Showing posts with label Cara Membuat Managemen Resiko Dalam Trading Forex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cara Membuat Managemen Resiko Dalam Trading Forex. Show all posts
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Mutual Fund Invesment

How to speculate Mutual Funds 

In recent years, the public's interest to speculate in mutual funds began to extend, at the side of the increase of acquisition programs and in varied media relating to money designing. you will have gotten data concerning the open-end investment company, or a minimum of simply ne'er detected of him. However, potential investors usually not right away beginners World Health Organization have an interest in investment as a result of they are doing not savvy to start out, don't perceive the terms and procedures of purchase and sale, don't even perceive the way to calculate investment results

Start a open-end investment company Investment 

Determine investment objectives and perceive your risk profile. perceive that like every different investment, open-end investment company additionally contain risks opportunities, among different edges that aren't secured, therefore the losses could arise thanks to the falling price of the investment. 

There area unit quite 800 open-end investment company product oversubscribed in Indonesia. to work out the fabric facts or data a couple of open-end investment company product of complete and elaborate, you need to browse the open-end investment company prospectus. Another various to get the data of a product is to a open-end investment company fact sheets Fund documents. This document usually issued each month by the Investment Manager (MI). Fund Fact sheet contains monthly performance report and outline of necessary data during a prospectus, like investment objectives, investment strategy, portfolio composition, borderline investment, and so on. 

Take some time to find out the merchandise, particularly the policy and investment risk, also as acknowledge the chronicle and name of MI. Learn the procedures for investment in mutual funds, as well as dealing prices, if any. Then, choose the mutual funds in accordance with the investment objectives, economic capability and your risk profile. 

Places to shop for Mutual Funds 

Mutual funds are often purchased directly from the issue establishment that manages and mutual funds, the investment manager. The advantage of shopping for directly through the MI is sometimes the number of investment that's cheaper-effective} and cheaper cost. Some MI offers open-end investment company product with a minimum purchase of Rp100-250 thousand. Only, through MI, open-end investment company choices area unit restricted as a result of solely sell mutual funds managed by the MI. 

You can additionally obtain mutual funds through a bank that's licenced as a open-end investment company Sales Agent (APERD). the benefits of shopping for mutual funds through the seller's bank, additionally to a lot of alternative of product, you'll be able to additionally obtain mutual funds from completely different MI, and automobile debit facility that facilitate the acquisition of open-end investment company transactions. On the opposite hand, some mutual funds are getting a favourite product or seed might not be oversubscribed within the bank as a result of there's no cooperation between the MI sales with the bank. 

Purchasing Procedures Of Mutual Funds

There area unit some general provisions in open-end investment company transactions. First, the dealing will solely be done on the day of exchange. 
Are very similar to gap a checking account to open associate degree account, to open a open-end investment company account, you may be asked to fill out a type that's signed in ink with a wet (original), putting in a photocopy of a document that the wants are determined, and after all you would like to line up a fund that endowed . 

It is associate degree obligation for potential individual investors Indonesian voters to possess ID card and TIN if you would like to speculate in mutual funds. For institutional investors are needed to incorporate the articles of association of the corporate and a few different work necessities. All documents on top of area unit a part of the KYC (Know Your Customer) that area unit needed by the FSA (Financial Services Authority). 

All the documents area unit then submitted to the investment manager, either directly or through the vendor. moreover, you deposit funds into the written agreement account in accordance designated mutual funds. 

Second, transactions area unit processed supported the NAV per unit. web quality price (NAV) is that the price that describes the whole wealth fund day after day. additionally to the market value of the asset's own mutual funds, the NAV is additionally influenced by the acquisition and sale of open-end investment company investors. Unit may be a unit that shows your possession during a open-end investment company. So, the NAV per unit is that the worth obtained from mutual funds NAV divided by the whole of units outstanding on it day. 
NAV per unit is commonly pronounced as "mutual funds price" or "price NAB". the worth revealed just one time day after day in varied newspapers or on-line media. you wish to understand, the high NAV per unit of a open-end investment company doesn't indicate that mutual funds were high-priced or otherwise. NAV per unit is high usually indicate that mutual funds were long enough so its assets have old a high increase in price. 

Third, there's a deadline (cut off time) for receipt transactions day after day, either purchase or merchandising. If the open-end investment company purchases created ​​before the bring to an end time, then you may get the worth of the dealing NAV on the date of dealing. whereas the open-end investment company purchases created ​​after the bring to an end time, then you may follow the worth of NAB on subsequent exchange or T + one from the date of purchase of mutual funds. bring to an end time per the prospectus transactions usually between the hours of 12:00 to 13:00 pm. 

Price recently completed NAV typically calculated each evening and declared subsequent day within the media. If the dealing is alleged to urge the worth of your purchase nowadays, technically the NAV worth of the new note subsequent day. If it's aforesaid to urge the worth tomorrow, then the worth of a brand new technically renowned the day when tomorrow. 

Lastly, you may receive a dealing Confirmation Letter purchase mutual funds by protector banks to revealed no later than seven days exchange when the first type and also the funds received by the protector bank. additionally to confirmation of the dealing report, you may additionally receive a report on the event of investment every month. This report ought to be unbroken as proof of possession of mutual funds. If you are doing not receive, directly contact the bank right away merchandiser or MI connected. 

How to Calculate come on Investment Mutual Funds 

How to calculate come on investment of mutual funds is kind of straightforward, by investigating the quantity of units of mutual funds we've got increased by the distinction of the sale worth with the worth of NAB NAB shopping for mutual funds. 

For example, a year past you obtain XYZ open-end investment company price 100 thousand greenbacks within the worth of NAB a thousand, thus you get (100,000 / 1,000) = a hundred units of participation. this worth of XYZ Mutual Funds NAV in 1200. If you are doing all the sale of units of open-end investment company XYZ at this NAV worth, then the gains area unit a hundred units of X (1200-1000) = Rp twenty,000. 

What if the terms of the NAB below the NAB purchase price? for instance, the worth of XYZ Mutual Funds NAV presently 900, then the worth of your investment is a hundred units x (900-1000), or ablated ten,000, -. If you create sales within the amount once the quality is reduced, that means you understand a loss. 

The results of the calculation yields could value purchase investment units (subscription fee), charge transfer investment units (switching fees) and expenses of merchandising of units (redemption fee). So, you wish to envision once more whether or not the yield remains deducting the prices of mutual funds

Easy enough to not invest in Mutual Funds? furthermore, supported by advances in technology nowadays makes it straightforward to look for the maximum amount data concerning the open-end investment company. you'll be able to open the location to understand the merchandise and an inventory of MI and also the seller's bank. presently some investment managers and banks have several sellers World Health Organization offer informative web site concerning open-end investment company product and services. Some even offer on-line services to facilitate investors to shop for mutual funds
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What Forex Trading Demystified

What Forex Trading Demystified

Forex involves the trading of currencies. It is the largest financial market in the world and has an estimated daily turnover of 1.9 trillion dollars. This turnover is larger than all the worlds’ stock market on any given day.

The forex market does not have a fixed exchange. The forex market is considered an over-the-counter (OTC) market. The forex market is completely electronic and trades are executed over the phone or on the Internet. Until 10 years ago the forex market was the preserve of Large financial institutions. Now an ever-increasing amount of individual traders thanks to the advent of the Internet and an increasing amount of online forex brokers are trading forex.

Currencies are always traded in pairs. A typical pair would be EUR/USD (Euro over US dollars). The first currency is the base. The second currency is the counter currency. The pair can be viewed, as the amount of the secondary currency that is needed to buy 1 unit of the first currency. If you were to buy the above pair you would buy Euro and simultaneously selling US dollars. If the pair were sold the reverse would happen you would sell the Euro and buy the US dollar. This might sound confusing but simply think of the pair as one item and you are buying or selling one item. If you think the Euro will go up against the US dollar you buy the EUR/USD pair. If you think the EUR will decrease against the US dollar you sell the EUR/USD pair.

When you see forex quotes you will see two numbers. If we use the EUR/USD as an example you might see 1.2350/1.2355 the first number 1.2350 is the bid price and is the price traders are prepared to buy euros against the US dollar. The second number 1.2355 is the offer price and is the price traders are prepared to sell the EURO against the US dollar. The difference between the bid and the offer price is the called the spread. The spread for the major currencies is usually 3 to 5 pips (explained later).

The most common increment of currencies is the pip. If the EUR/USD moves from 1.2350 to 1.2351 that is one pip. A pip is the last decimal point of quotation. Most currencies quoted to 4 decimal points. The exception is the Yen, which is quoted to 2 decimal points eg 139.41. The term pip is just forex lingo so if a forex trader says the EURO has gone up 20 pips against the US dollar add 20 points to decimal part of EUR/USD pair.

Forex is traditionally traded in lots also referred to as contracts. The standard size for a lot is $100,000. In the last few a mini lot size of 10,000 dollars has been introduced and this has become increasing popular. Forex trading is leveraged with most forex brokers offering 1% margins. This means you can control one standard lot of $100000 with $1000. Typically you would need a minium of $2500 to open a standard size forex account.

A mini account can be opened with $300 with most forex brokers. To trade a one mini lot you need a margin of $100, which in turn controls $10000. If the currency goes up 1% and if you traded one mini lot of $10000 you would make $100 dollars or 100% of your original margin. Forex trading is a very lucrative market to get into and it is suggested that traders new to forex trading trade a mini account for an extended amount of time. Trading a mini account is a low cost entry to the forex market, as only $300 is required to open an account. You can still make money while you become more experienced in forex trading. You can trade one mini lot until you have made your first $100 dollars then start trading 2 mini lots. As you gain more experience you can trade standard sized lots.

Forex trading is becoming increasing popular with traders of other financial products. It can be traded in amounts a lot smaller than other financial products, which makes learning forex trading safer than other markets. Forex trading can be a very lucrative market, which no trader can dismiss.

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Cara Membuat Garis Trendline Yang Benar

Cara Membuat Garis Trendline Yang Benar

(Cara mengetahui arah harga forex)

Salah satu cara yang paling populer digunakan oleh banyak trader dalam Cara mendeteksi arah pergerakan harga forex adalah dengan membuat garis trendline,dengan membuat garis trendline maka trend perjalanan harga dalam periode tertentu dapat kita prediksikan meskipun cara ini juga tidak menjadi jaminan bahwa harga akan seperti yang kita hasilkan dalam gambaran garis trend tersebut

Ada beberapa pedoman yang harus dipenuhi dalam membuat garis trendline sehingga menghasilkan hasil analisa yang lebih baik,diantaranya adalah

- Menentukan minimal 2-3 titik tertinggi

- Menentukan minimal 2-3 titik terendah

- Garis yang diambil haru sejajar antara garis bawah dan atas

Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini

Gambar cara membuat garis trendline

Bila anda amati maka didalam gambar diaatas anda dapat melihat tanda panah disanalah pedoman untuk menentukan minimal dua titik tertinggi dan dua titik terensah ditentukan

Nampak dalam gambar bahwa harga kecenderungan adalah Bullish trend namun saat garis ini dibuat nampaknya harga sudah melewati masa trending dan sepertinya Pola harga pembalikan sudah mulai berjalan

Sebenarnya bisa saja anda hanya mengambil dengan salah satu garis saja baik itu garis yang diatas saja atau dibawah saja namun bila anda hanya menggunakan salah satu saja anda tidak dapat mengukur tingkat pergerakan harga ( Range ) atau pergerakan harga rata-rata dalam suatu periode tertentu.Dengan menggunakan dua garis maka selain anda tahu trend harga berjalan anda juga tahu Seberapa kuat tingkat voltalitas pasar dalam  kurun waktu tertentu tersebut

Garis atas merupakan batas pergerakan harga tertinggi sedangkan sedangkan garis bawah merupakan batas pergerakan harga terendah,jadi anda tinggal menghitung berapa pip Harga rata-rata dalam waktu tertentu yang akan dicapai oleh harga berjalan tersebut

Dengan pola ini maka anda tidak perlu mereka reka sebuah trend karena trend akan terbentuk dengan sendirinya sesuai dengan gambar garis yang dihasilkan

Setelah anda menemukan trend harga maka langkah selanjutnya yang hars anda lakukan adalah mengetahui dimanakah titik support dan resisten yang akan dituju bila anda ukur dengan posisi harga sekarang ini berada jadi dengan mengetahui titik suport dan resisten itu maka anda akan tahu kemana harga akan berjalan,kapan harga akan berbalik dan ini jelas adalah sebuah sebuah poin plus untuk trading anda

Demikianlah sekilas bahasan tentang Cara Membuat Garis Trendline Yang Benar semoga memberikan manfaat untuk anda

Salam kemajuan

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Cara Membuat Managemen Resiko Dalam Trading Forex

Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bersama bahwa Hukum investasi adalah High risk = high Return atau sebaliknya terlebih dalam Perdagangan Forex,oleh karena itu kita sangat dituntut untuk berhati-hati dalam melakukan investasi dan harus siap untuk kehilangan baik sebagian atau keseluruhan dana yang kita investasikan dalam trading forex tersebut.

Sebagian dari kita hanya siap Menerima keuntungan namun tidak siap menerima tingkat kerugian padahal dalam trading forex batasan antara keuntungan dan kerugian itu sangat tipis sekali,sehingga mungkin hari ini anda bisa saja mendapatkan sejumlah keuntungan namun dihari lain anda juga bisa mendapatkan sejumlah kerugian,oleh karena itu anda harus mempersiapkan mental anda baik Siap menerima keuntungan dan juga siap menerima kerugian.

Dalam trading forex memang banyak sekali System trading yang bagus namun tidak ada jaminan bahwa system tersebut terbebas dari resiko buruk  ( kerugian ) oleh karena itu tetaplah siapkan mental anda,karena Sifat pasar forex yang sangat dinamis serta fluktuasi yang tinggi ini juga wajib kita waspadai.

Dunia trading forex memang menjanjikan tingkat keuntungan yang tinggi namun dibalik itu dunia forex juga mengandung ancaman yang sama besarnya,Oleh karena itu anda harus menyiapkan Tingkat resiko anda sendiri dan tingkat keuntungan anda sendiri jangan terpengaruh dengan orang lain..!

Secara garis besar resiko forex terdapat pada dua hal yaitu

- Internal Diri seorang trader itu sendiri

- Faktor external termasuk kondisi pasar ( tentang pemahaman ) baik itu secara Teknikal dan Fundamental

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan mengajak anda untuk membuat Managemen resiko trading sehingga anda akan memahami berapa tingkat keuntungan yang akan anda dapatkan dan berapa besar tingkat kerugian yang anda relakan bila terpaksa anda harus merugi

- Langkah pertama kita tetapkan besarnya nilai investasi anggap saja anda memasukkan tota dana sebesar $ 10.000

- Tetapkan Berapa % tingkat kerugian yang siap anda tanggung ( Profesional trader mengalokasikan dananya maksimal sebesar 20% dari total equity ) jadi kita anggap saja anda membuat keputusan untuk tingkat resiko sebesar 20% atau sama dengan $ 2000

- Untuk pemula saya sarankan anda mengalokasikan ulang dana $ 2000 hasil pembagian dari 20% dana awal anda

- Setelah itu buatlah Analisa pasar menurut ilmu yang anda kuasai

- Lakukan Transaksi dengan gambaran seperti ini

10.000 ( Modal ) x 20  : 100 % = 2000 ( Alokasi kerugian )

- Masuk pasar misalnya anda dengan membuka Posisi 1 lot maka tingkat resiko anda adalah sebesar 200 poin ( bila anda menggunakan Broker 5 digit )


Anda OP BUY eur/usd 1 lot dengan harapan pasar naik namu kenyataanya pasar bergerak sebaliknya maka Stoplose anda adalah maksimal adalah berada pada 200 point ( Karena 1 point akan menghasilkan $ 10 baik itu plus atau minus )  dari harga open anda.

Jadi bila anda merugi sebesar 200 point tersebut maka anda akan kehilangan $ 2000 dana anda. sebaliknya bila anda untung tentu tidak serta merta seumlah $ 2000 karena ini tergantung berapa anda berhasil mendapatkan poin plus.

- Pahami karakter pasangan mata uang yang anda perdagangkan berapa besar tingkat pergerakan harianya sehingga anda akan terbantu untuk menentukan tingkat stoplose dan Take profit

- Bila anda tidak terlalu yakin maka anda bisa membuat alokasi 20% ulang dari dana 20% alokasi awal sehingga tingkat kerugian anda bukan $ 2000 namun hanya $ 200 dan ini artinya anda harus membatasi tingkat kerugian sebesar 20 point saja untuk posisi terbuka anda.

Nah demikianlah Cara Membuat Management Resiko Dalam Trading Forex tentunya diantara masing-masing Trader mungkin akan berbeda.

Selain dengan cara diatas tentunya banyak teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat management resiko tersebut misalnya dengan cara mengatur dan Menyusun pola transaksi

Semoga pembahasan ini mampu memberikan manfaat untuk anda dan bila ada kritik,saran silahkan masukkan dibagian komentar untuk kita diskusikan bersama
