Showing posts with label How to Make Forex Price Trend Lines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to Make Forex Price Trend Lines. Show all posts
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Get To Know Bout Life Insurance

In life assurance the insured is caused by death (death). The death of someone leading to loss of financial gain or a specific family. Risks that will arise within the life assurance chiefly lies within the temporal order (time), so it's troublesome to understand once somebody dies. to reduce these risks ought to be insured life insurance shoppers

What is life insurance

Definition of life insurance is insurance that's meant to hide the money losses caused by the surprising death of her life too quick or too long. Here illustrated that the life assurance, the risks long-faced are:

1 the chance of death. 
2 Instead it's too long. 
This is, of course, can bring several aspects, if the risks inherent during a person not insured by life insurance corporations

Eg guarantee to offspring (dependents), a father that died untimely or dead, the kid won't be neglected in his life. 
It might conjointly happen to someone UN agency has reached the age of oldest (old age) and wasn't able to create a living thus it's not capable to obtain her kids, then with a client at the Alianz life insurance risks that will be suffered in terms of lost opportunities to earn a legal document be borne by non depository financial institution
Life insurance agencies have a boondoggle with the first objective is to confirm the bear or someone against money losses. Below we are able to see however vital the role and purpose of life assurance. 

1 In terms of the overall public (social) 
Life insurance will give sure advantages to people or society, is as follows. 

Reassuring head of the family (husband / father), within the sense of giving a guarantee of financial gain, education, if the pinnacle of the affected families that causes death. 
By buying a life assurance policy are often used as a tool for saving (saving). In general, the per capital financial gain of the folks continues to be terribly low, therefore, in observe it seems that people's want to shop for a trifle insurance. 
As a supply of financial gain (earnings power). 
It are often seen in countries that are advanced, someone UN agency could be a "key" within the company are going to be insured by the corporate wherever he's employed. This must be done considering the importance of the position he control. a lot of or less can have an effect on the lifetime of the company's going concern (is running). as an example, AN professional on atomic / nuclear are going to be insured his soul once he died or sick, the corporate shall pay compensation. These examples don't we have a tendency to meet in state, as a result of our country has not been thus advanced within the business when put next to western countries. 

The purpose of life insurance is to confirm treatment and warrant to suppose that insure offspring can't afford to teach their kids (scholarship / education). that a lot of people encounter in observe is, coverage for the chance of death, whereas the remainder of the coverage isn't thus advanced quickly. 

2 In terms of state / public. 
Life insurance corporations in our nice country of operation, typically belongs to the govt. Here we have a tendency to connect with government laws, particularly Law No. 19/1960 concerning the division between state enterprises. The division of activities as listed within the following sectors. 

a. Production sector (state industrial enterprises, state plantation corporations, and state mining company). 

b. promoting sector (commercial company). 

c. Sector provision of facilities (state insurance corporations, state banks and alternative state-owned service company). 

It are often all over here that the insurance firm} could be a financial institution that has finance facilities to be utilized in the stage of economic development of state. supported Law No. 19/1960, it contributed to the economic development of insurance agencies are: 

As a method of capital formation (capital formation). 
Savings establishments (savings). 
So it are often same that the aim of insurance corporations is to assist build a financial set-up within the field of life assurance in accordance with the per Repelita, with stress on the wants of the folks and also the peace and pleasure of operating within the company towards a simply and prosperous society materially and spiritually.
Those bout Get to know bout life insurance so you get to know more what this insurance beneftites
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Rahasia Kelas Kapitalis bagian 4

3.Kelas Kapitalis Menyukai Passive Income Lebih Daripada Penghasilan Aktif 

Anggota kelas kapitalis menghargai waktu mereka. Itulah sebabnya mereka ingin potongan terbesar (jika tidak setiap sen) dari kas yang dihasilkan dari sumber-sumber pendapatan pasif. Seperti yang Anda pelajari di Pengantar Passive Income, penghasilan pasif tidak mengharuskan Anda untuk secara aktif terlibat untuk mencari nafkah, membebaskan Anda untuk fokus pada hal yang lebih penting, seperti keluarga Anda.

Pendapatan pasif dapat berasal dari sumber beragam seperti: 

Sewa dari properti real estate 
Royalti paten untuk penemuan 
Biaya lisensi merek dagang untuk karakter atau merek yang Anda buat 
Royalti dari buku-buku, lagu, publikasi, atau karya asli lainnya 
Keuntungan dari bisnis di mana Anda memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada peran sehari-hari atau tanggung jawab 
Penghasilan dari iklan Internet di blog atau website Anda sendiri 
Dividen dari saham, REITs, reksa dana saham, atau surat berharga ekuitas lainnya 
Bunga dari obligasi yang memiliki, sertifikat deposito, kas dan setara kas lainnya lainnya 
Sisa pendapatan untuk orang penjualan pada akun yang biasanya diperpanjang secara otomatis seperti perwakilan barang olahraga yang mendapatkan komisi pada account-nya, membawa beberapa ribu dolar per toko per tahun untuk hanya melayani pelanggan setelah mereka telah dibuka 
Berikut ini adalah contoh penghasilan pasif dalam kehidupan saya sendiri. Beberapa minggu yang lalu, salah satu perusahaan baru yang saya didirikan pada musim panas 2009 mendekati perusahaan manufaktur lokal dan menandatangani kontrak untuk membuat sebuah platform perangkat lunak yang akan membiarkan memesan pelanggan grosir ini perusahaan melalui situs yang dilindungi password, melacak kemajuan mereka membeli pesanan, paket lagu secara real time, mengirim pesan, membayar tagihan, dan banyak lagi. Sebagai gantinya, perusahaan tidak membayar sepeser pun, melainkan memungkinkan kita untuk menambahkan 5% biaya tambahan pada semua pesanan yang datang melalui. Pada $ 1 juta dalam pendapatan ini dihasilkan, kita harus mendapatkan sekitar $ 50.000 per tahun laba karena sistem tidak memiliki biaya kepada kami dan akan ada sedikit atau tidak ada pemeliharaan ke depan (mungkin beberapa jam setiap bulan). Uang itu akan langsung masuk ke memperluas perusahaan kami yang lain atau membeli saham

Jika kita membayar $ 18.000 dalam pajak atas keuntungan itu, ini meninggalkan $ 32.000 bagi pemegang saham kami. Dengan asumsi kita bisa mendapatkan 15% pada nilai buku (mudah bagi kita) selama 20 tahun ke depan, aliran ini laba setelah pajak bernilai hampir $ 3.278.200 kepada saya dan para pemegang saham saya. Setiap hari kita muncul di kantor, tujuan kami adalah untuk menemukan proyek-proyek seperti itu dan memiliki uang diinvestasikan kembali dalam aktiva penghasil kas. Ini sangat sederhana. Tidak ada alasan Anda dapat menemukan kesempatan dalam hidup Anda sendiri untuk memecahkan masalah rakyat dan membuat uang melakukannya. Rahasianya adalah Anda harus fokus pada bagaimana Anda dapat mencapai tujuan tanpa terlibat secara aktif. Jika anda terpaksa harus bekerja lebih, tidak ada gunanya!
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Double Chart Patern

A Double Top is a reversal pattern that forms after extension movement. TOP or "peak" is a peak that is formed when the price hits a certain level that can not be penetrated. 

After touching this level, the price will bounce a bit, but then returned to the peak levels tested again. If the price bounces from that level again, then you have a DOUBLE TOP

Gambar double chart pembalikan

In the chart above you can see that the two peaks or "peak" occurs twice. 

Notice how the second peak is not able to penetrate the previous peak height. It is a strong sign that the reversal will occur which tells us that buying pressure has been completed completed. 

With double top, we will order our entry below the neck because we anticipate the Reversal of the uptrend.

Gmbar pola double chart patern

See the chart above, you can see that price broke through the neckline (neck) and plunge down. Remember that double tops or double top is a reversal of trend formation so you will find it after a Strong uptrend

You will also notice that the price falls more or less the same height as a double top formation. It's worth remembering because it would be useful to set a Profit target (Take Profit).


The lower part of the double (double bottom) is also a trend reversal formation, but this time we are looking to go buy instead of sell. These formations occur after a downtrend when the two bottom has been formed


You can see from the graph above that after the previous trend, forming two valleys because the price can not go below a certain level. 

Notice how the bottom two are not able to significantly break the bottom of the first. It is a sign that selling pressure is over, and that a reversal is imminent.

Image double buttom chart patern

Price broke his neck and flying high. 

See how the soaring price of almost the same length as the formation of a double bottom? 

Remember, like a double top, Double bottom reversal formations as well.

Now we can see what will happen when condition is come on your chart so what you will do ..??

Just like this bout Double Chart Patern topic wish wil give you more benefid

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Nama-Nama Badan Regulasi Broker Forex Seluruh Dunia

Salam Merdeka sahabat Trader Diseluruh dunia

Seperti yang sudah pernah saya tuliskan dalam pengahasan tetang Cara memilih broker forex yang benar Baca Disini diantaranya adalah tentang Badan Regulasi Broker forex tesebut jadi kali ini saya akan mengajak anda mengenali Badan-badan regulasi tersebut 

Ada banyak sekali Badan regulasi didunia yang wajib anda tahu sebelum anda benar-benar terjun kedunia Trading forex Daintaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

- SEBI ( India )

- CSRC ( China )

-SFC (Hongkong )


- MAS ( Singapore )

- SESC ( Jepang )

- ASIC ( Australia )

- SC ( Malaysia )

- IDA/BCAC/OSC/MFDA ( Canada )

- BAPEPTI / BAPPEPAM ( Indonesia )

- ARIF/POLIREG ( swis bank )

- MFSA ( Malta-Eropa )

- MIFID ( Uni eropa )

-FCA ( Uk )


Itulah beberapa badan regulasi forex dunia yang wajib kita ketahui sebelum kita memilih salah satu broker forex yang kita inginkan

Bila broker pilihan anda sementara ini tidak memiliki salah satu badan regulasi tersebut sesuai dengan negara asalnya maka anda wajib untuk bersikap WASPADA...!!

Akirnya semoga informasi ini memebrikan manfaat kepada anda sebagai mitra setia merdeka Fx 

Informasi tambahan silahkan masukkan dibagian komentar sebagai sarana berdiskusi kita bersama

Salam Merdeka

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How to Determine Point Support and Resistance Forex Price

Regards Freedom

In Forex Trading Many ways are used by traders to determine the strength and the tendency of an ongoing price of which is to determine the point of support and resistance

Then What is the point of support and resistance ...???

Let us try to understand first of the two things mentioned above is about support and resistance


Support point is a point that will be addressed when the price of the current price trend was walking toward down

The price goes down he will always be towards the point of support and the level of which there are several levels of support point 1, point 2 support, support point 3 even support point 4 or 5

Support point is obtained by looking at the history of the price that has been through so this theory is based on the actual price of the forex that could have been predicted to stay that distinguishes him is the power level of an ongoing price trend

as usual when the price goes down then the first stage he was seeking the support of the first point, and if it turns big power it can also support point she would pierce the first and second leading point of support and so on, therefore it is very important you know a trend long-term price


When the support is a price level that will be addressed when a price pattern toward the down trend but instead with his name is resistant. 
Resistance is obtained when a drive prices up or with a tendency towards rising trend.

Just as happened at the point of support resistance point also has some level or levels to be achieved, namely resistance 1, resistance 2, resistance 3 could even resistant 4 and 5

So good that the price is already down or up can we predict where prices are going to run and stop

In using the support and resistance points you should also know the pattern of price trends running so that you will be helped to make a prediction of when and where prices will stop and then reverse because believe it or not forex prices will always go up and down and it has become a partner his life, when there was a definite no go down and if there is d must be climbed. 

So it is very important to know where the support and resistance points in your forex transactions

Similarly, about support and resistance when there are less obvious to the discussion section comments 

Regards Freedom

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How to Make Forex Price Trend Lines

Greetings to you free of our loyal readers .. 

This time free fx would like to invite you to learn how to detect a pattern of price will be run by making the price line so that you will know which direction prices will go.??

We all agreed that the actual forex price could have been predicted where he would run but with a note you should know exactly how to take the point to take the line

To know which way the price of forex prices by drawing a line there are several steps that must be performed


Determine or find the highest or lowest point at least two points before the current price

See the picture below

Gambar garis trendline harga forex

Notice the arrows that appear in the image ....!! 

In the picture there are two green lines, each of which is taken as a pattern by taking two points above the highest minimum and lowest as a reference to draw the line

Furthermore, after the two lines we get the second step is to create the same line in the same way but this time we are looking for the opposite


When you are above the line that leads to the rise and now we draw a line down toward the point is to determine the level of price reversal as well as to detect whether or not the trend that we just get it to happen or not ..?

gambar garis trendline

As seen in the second image is a combination of the formation of the first line as a single image and then added a second line formation so finished as the second picture.

When we refer to the pattern already established trendline then we may draw the conclusion that the previous trend is Bullish likely will soon be heading reversal (Under normal market conditions)

Based on this we shall take a decision to sell soon because the price will soon experience a reversal of the trend

Guidelines to create a trend line forex price 

- Determine at least two lowest point and the highest point of at least two 

- It would be nice if you could specify more than two points of support and resistance as such because the more valid

Well friend so glimpse on how to make the price trend line in forex if any questions please fill in the comment form and we can discussion there

Freedom greetings to us