Showing posts with label mengenal fungsi indikator Belajar Teori Elliot Wave Pada Trading Forexforex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mengenal fungsi indikator Belajar Teori Elliot Wave Pada Trading Forexforex. Show all posts
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Jumlah Dana Investor Asing Di Bursa Indonesia,Jumlah Dana Investor Asing Di Bursa Indonesia,Meskipun mengalami perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada kuartal III 2014 ini, investor asing ternyata masih tetap melirik Indonesia sebagai tempat untuk berinvestasi. Hal tersebut terlihat dari perkembangan dana asing yang masuk di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). 
Kepala Divisi Penilaian Perusahaan Group 2 BEI, Umi Kulsum menjelaskan, investasi asing terus menanamkan dananya setiap tahun di Indonesia baik melalui sektor riil sampai pasar modal.
Di pasar modal sendiri, aliran dana investor asing yang masuk ke pasar modal Indonesia dalam beberapa  tahun terakhir mencatatkan kenaikan yang signifikan.
Pada 2010, total aliran dana investor asing yang masuk ke pasar modal Indonesia tercatat mencapai Rp 85,77 triliun. Investor asing memang sempat menarik kembali dananya keluar dari pasar modal Indonesia di 2013 dengan jumlah Rp 20,64  triliun untuk merealisasikan keuntungan. 
"Namun sejak awal tahun ini sampai dengan 31 Oktober 2014, aliran dana investor asing mencatatkan rekor baru senilai Rp 45,27 triliun," jelasnya seperti dikutip dalam keterangan tertulis, Minggu (9/11/2014). 
Umi melanjutkan, salah satu langkah yang dilakukan oleh BEI selama ini untuk meningkatnya jumlah dana asing yang masuk tersebut adalah menambah varian produk di pasar modal. Salah satunya adalah dengan meningkatkan jumlah perusahaan yang mencatatkan sahamnya di pasar modal Indonesia. 
Sejak 1995 sampai dengan per 31 Oktober 2014 jumlah perusahaan yang sahamnya tercatat di BEI telah meningkat lebih dari dua kali lipat. 
Jika pada 1995 silam jumlah emiten di BEI baru mencapai 238 emiten, di tahun ini jumlahnya sudah mencapai 501 emiten. Emiten terakhir yang melantai di Bursa adalah PT Blue Bird Tbk (BIRD). Emiten ini resmi melantai pada Rabu (5/11/2014) kemarin. 
Harga saham operator taksi tersebut tercatat positif karena naik menjadi Rp 7.200 atau 10,7 persen dari harga penawaran perdana Rp 6.500 per saham.
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Analisa Perdaganga Forex Untuk Pedagang

Bila Anda menginvestasikan uang Anda, itu ide rule baik untuk memulai dengan memahami apa rule Anda Akan berinvestasi
Pasar saham adalah entitas rule rumit, dan melakukan bisnis dalam perdagangan minimum membutuhkan kualitas wajar basis pengetahuan, pemahaman dan penerimaan faktor risiko tinggi
Semakin banyak Anda tahu sebelumnya tentang fungsi Iranian sistem, semakin kecil kemungkinan rule Akan Anda lakukan rule Anda miliki dan Anda Akan menghindari kerugian besar.

Pertama, Iranian semua dan titik mungkin fencing penting dalam bisnis pengiriman, Anda harus memahami bahwa apa rule Anda berinvestasi adalah nyata. 
Ketika Anda membeli atau menjual saham di pasar, ingatlah bahwa Anda berurusan dengan uang Anda, bukan lembar kertas Anda seorang pembeli dan penjual properti nyata Iranian sebuah perusahaan tertentu, produk atau produk lain. 
Memiliki sebuah "berbagi" berarti Anda benar-benar membeli ke perusahaan dan Anda menjadi begitu banyak bagian Iranian pemilik produk ini. 
Tentu saja, Anda bisa menjadi salat satu Iranian jutaan pemegang saham, karena sebagian besar perusahaan dan produk secara hati-hati dibagi menjadi potongan-potongan sama sekali, tapi Anda masih dianggap sebagai capitalist dalam perusahaan atau produk sampai Anda menjual saham Anda. 
Pikirkan tentang perusahaan rule seolah-olah itu adalah kendaraan rule Anda berbagi dengan pasangan Anda atau teman. 
Anda mungkin bahkan membeli filter oli diletakkan di mobil, dan Anda dapat memperkirakan bahwa investasi memberikan begitu hak kepemilikan. 
Namun, ketika Anda melihat biaya keseluruhan mobil, Anda benar-benar memberikan kontribusi sangat sedikit untuk kuantitas ini. Namun, karena Anda terus mengisi bahan bakar mobil dan berhati-hati, Anda bisa mengklaim kepemilikan mobil. 
Nilai Iranian perusahaan dan produk atau jasa bisa mengapung tanpa gangguan, nilai saham Anda sendiri tidak Akan sama Iranian hari ke hari dan bahkan dapat berubah Iranian jam ke jam. 
Bila harga cenderung turun dan bagian bawah adalah waktu rule ideal untuk membeli. Ini adalah jauh hal pertama rule harus diingat dalam dunia perdagangan. "Beli murah dan menjualnya dengan harga tinggi dan sebaliknya tanpa berhenti".
Inilah tentang Analisa Perdagangan Forex Untuk Pedagang semoga memberikan tambahan informasi yang berguna untuk anda
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Where To Find A Good Forex Trading Education

Where To Find A Good Forex Trading Education

Forex or Foreign Exchange is the most liquid and the largest financial market in the world. Unlike other financial market, the Forex market doesn’t have a centralized location. Exchanges are done through electronic network and the whole world participates in the trade.

Forex trading involves buying and selling of different currencies. As with most trades, to make a profit in Forex, you need to buy low and sell high. Forex isn’t really complicated. However, there are things that you need to consider in order to successfully make some profit out of this very liquid financial market.

Forex trading can really give you a chance to earn large amounts of money. In fact, people who traded in Forex became instant millionaires almost overnight. However, you need to realize the fact that aside from the earning potential you can get when trading Forex, there are also risks involved and many people suffered huge financial losses trading in Forex.

This is why it is important for you to get an education on Forex trading. You have to get a proper education and not just a crash-course-read-articles kind of education.

In most business schools in the United States, there are courses that specialize in trading in the financial market such as Forex. These schools can really give you that proper skills and knowledge you need in order for you to successfully trade in the Forex market. Not only that. Getting a proper education from good business schools about Forex prepare you when you enter the Forex market to trade.

A good Forex trading school will educate you on how to read charts effectively and how to spot trends. Since knowing how to read the Forex market charts can give you an idea on where a particular currency is heading, you will have an idea on which currency you want to buy and sell. Knowing how to read the charts is one of the most important skills you need to have when you enter the Forex market. This skill will substantially minimize the risk of losing money and maximize the chances of earning.

As much as possible, you should look for a school that offer real-time trading with dummy accounts and real accounts. Since the best teacher is experience, schools should require you, as their students, to set up dummy accounts for practice and also real funded accounts to trade currencies in the actual Forex market. However, the real funded accounts should be in mini Forex accounts to avoid risking and losing a lot of money in case you made a mistake in the trades.

Another benefit that you can gain if you trade in real or dummy accounts for practice is experience. Once you enter the Forex market, you will have a better idea on how Forex markets work. The school should also have different trading systems to allow you to choose which trading system you are most comfortable with. Also, you will get a first hand feel on how to use these systems and avoid making mistakes in the real world.

Since trading Forex today is widely available for all kinds of people with a computer and an active internet connection. Most people don’t realize that Forex requires you to have skills and considerably, a high amount of money to invest. Forex doesn’t guarantee that everyone will win; you should know that Forex is a very risky financial market to invest in and having the proper knowledge and skills is essential for your success in trading in the Forex market.

You should know about the risks involved in Forex and you should also know that many people have suffered financially because they entered the Forex market without having the knowledge and skills required to be successful. Therefore, it is very important for you to get the proper education first before you enter the Forex market.

Always remember, with the proper knowledge about trading Forex, the better your chances will be to profit in this financial market.

There are different schools available that teaches all about the basics in Forex and allow you to experience trading in Forex with a trial account. Look for the things mentioned above and you can be sure that you will obtain all the things you need in order to start trading in the Forex market.

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Three Terms For Breakout Confirmation

Have you ever felt are thousands of pips above the long positions are still open, or thousands of pips below the short positions are still open? That is what you will experience if trading following the direction of the trend (trend following). Maybe you will not get bored watching the price movements for days, weeks or even months, because you're in a state of profit. But, how can I make such could happen? Breakout, or breach a certain price level. As easy as that why? Yes, as long as price movements are trending and meet 3 requirements that usually occurs in the condition of the breakout. For example, the following are the key levels the pair GBP / USD for the break:

Why there should be a condition? Is not if the price has gone through the key level could be considered a breakout? Yes, there needs to be a requirement to confirm the validity of the breakout happens because many traders are stuck because it only focuses on the break at the beginning (initial break) only. Traders consider the price as long as it can penetrate the key support or resistance level then the breakout, and with their entry immediately sell or buy. But in reality the market does not always respond the way they think. Often times the price reverses to move back due to profit taking by large traders claimed they were too impatient or hurried entry. 

Three requirements for confirmation of a breakout is simple
1 Determine levels key support and resistance price. The key level of support or resistance point is really strong and has been tested. Price needs to break that level.

2 Make sure that the closing price of its candlestick bar (bar breakout) above the key resistance level or below a key support level. Increasing distance from the valid key level. For example, for an uptrend, if the closing price of the breakout bar below the key resistance level then the bullish momentum is very weak and tends to occur as a result of profit-taking reversal movement those who have entry buy in advance, as was the case in the pair USD / CHF below. A bar breakout is not confirmed that the condition is not valid breakout. Price moves back downtrend (reversal).

3 Wait a few bars again to make sure the price was actually at the level of the new area (after the breakout). For the daily time frame is usually a waiting time is 3 days (or 3 bars). If during that period the price has moved in the new area level then we can conclude that the condition is indeed a valid breakout. If you use a time frame lower than daily, then estimate the number of bars for confirmation, which is clearly more than 3 bars, and the smaller the time frame you are trading more and more bars to confirm.

Here's an example of its application on the GBP / USD daily (see also GBP / USD weekly above

At A we created checklist to confirm the breakout: 

1 The break key resistance - true. 1.6747 key resistance (high level of 2011) has been penetrated. 

2 Closing price breakout bar above a key resistance level 1.6747 - not. Instead the price closed below the key resistance so that the momentum of the breakout (bullish) is very weak and prone to movement reversal. 

3 3 days later (the next 3 bars) are in the area above the resistance level - yet. 
Conclusion: The breakout condition is not confirmed so invalid. 

Back to the drawing GBP / USD weekly above, if the high level of 2011 (1.6747) is really a break, then the first target is the high level of 2009 (1.7401) around 290 pips, and the next target is the high level of corrective 2008 (1.8668), or about 1,600 pip if our entry at 1.7401 level breakout condition.

Those bout Three Term For Breackout Confirmation wish you get more of bennefit

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Triple Screen Trading System Part 3

The second screen in the triple screen describes the 'wave' market (market wave) 
Price movements in the benchmark time frame (intermediate time frame) was not observed daily through trend following indicators such as MACD, but through the oscillator indicator. The nature of the oscillator indicator signaled buy signal when price movement market is down, and a sell signal when the market prices are rising (oversold and overbought conditions). These signals look like a 'wave' which suggests momentum for entry. 

In this case the triple screen trading method seems logical because the trader only concentrate on the daily time frame trading signals with an indicator only, which is based on the direction of the trend on the weekly time frame (long term time frame). For example, when the trend on the weekly time frame up, the trader only consider a buy signal on the benchmark time frame (daily) and ignore the sell signals. Conversely, if the trend is bearish on the weekly time frame. There are four indicators oscillators are commonly used in this trading system, namely: 

- Force index 

- Elder-Ray Index 

- Stochastic 

- Williams percent range.

Force index 
This indicator was made by Dr. Elder to measure the strength of bullish and bearish moving average approach. For the triple screen system is used exponential moving average (ema) with period: 2 According to Dr. Elder, ema-2 day on the force index indicator is perfect combined with the trend following indicators such as MACD. In Metatrader indicators can be obtained from the Insert-Indicators-Oscillators-Force Index. Here's an example of force index indicator on EUR / USD Daily:

Triple Screen Trading System

If the line ema-2 day on-force index indicator is above the line 0:00, then the bullish sentiment is stronger, and vice versa when under 0:00 or negative, then the bearish sentiment is stronger. If this indicator is used in the benchmark time frame triple screen system (5-day time frame), then when the MACD histogram on the weekly time frame forming an angle (slope) upward or bullish, for the right moment to open long positions when the force index indicator pull-back (reverse direction) from bullish to bearish, or being dropped. 

Long positions should be opened above the highest level on the day. In this case can be used stop orders (to buy stop). Stop loss can be determined at the lowest level that day or the previous day, whichever is lower. Level can be determined manually exit when the trend in the long term time frame (weekly) has started to reverse direction from bullish to bearish, or when there is a bearish divergence on the benchmark time frame (daily) which would imply the change of trend from bullish to bearish. The same principle can be applied to conditions of long-term time frame bearish.

Read Others bellow

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Mind Power In Trading Success

Life is filled with feelings of happiness, joy, sadness, grief, and happy. In this life you are required to keep abreast of the market that is always changing and fluctuating. If you find trading difficult, intractable and difficult to predict, then it is going to happen to you.

Your mind is the invisible force that is able to create an atmosphere of good or bad to yourself, as well as the environment around your home. Similarly, your success in Forex trading air. If your mind was not able to find an idea for profit, then that will be seen is a series loss on trading account. But if you think there are many ways to make profit, then a series of profit will be visible in your Trading account

It all depends on how well the current state trader. For example, there is a pack of apples near you, there are already rotting and there is good. This can lead you to think good thoughts (positive) or think bad (negative). If your thoughts are negative then there is even a sense of disgust as she saw a lot of apples, because you focus on the bad apples. On the contrary, if your mind is positive, then you will be able to see the apples are still good in the middle of a rotten apple.

Kekuatan pikiran dalam sukses trading

Be careful 
The things you think are sometimes carried over into the words. 

Are not aware that there are people who want an open question how many today? Usually a trader will tell as it is in his mind. Then he would say, for example open 1 lot. 
Well, these words are transformed visualization of thoughts into words. So, you need to remember what you think can be transformed into words. 

After the words you speak, the body will unconsciously realizing through action. And it will run for a long time. Without control, the body will lead her to follow the words that you say. 

If you often say something, then your body will follow and eventually will become a habit. You will get used by such activities gradually. 

If you still do not realize when your body realize something, then it is a good solution to the possibility of insight am left your body to do something. Therefore, when the action will usually have a habit of forming personality. When you are constantly loss, profit or does not go, maybe your personality needs to be changed. 

Sure and belive to Success 
As with any of your personality, you can change them armed with confidence. 
When the character you like to think negative, then change to a conviction. This confident sense of mind will lead you to develop a plan that would later become a success. Sure sense will help the mind to find a solution for success. 

If you believe the mind can find a way to successful trading, then your mind is supportive. When you think of success, then the mind also will work to find solutions how you will succeed. 

When you are going to succeed are usually the body, mind, and you have to Support your habit to reach that success. Encourage your mind to seek and find a way out for your dreams. Do not hesitate before you reach it, because your support will be very helpful thoughts to something. Strive to reach.
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BarClock Indicator

This indicator is commonly used to determine when to begin the opening candle. Traders will not be anxious to see how long the candle opening and closing once the candle is done. To find it, BarClock indicator is the answer. 

Perhaps this indicator only looks small and does not attract the eye. But with the time it makes more disciplined trader would open position. The goal is only one that is able to open after the close of the candle. 

Classified BarClock indicator indicator tool. given the information provided was limited until closing time running then not tell any signal to traders about the increase or decrease in the current market.

Barclock Indicator

Time frames can be placed as desired trader. but if you want to find out sooner or later than close of the candle, the preferred time frame should not be too large nor too small. Examples such as the above picture shows m30 time frame. Make more visible indicator BarClock pass. 

BarClock indicators can be used in any condition. However, most can be used as a reference is when there is news with a strong impact. Examples such as payroll. This will greatly depend on the time of the candle. Unwittingly news will use the time as a way to quickly move the market.

Besides the news, you also take action based on the reversal of another signal. After the close of the candle usually moves opposite the price will be eagerly awaited by most traders.

Using BarClock indicator will have great benefits for the trading transactions. regardless you are proficient or not, waiting for the opening of a new candlestick bring change prices much more directional than without planning the opening of trading at the beginning of the previous candle closing at the same time

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Compounding Profit

This time I would like to invite you talking about the part that is "good" from trading, ie: profit. Well tuh, fun right? Who would not like to profit well? Hehehe ... Lah memangnya what the heck the problem is related to profit? Maybe you think, profit does not have to be discussed again lah ...'re living in WD aja tuh ... But wait ... 

As a trader, I assume you are an investor, so that the profit from your trading results also need to be managed properly. 

Sure, there are a trader friend who always draws the entire profit earned on each end of the week. There's even a trader friend who pulled the whole balance their accounts every week. That she was attractive profits and capital as well. According to a more practical like that, ntar easy if you want to trade longer stay deposit again ajah yes ... But there is also a disciplined trader friend just draw half of the profit he earns per week. Then the rest how's that? He said he invested back half profit as trading capital. 

Reinvested profit as trading capital is what is commonly known as compounding profits in trading. The principle is almost the same as a company that holds most of its profits (not distributed to shareholders) as a reserve expansion. 

The question now: how effective are compounding this profit? 

Ok, if you see the calculations on paper, compounding profits this way when done consistently it can generate capital (and profit) are fantastic. Imagine, with a capital of $ 100, if you make a profit of 3% per day and then dicompounding for 3 months, you will be able to generate profits of millions of dollars per day!

Compounding Profit
Uh, but do not always impetuous well ... hehehe ... Remember, there are keywords that are relatively difficult to be fulfilled here, namely: consistency. Well, here's the problem ... In trading, 100% profit per day might happen, but to be able to continue like that so bluntly wrote: oom hard ... Lol ... 

Another problem regarding the compounding of profit is a psychological problem. For a relatively new trader, to open position for 1 lot to 10 lots would be different 'rasa'nya. If you open 1 lot, usually levels 'dag dig dug its' lighter than if we open 10 lots. Uh, well this does on personal experience ... hehehe ... Well, as a result when capital began to rise and a lot of our transactions to be relatively high, will become its own psychological burden for us when trading. Psychological burden this will certainly affect the performance of our trading. 

Other psychological problems are not less decisive when we try to do compounding profits is "itching" account we see that "fat". Hehehe ... Yeah fair anyway ... if we had to invest $ 100 then now we balance amounted to $ 1,000, for example, who does not want WD gatel? 

Well, so how ya conclusion? Compounding this profit can actually be done not you think? Um ... if my advice anyway ... if you want to do compounding profit, do it slowly, while you adjust psychologically to handle the transaction in a lot bigger. In fact, if I normally anyway, profit for first time deposits should be withdrawn first. It means that psychologically, we feel we have the capital behind and we just mentradingkan profit alone. It certainly makes the psychological burden much lighter. Well, then, if we are willing to do any compounding, preferably within a relatively short time ago, for example 3 or 4 months. 

Alternatively, you can also apply the advice of my discussion partner traders who suggested that we do the separation of short-term trading account and trading account the long-term. So eventually we apply the compounding profit long-term trading account, while to cover our operating costs, can be taken from a short-term trading account. 

Oh yes, one more thing. Before you make a profit compounding this, make sure that the broker you can trust. Surely we do not want our hard-earned results of trade (plus refrain from WD) ilang sudden just because the broker scam. 

Well, please you choose how to manage the most profit that you think fit. What is clear anyway ... as an investor, dapet gedhe profit in one day / week does not mean we are legitimate to dissipate right? Hehehe ... 

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How to Determine the Take Profit

If you have a position in trading and you happen to monitor, if it's in a state once your profit may be used to calculate how many pips that you get before making a decision for closing. That is if you do not apply to profit-taking plan, and take profit decisions based solely on emotion. 

In this article will be given an example of how trading with price action provides the potential for a hefty profit, as well as how to secure a position that has a profit and still open. 

Take profit based on emotion and take profit based on logic 
In fact, many traders are taking profit just because of emotional distress, does not comply with the agreed targets exit earlier in the trading plan, or even possible without a target and unplanned. Consequently take profit generated because emotions are much smaller than they should be obtained, in addition to often feel hesitant and sometimes panic when the price action reversed. Instead apply a disciplined trading trading plan with a planned exit targets a profit in accordance with the risk / reward ratio that has been established, without doubt or panic. 

GBP / USD daily in the following figure exemplifies how a trader who hesitate or shy may take profit when a price movement has reached its peak area, and ignore the instructions to the moving average indicator of profit that should be obtained completely charred. 

Even if eventually the price will go up another problem, because the logic seen from opennya position, the trader should be able to take profit or lock in profits (by moving the stop loss level / trailing stop loss) on risk / reward ratio of 1: 2 or 1 : 3 in area (2).

Let the market determine its own moving 
Many traders exit manually because the price movement began against his position, but then turned again after the execution is done exit, or exit at breakeven because seeing signs that prices will turn around, but it did not. Traders are thinking as if they know what will happen to the price movements in the market. 

Well, actually no one knows and can ensure the market price movements, not to mention the most top professional traders. Important and we need to do is believe fully in our trading plan, and the risk / reward ratio that we agreed upon. Let the market determine the movement itself, we take and siasati through trading and money management strategies that have actually been tested. We must always improve reading ability in the probability of price movements in the market conditions vary. If we are playing the market with frequent open position until overtrade, or trading with carelessly, sooner or later we will be annihilated account strategies take profit no matter whatever we pursue. 

Take profit in trending market conditions 
If the market is trending strongly, we can reap a significant profit by sliding the stop loss (trailing stop). 
The following example AUD / USD daily with indicator ema ema 8 daily and 21 daily as a support level with an uptrend market conditions.

Take profit on market conditions ranging (sideways) 
Sideway market is characterized by the limits of the upper and lower range. We determine the level of entry and exit to the formation of the pin bar that formed at the boundaries of the range. For example, consider the chart of GBP / USD daily following:

Take profit at the risk / reward ratio of 1: 2, 1: 3, or preferably with a trailing stop? 
Although no one actually knows what will happen to the market price movement, from the various methods that have been tested, in general when the market is trending strongly, then apply a trailing stop is the most appropriate strategy in order to reap big profits. We slide stop loss initially at point 1: 2, then 1: 3, and if the market conditions are still allowing it never hurts to be increased again

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Currency Pairs And Time Is Right For Trading

Common questions frequently asked by forex traders is what the currency pair is the best to trade and when the right time to trade. 
In the first part of this article we review the question of what currency is best for trading, and the next article (part-2) would be the right time to discuss forex trading. 

Type of currency pairs 
There are 3 types of currency pairs traded in the forex market, the major currency pairs (major currency pairs), cross currency pairs (cross currency pairs) and exotic currency pairs (exotics currency pairs). Here's an overview of what the currency pair is included in the three categories and their correlation. 
Regarding where the most good for trading is very relative depending on the knowledge and understanding of a trader, but in general that is the most widely traded and liquid lowest spreads.

Major currency pairs 
Major currency pairs is the currency of a country that is paired with Ameriks States Dollar (USD Dollar). In addition to currency, commodity traded in the Euro currency and traded by forex traders is gold and silver. 
Symbols and designations (in parentheses) for the major currency pairs: 

EUR / USD - Euro vs. The U.S. Dollar (Fiber) 
GBP / USD - British Pound vs The U.S. Dollar (Sterling, Cable) 
AUD / USD - Australian Dollar vs. the U.S. dollar (Aussie) 
NZD / USD - New Zealand Dollar vs. The U.S. Dollar (Kiwi) 
USD / JPY - U.S. dollar vs. The Japanese Yen (the Yen) 
USD / CHF - U.S. Dollar vs. the Swiss franc (Swissie) 
USD / CAD - U.S. Dollar vs. The Canadian Dollar (Loonie) 
XAU / USD - Gold or gold 
XAG / USD - Silver or silver 

The correlation between the major currency pairs 
The movement of the price of some particular currency pair or correlated interplay. Correlation of currency movements of EUR / USD and GBP / USD is unidirectional or identical, ie the general direction of movement of the price is the same, although not exactly the same. If the trend of EUR / USD rising trend assumption GBP / USD at the same time also increased. In this case the EUR / USD and GBP / USD is said to have a positive correlation or unidirectional. Instead USD / CHF and EUR / USD has a negative correlation with each other or the opposite direction of the trend. If the trend of EUR / USD rises then the assumption of trend USD / CHF at the same time is down. This can be seen from the chart of EUR / USD and USD / CHF at the same time frame, the general trend of price movement in the opposite direction. Note the third image pair in 2011 in the daily time frame below:

Currency Pairs And Time Is Right For Trading
Correlation factor between the pair is very important to note, especially for a novice trader or a 'newbie', because if one understands the correlation in the open position trading will actually increase the risk. For example, open buy the EUR / USD and GBP / USD will increase risk except possibly at certain moments. Similarly, open buy EUR / USD and open sell USD / CHF will also add to the risk, in addition to the correlation of the image above price movements USD / CHF is more 'choppy' than the EUR / USD and GBP / USD are more price action gives a clear signal . 
The currency pair EUR / USD is the most heavily traded in the forex market, and most liquid exchange. In terms of volume, EUR / USD is the highest at 27%, followed by USD / JPY 13% and the GBP / USD 12%. 

Commodity currency pair (commodity currency pairs) 
Commodity currencies is the designation for the currency of a country that is heavily dependent on commodity exports, could be the result of mining or agricultural products. In the world of Forex trading, commodity currency pair is the EUR / USD, USD / CAD and NZD / USD. In addition, Gold (gold) or XAU / USD and XAG silver or / USD is also categorized as commodity currencies because they are actual commodity traded in USD. 
All the commodity currencies have positive correlation with commodities it produces. AUD / USD was positively correlated with the XAU / USD and USD / CAD is positively correlated with crude oil prices. 

Cross currency pairs (cross currency pairs) 
Currency cross pairs are not traded currency in the Euro, for example: 

AUD / USD - Australian Dollar vs. the Canadian Dollar 
AUD / USD - Australian Dollar vs. The Swiss Franc 
AUD / JPY - Australia Dollar vs. the Japanese Yen 
AUD / NZD - Australian Dollar vs. the New Zealand Dollar 
CAD / JPY - Canadian Dollar vs. the Japanese Yen 
CHF / JPY - Swiss Franc vs the Japanese Yen 
EUR / USD - Euro vs. the Australian dollar 
EUR / USD - Euro vs. the Canadian Dollar 
EUR / CHF - Euro vs. The Swiss Franc 
EUR / GBP - Euro vs. the British Pound 
EUR / JPY - Euro vs. the Japanese Yen 
EUR / NZD - Euro vs. the New Zealand Dollar 
GBP / USD - British Pound vs the Australian dollar 
GBP / USD - British Pound vs The Swiss Franc 
GBP / JPY - British Pound vs the Japanese Yen 
NZD / JPY - New Zealand vs dollar the Japanese Yen 

Among the commonly traded are: EUR / JPY, AUD / JPY, GBP / JPY and NZD / JPY. 

Exotic currency pairs (exotics currency pairs) 
Is the currency of countries that are developing with a high rate of the economy, which is paired with the Dollar or Euro. Are often traded among other things: 

USD / TRY - U.S. Dollar vs. the Turkish Lira 
EUR / GBP - Euro vs. the Turkish Lira 
USD / ZAR - U.S. Dollar vs. the South African Rand 
USD / MXN - U.S. Dollar vs. the Mexican Peso 
EUR / USD - U.S. Dollar vs. the Singapore Dollar 

Weakness trading exotic currency pairs is higher spreads and lower liquidity. 

Create a watch list of currency pairs on Metatrader 4 
Trading platform Metatrader 4 is the most widely used by retail traders worldwide. This platform is very flexible with features that are quite abundant, easily understood and applied. To display the watch list or list price traded currency pairs in real-time, on the menu bar Metatrader-4 to the left above, the left bar click 'view' and select the 'Market Watch' (see image below left) that appears watch list on the Metatrader 4 platform (see picture below right).

Currency Pairs And Time Is Right For Trading

To display the 'pop-up prices' to facilitate the monitoring of prices when trading currency pairs, right-click on any place on the market watch / watch list, or press the F-10, then there will be a pop-up price as shown below.

Currency Pairs And Time Is Right For Trading

Regarding the selection of currency pairs to be displayed depending on your trading plan. Should be displayed as needed, for example if you want to compare how strong the Euro price when you trade currencies EUR / USD and USD / JPY, you might as well show the EUR / JPY. 

When is the right time to trade in the forex market, as well as differences in the various sessions of time in the world forex market. 

The forex market is the world is open for 24 hours, but that does not mean the market is always active throughout the day where we can trade with the market conditions as per our expectations. We certainly want to trade when market conditions are very volatile, meaning that when the motion changes in market prices are very high and fast, especially if we are trading with the method of price action, price action is dynamic and fast would be very helpful. 

Session time forex market trading world 
Broadly speaking there are three main sessions within a 24 hour time forex trading:

Currency Pairs And Time Is Right For Trading
Note: Time EST (Eastern Standard Time) = GMT - 5 hours = pm - 12 hours (November - March). From March-November using DST (BST 11 hours faster than the New York Times DST), while from November to March using EST (12 pm hour faster than the New York Time EST) 

1 session Asian trading hours (including Australia and New Zealand): open 18:00 ET and 
     closed 4:00 ET 
Session 2 London trading hours: open and closed 3:00 ET 12:00 ET 
Session 3 New York trading hours: open and closed 8:00 ET 17:00 ET 

Of trade over time session, meetings (over-lapping) occurs between the Asian session and London session at 3:00 until 4:00 ET, and between London and New York sessions between 8:00 am to 12:00 ET. 
At the time the session is over-lapping price volatility and trading volume typically increased significantly, as well as liquidity. Forex traders always take advantage of the over-lapping session time London and New York markets between 8:00 am to 12:00 ET to conduct trading activities since that time the session time is the meeting of two world forex market. 

Session Asian trading hours 
- Starting with the opening of the market in New Zealand and Australia at 18:00 ET, an hour later the Tokyo market open (19:00 EST). Tokyo market is quite important because Japan is the third largest foreign exchange market after London and New York, and the currency pair USD / JPY is also the third largest trading volume after the EUR / USD and GBP / USD. 
- The points of 'hot spots' of the financial markets of Asia are Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore and Sydney. 
- In the Asian session liquidity trade is often so low that many traders who opt for entry to the London or New York session. However, if there are factors driving significant market sentiment, price movements and volatility could rise sharply. 
- Economic data from Australia, New Zealand, Japan and China released at this session. As is known Chinese economic data are very influential on the world currency pairs within the past given the country trade with major countries of the world increased sharply both volume and value. In this session, the currency movements AUD, NZD and JPY is more volatile than other currencies. 
- If the market conditions at this session of consolidation, usually there will be significant movement on the London and New York. 

Session time London trade 
- London is the world's largest forex market. Nearly 30% of transactions occur in the world of forex trading session this time. London market began when the Asian market is almost closed, and the over-lapping the time of price volatility and trading volume usually increases. Slippage or differences in spreads that often occurs in Asian session due to quiet the market usually does not happen in this session. 
- Economic data from European countries released at this session, so that the related currency (EUR, GBP and CHF) is very actively traded with the volume rose sharply. 

New York session trading hours 
- When the New York market starts at 8:00 EST, London traders was active back from his lunch break. Over-lapping this time (8:00 ET - 12:00 ET) is the most active in trading volume and liquidity is very high. 
- Most of the economic data that is important and significant effect on the release of this session, especially the data for the USD, and CAD were also released economic data on the New York session. 
- Because nearly 85% of world forex trading involves currency USD, then all currencies with USD yangberpasangan potential to move with high volatility on the session. 
- Price movements tend to slow after the London market closed, unless there is significant market sentiment as the release rate USD or speeches of central bankers (the Fed). 
- Closing price New York market is important to note because it often for reference traders as the market close that day, including traders who apply the method of price action in the trading. 

The conclusion from the above description, among others: 

- The best time to trade is on the clock at 8:00 ET to 12:00 ET or 20:00 pm until 00:00 pm (November - March, see note above), and in March - November at 19:00 pm until 23:00 pm, at which hour the markets of London and New York over-lapping. 
- If the Asian session there were signs of consolidation with an indication of price action, you should wait for the London session for the entry, the entry is very risky due to the method of price action but with low volatility.

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Creating A Trading Plan Part2

Trading mindset 

Trading mindset or way of thinking in trading reflects the mental attitude of a trader to analyze and predict the movement of market prices, his emotions when trading, time for trading, personal strengths and weaknesses. Here are some questions that can help determine how we think of trading: 

1. Why I want to become a trader? (motivation) 

2. How my trading style? (Fundamentalist, chartist / technicalist, scalping, day trader, swing, long term traders) 

3. Is my personal strengths and weaknesses in trading? (highlight the strength and prevent the onset of weakness) 

4. Is my mental tendencies? (calm, relaxed, stress, fatigue or emotional) 

5. How much time do you dedicate to trading, market analysis or research?

Mindset trading

Examples of answers: 
1: I am a trader to earn additional income. This goal is important to me because in the long run I want to rely on just my income from trading. I sure will be a successful trader because I was always confident, creative and likes to do research. 

2, 4, 5: I am a technicalist and my trading style is scalping or day trading. I only have less than 2 hours each day to trade is a trade that I do a maximum of 4 trade depending on market conditions and technical setup or trading signals that I get. I will only enter the market when I'm not busy with other work, when I'm relaxed and calm my mind. I had a night to perform analysis and research. 

3: My main strength is my always confident with a reliable trading method. I can quickly predict the direction of price movement in the lower time frames. My main weakness is that I tend to be emotional in implementing the strategy that I have made, especially in determining the time to exit the target level even though I have set before. To overcome these drawbacks I would always try to follow the exit strategy carefully, or I will make a custom script to exit, or perhaps an Expert Advisor (EA) to avoid intervention dpada trading position I have open. 

The purpose of trading (trading goal) 
Many reasons to become a trader, the most common is earning. However it is important for you to know the financial targets that will be achieved. Setting goals is an important part of a trading plan as a benchmark for the evaluation of what you have accomplished in a given period. Here are some questions that can help in making our trading objectives: 
1 What is the purpose of my trading ?, and what I expected with the achievement of these goals? 
2 What is the target of my income from trading (per week, per month, per year) 
3 How do I know the plans that I've made has been run or not?

Mindset trading

Examples of answers: 
The purpose of my trading is obtaining substantially consistent profits every week, every month and every year of course. I expected gain at least 5% of my account equity per month with less than 20% drawdown. I am sure I can achieve that goal because of the strategy I have in-backtest apply within the last 4 years by producing consistent profits. The probability of profit for me for a while is sufficient. If my trading results are always consistent for several months, I consider I have achieved short-term goals, and I will do the evaluation in order to improve the next achievement.