpful thoughts to something. Strive to reach.