Showing posts with label Tchnical indicator analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tchnical indicator analysis. Show all posts
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Rencana Kenaikan Suku Bunga Amerika Rencana Kenaikan Suku Bunga Amerika,Jakarta - Ekonom senior Mandiri Sekuritas Aldian Taloputra memperkirakan Bank Sentral AS The Fed akan menaikkan suku bunga acuan (Fed Fund Rate) pada akhir 2015 atau awal 2016, berbeda dengan konsensus yang memprediksi kenaikan pada kuartal II atau kuartal III 2014.

"Kenaikan Fed Fund Rate bisa terjadi di penghujung 2015. Fed Fund Rate akan naik jika inflasi di atas ekspektasi (2 persen)," ujar Aldian saat paparan "Economic Outlook & Condition for 2015" di Jakarta, Selasa (23/12).

Menurut Aldian, inflasi di AS saat ini masih relatif rendah. The Fed memproyeksikan inflasi AS sepanjang 2014 akan mencapai 1,5-1,6 persen, sama dengan proyeksi pada September 2014 lalu.

Namun untuk tahun depan, The Fed merevisi proyeksi Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) inflation atau indeks yang mengukur perubahan harga barang dan jasa ditingkat konsumen, dari 1,6-1,9 persen menjadi 1-1,6 persen.

Sementara itu, inflasi inti (core inflation) yang tidak termasuk harga makanan dan energi diproyeksikan turun lebih sedikit dibandingkan proyeksi sebelumnya yakni dari 1,6-1,9 persen menjadi 1,5-1,8 persen.

Dalam pernyataan Gubernur Bank Sentral AS The Fed Janet Yallen, disebutkan bahwa perekonomian AS mengalami ekspansi dan pasar tenaga kerja terus membaik, tetapi tingkat inflasi turun dibawah target FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) yang sebagian disebabkan oleh merosotnya harga energi.

Selain karena kekhawatiran masih merosotnya harga minyak dunia, Aldian menilai, tingkat belanja di AS masih belum menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan sehingga belum mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih cepat.

"Tanpa belanja yang signifikan, inflasi tidak akan naik. Jika inflasi tidak mengancam, The Fed tidak akan naikkan suku bunga," kata Aldian
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Pasar Valuta Asing

Forex Education Center And Invesment- Pasar Valuta Asing,Pasar valuta asing (forex, FX, atau pasar mata uang) adalah pasar desentralisasi global untuk perdagangan mata uang. Dalam hal volume perdagangan, itu adalah pasar terbesar di dunia. Para peserta utama di pasar ini adalah Bank-bank internasional yang lebih besar. Pusat keuangan di seluruh dunia sebagai jangkar perdagangan antara berbagai beberapa jenis pembeli dan penjual selama 24 jam, dengan pengecualian akhir pekan. Pasar valuta asing menentukan nilai relatif dari mata uang yang berbeda.

Pasar valuta asing bekerja melalui lembaga keuangan, dan beroperasi pada beberapa tingkatan. Di belakang layar bank beralih ke sejumlah kecil perusahaan keuangan yang dikenal sebagai "dealer," yang secara aktif terlibat dalam jumlah besar perdagangan valuta asing. Kebanyakan dealer valuta asing adalah bank, jadi ini balik layar pasar kadang-kadang disebut "pasar antar bank", meskipun perusahaan asuransi beberapa dan jenis lain dari perusahaan keuangan yang terlibat. Perdagangan antara pedagang valuta asing bisa sangat besar, melibatkan ratusan juta dolar. Karena masalah kedaulatan bila melibatkan dua mata uang, Forex memiliki sedikit (jika ada) entitas pengawasan mengatur tindakannya. 

Pasar valuta asing membantu perdagangan internasional dan investasi dengan memungkinkan konversi mata uang. Misalnya, memungkinkan bisnis di Amerika Serikat untuk mengimpor barang dari negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa, anggota terutama zona euro, dan membayar Euro, meskipun pendapatan diperoleh dalam dolar Amerika Serikat. Ini juga mendukung spekulasi langsung dan evaluasi relatif terhadap nilai mata uang, dan carry trade, spekulasi berdasarkan perbedaan suku bunga antara dua mata uang.  

Dalam transaksi valuta asing yang khas, pesta membeli beberapa kuantitas satu mata uang dengan membayar untuk beberapa jumlah mata uang lain. Pasar valuta asing modern mulai membentuk selama tahun 1970 setelah tiga dekade pembatasan pemerintah transaksi valuta asing (sistem Bretton Woods manajemen moneter mendirikan aturan untuk hubungan komersial dan keuangan antara negara-negara utama dunia industri setelah Perang Dunia II), ketika negara-negara secara bertahap beralih ke kurs mengambang dari sebelumnya rezim nilai tukar, yang masih tetap sesuai sistem Bretton Woods. 

Pasar valuta asing memiliki karakter unik karena karakteristik sebagai berikut: 

volume perdagangan yang besar mewakili kelas aset terbesar di dunia yang mengarah ke likuiditas yang tinggi; 
dispersi geografis; 
operasi terus-menerus: 24 jam sehari kecuali akhir pekan, yaitu, perdagangan dari 22:00 GMT pada hari Minggu (Sydney) sampai 22:00 GMT Jumat (New York); 
berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai tukar; 
margin rendah keuntungan relatif dibandingkan dengan pasar lain dari pendapatan tetap; dan 
penggunaan leverage untuk meningkatkan margin laba rugi dan sehubungan dengan rekening ukuran. 
Dengan demikian, telah disebut sebagai pasar yang paling dekat dengan ideal persaingan sempurna, meskipun intervensi mata uang oleh bank sentral. 

Menurut Bank for International Settlements,  hasil global diawal dari 2013 Triennial Bank Sentral Survei Valuta Asing dan Derivatif OTC Pasar Kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa perdagangan di pasar valuta asing rata-rata $ 5300000000000 per hari pada bulan April 2013. Ini naik dari $ 4,0 triliun pada April 2010 dan $ 3300000000000 pada April 2007. swap valuta asing adalah instrumen yang paling aktif diperdagangkan pada April 2013, di $ 2200000000000 per hari, diikuti oleh perdagangan spot pada $ 2,0 triliun.

Menurut Bank for International Settlements, per April 2010, rata-rata transaksi harian di pasar valuta asing global diperkirakan $ 3980000000000, pertumbuhan sekitar 20% dibandingkan volume harian $ 3210000000000 per April 2007. Beberapa perusahaan yang mengkhususkan di pasar valuta asing telah menempatkan omset rata-rata harian lebih dari US $ 4 triliun. 

The $ 3980000000000 break-down adalah sebagai berikut: 

$ 1,490 triliun pada transaksi spot 
$ 475.000.000.000 di depan langsung 
$ 1765000000000 dalam swap valuta asing 
43000000000 $ swap mata uang 
$ dalam pilihan dan produk lainnya
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Price Action Trading

Forex Education Center And Investment- Price Action Trading,Konsep price action Trading mewujudkan analisis pergerakan harga dasar sebagai metodologi untuk spekulasi keuangan, seperti yang digunakan oleh banyak pedagang ritel dan sering kelembagaan di mana perdagangan algoritmik tidak bekerja. Karena mengabaikan faktor fundamental keamanan dan terlihat terutama pada sejarah harga sekuritas - meskipun kadang-kadang menganggap bahwa nilai-nilai yang berasal dari  sejarah harga - itu adalah bentuk analisis teknis. Apa yang membedakan itu dari sebagian besar bentuk analisis teknis adalah bahwa fokus utamanya adalah hubungan harga sekuritas saat ini untuk harga masa lalu sebagai lawan nilai yang berasal dari bahwa sejarah harga. Sejarah masa lalu ini termasuk tertinggi ayunan dan ayunan terendah, garis trend, dan level support dan resistance

Pada yang paling sederhana, ia mencoba untuk menggambarkan proses pemikiran manusia dipanggil oleh yang berpengalaman, pedagang non-disiplin karena mereka mengamati dan perdagangan pasar mereka.Tindakan Harga hanya bagaimana harga berubah -. Yang aksi harga. Hal ini mudah diamati di pasar di mana likuiditas dan volatilitas harga tertinggi, tapi apa pun yang dibeli atau dijual bebas di pasar akan per se menunjukkan aksi harga. Perdagangan harga tindakan dapat dimasukkan di bawah payung analisis teknis tetapi dibahas di sini dalam artikel terpisah karena menggabungkan analisis perilaku pelaku pasar sebagai kerumunan dari bukti yang ditampilkan dalam aksi harga - jenis analisis yang cakupan akademik tidak terfokus dalam satu bidang, bukan secara luas dijelaskan dan mengomentari dalam literatur pada perdagangan, spekulasi, judi dan persaingan umumnya. Ini mencakup sebagian besar dari metodologi yang digunakan oleh pedagang lantai  dan pembaca pita. Hal ini juga dapat opsional mencakup analisis volume dan tingkat 2 tanda kutip.

Trader mengamati ukuran relatif, bentuk, posisi, pertumbuhan (ketika menonton saat harga real-time) dan volume (opsional) bar pada OHLC bar atau candlestick chart, mulai yang sederhana seperti bar tunggal, paling sering dikombinasikan dengan bagan formasi yang ditemukan dalam analisis teknis yang lebih luas seperti rata-rata bergerak, garis tren atau rentang perdagangan. penggunaan analisis harga tindakan untuk spekulasi keuangan tidak mengecualikan penggunaan simultan dari teknik lain analisis, dan di sisi lain tangan, minimalis aksi harga trader dapat mengandalkan sepenuhnya pada penafsiran perilaku tindakan harga untuk membangun strategi perdagangan. 

Berbagai penulis yang menulis tentang aksi harga, misalnya Brooks, Duddella,  memberi nama tindakan harga formasi grafik dan pola perilaku mereka amati, yang mungkin atau mungkin tidak unik untuk penulis itu dan dikenal dengan nama lain oleh penulis lain (lebih penyelidikan penulis lain untuk menjadi dilakukan di sini). Pola-pola ini sering hanya dapat digambarkan secara subyektif dan pembentukan ideal atau pola dapat pada kenyataannya muncul dengan variasi yang besar.

Artikel ini mencoba untuk menguraikan sebagian besar candlestick bar utama, pola, grafik formasi, pengamatan perilaku dan setup perdagangan yang digunakan dalam perdagangan harga tindakan. Ini mencakup cara mereka diinterpretasikan oleh pedagang aksi harga, apakah mereka sinyal kemungkinan arah pasar masa depan, dan bagaimana pedagang akan menempatkan pesanan Sejalan dengan keuntungan dari itu (dan di mana perintah exit pelindung akan ditempatkan untuk meminimalkan kerugian ketika salah). Karena pedagang aksi harga menggabungkan bar, pola, formasi, perilaku dan setup bersama-sama dengan bar lain, pola, formasi dll untuk membuat setup lebih lanjut, banyak dari deskripsi di sini akan mengacu pada deskripsi lain dalam artikel. Tata letak deskripsi di sini adalah linear, tetapi tidak ada satu urutan sempurna - mereka muncul di sini longgar dalam urutan: pengamatan perilaku, tren, pembalikan dan rentang perdagangan. Pendekatan editing ini mencerminkan sifat pergerakan harga, sub-optimal karena akan muncul.
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Forex Scalping Strategies

Forex Education Center And Investment-Forex Scalping Strategies,Many professional Forex traders use Forex Scalping strategies and abundant benefit. for more details, please refer to the following Scalping Strategy Review. 

Scalping Strategy Forex help forex traders to make profits very quickly in the forex market. Most beginners use scalping strategy to get a quick profit, as it is associated with short-term trend. But without a proper forex trading plan, this strategy can lead to more harm than benefit for forex traders. Traders who follow the forex scalping strategy known as Scalpers. Scalpers stay in the forex market for very little time. The traders make a few pips profit again and again. 

The traders usually make trades and wait a long time to get the highest profit, but Scalpers small benefit in a few seconds by the number of trading that many on the same day. Forex scalping technique is useful if the trader can not be online for a long time. Forex Scalping ensure that the trader closes all his trades within a few minutes or sometimes seconds. However, many forex brokers do not allow traders to use scalping strategy because it can put their business at risk. There are many online forums that help to understand and use this technique. 

Scalpers need good speed and concentration to profit in the forex market is moving quickly. Forex Scalping techniques can not be done during office hours or when tarder is busy with other things, Despite offering quick results, not recommended for beginners to choose the type of strategy. Forex scalping is a very stressful and beginners can not deal with a market that could suddenly move very quickly and result in losses. 
If you are a novice trader, and is really interested in forex scalping strategy, forex trading experts advise to try scalping strategy on a demo account first before trying it in the real market. With a demo account novice trader can use scalping strategy with counterfeit money and find success and the benefits they are able to get. Once the novice trader begin to make profits through forex scalping, the same pattern can be applied in real markets (real currency). 

In the world of trading, this strategy has been widely used by traders daily / intraday, like one trader named Paul Rotter. He is quite well known as "The Most Successful Scalper Trading". From his interview with one of the media, there are some important points regarding scalping technique that he uses. 

Using 2 Chart Where he uses a different chart, the 30-minute time frame to predict the movement of trends and using 5 minute time frame to conduct an open or closed position. 
Scalping Using Indicators To support scalping techniques, in general scalper trades using multiple technical indicators such as Fibonacci indicators, trend line as well as the CCI. Market Opening Moment Typically the scalper using or targeting the right time, such as during the opening of the European market, which is about 12:00 to 15:00 pm and about America 20:00 to 22:00 pm. At these times the trading volume that occurs forex market big enough. 

Scalping techniques actually legitimate, because this technique could be something fun trading strategy, but on the other hand can also create stress and fatigue, then Make a daily profit targets will have to achieve, do not get caught for excessive trading. At the moment trading, where you experience loss when using scalping techniques, do not mind once in a while to take revenge for the loss you have been experiencing at that moment. Because there is still tomorrow where you can trade re-use scalping techniques

Without you slowly realize you probably will find a match if you use this technique as an intraday or swing trader as a result of self-confidence and all the experience that you get for using scalping techniques

Hopefully we can further explore the psychological side is crucial for mental shape to be a scalper trading. How did your experience in using this technique? Please share here, so that other traders can learn the proper strategy he used.
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How To Make Profit By Switching Techniques

Forex Education Center And Investment- How To Make Profit By Switching Techniques,There are times when the market moves do not fit our predictions, so we have open positions become lose,but in such conditions we can still strive to turn into profit is to do the switching. 
Switching is based on the meaning of the word is change. In forex trading, a switching strategy is to change the direction by closing losing positions and opened a new position in the opposite direction from the position it has closed on the expected position of the latter will be greater than the loss in the first position is already closed. 

For example: 

Currently the price of GBP / USD is 1.5500. I predict BGP / USD will rise towards 1.5600. Therefore I open a buy position. 
Lapse of how many hours it turns GBP / USD moves opposite to my prediction, GBP / USD down and is now at the level of 1.5450 .Artinya my long positions lose 50 points. 

After re-analyzed, it turns out GBP / USD will fall towards the 1.5350 level. 

So that today I do not lose, I decided to close my long position with a loss of 50 points and opening new short positions. 

After a few hours it is true that the market moves according to analysis result that both fell, and is now at the level of 1.5375 

Finally, after feeling the profit earned enough, then I closed my short position with 75 points profit. 

Of accumulation 2 above transaction with switching, today I profit by 25 points is 75 points deducted from profit loss of 50 points. 

Tips in pursuing a strategy of switching

- Perform switching to open a second position which is opposite to the first position only if the prediction gain second position exceeds the value of the first loss position would be closed. 
- Should do the switching when the big trend will be formed, that is, when the breakout band. 

Switching forex strategy requires an analysis that is convincing, because if it is not convinced with the second prediction, only to cut losses should first position without having to be forwarded to the switching. If we are still forced to be tossed around by the market and instead suffer a loss 2-fold.
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Definition Of Terms In Forex Trading

Forex Education Center And InvestmentDefinition Of Terms In Forex, the forex trading there are many terms that the term should be understood as we understand it and the terms of trade will always be with us in the future. and between the short term and the definition are as follows

-Account (Account) - Notes in the database, which contains information about the user and other objects of the system. 

-Fundamental Analysis - market analysis type, in which th

e estimate is based on financial market news, analysis of economic and political information to predict market movements. 

-Technical Analysis (graphical analysis) - which type of market analysis in this estimate is based on the fact that the market has a memory and the future will be influenced by changes in behavior patterns in the past. 
-Arbitrage - Transfer funds from one market to another market to profit from the difference in interest rates, exchange rates, or commodity prices. 
-Aussie (AUD) - a slang term for the Australian dollar. 

-Automated trading - the special method of trading when programs execute orders on the trader's Behalf, based on a particular system, but without the participation of the traders. 

-The central bank - Bank that provides financial services to the government and the country's commercial banks. 

-Bull (Bull) - Trader, the main priority is the increase in the exchange rate. 
-News Trading (trading News) - The type of trading system, the essence of which is to receive a profit on the price gaps at times of important economic news releases. 

- Bear (Bear) - Trader, which is the preferred currency devaluation. 

-Broker - a wealthy individual or company that takes the responsibility to be an agent between buyers and sellers of financial instruments while charging a fee (commission fee). 

-Buy Limit - Pending orders to buy at a price lower than the current price level (buy cheaper than now). It is placed in the hope that prices will fall to a certain level and then will begin to rise again. 
-Buy Stop - Pending orders to buy at a price higher than the current price level (purchase more expensive than it is now). It is placed with the expectation that the market price will reach a certain level and will continue to grow. 
-Cable - slang for a pound. It is called this way because the first offer that was sent to America by the trans-Atlantic cable in the middle of the 19th century. 

-Candlesticks - One method of displaying graphics exchange rate changes of financial instruments'. 

-Close Order (position) - the reverse process of selling / buying the volume of such financial instruments, which compensates for the buy / sell volume opening position. 
-Dealer - An individual or company with whom the trader has an agreement with, set up the basics of trading operations. Dealers take the responsibility to act as the second part of the transaction. 
-Deposit - Funds are included in the account for further transactions. 
-Diversification - The strategy aims to reduce risk by allocating investments in financial instruments or investment object. 
-Instant Execution (Instant Execution) - Method execution order, where the order is executed at the price indicated. If the price changes while getting to the trading server, the client gets a notice about the change in price (requote). Traders can accept or reject the new price to be executed. 

-Execution Market (Market Execution) - Method execution order, where the order is executed If any. If the price changes at the time of execution of the order, it will be executed on the new, the price changed. 

-Equity (Equity) - indicator that characterizes the current status of the trader's account. It is calculated as follows: equity = balance + floating profit - floating loss. 

-Expert Advisor - Automatic System (script) that executes the trade without trader's participation is based on a predetermined algorithm. 
-Flat - Period when the price remains the same range and does not indicate the direction of growth or decline. 
-Gap - Break on the graph is caused by a mismatch between the offer price of an open trading period and the closing price of the previous trading period. This can occur due to unforeseen circumstances (eg, after the weekend). 

-Day Trading (Day Trading) - Trade operations are completed in one day. 
-Hedging - The use of a financial instrument to reduce risk, which is linked to the influence of unfavorable market factors on the price of another financial instrument, related to the first or the cash flows they generate. 
-Indicators - The tools of computer analysis of price movements based on the statistical data used in technical analysis. 
-Financial instruments (Financial Instrument) - Product tTipe financial market environment (ie currencies, stocks, futures, options, etc.) 

-Key (Lock) - The presence of the two open positions of the financial instruments in the opposite direction at a time. 
-Kiwi (NZD) - a slang term for New Zealand currency (New Zealand dollar). 
-Exchange rate (exchange rate) - The ratio of the price of one currency for another at a time. For example, 1 EUR can buy 1.3000 USD. Looks like EUR / USD = 1.3000. 
-Profit (Profit) - Increased positive balance resulting from investment or trading, after deducting all costs. 
-Level of support - term technical analysis, which determines the rate at which market players often start buying. 
-Leverage - The instrument allows a greater amount of trading, having only a portion of the amount. For example, with a 1: 100 leverage, you can trade in volumes of 100 000 USD, USD 1000 only to have your own funds. 

-Liquidity (Liquidity) - Features an asset to change each other. A greater liquidity provides an opportunity to make a big deal, without being affected by significant changes in the price. 
-Long - position to buy. Profit increases when market prices grow. 
-Lot - A number of units or amount of assets that are used to execute certain trading instruments (currency pair, a lot of Forex standard of 100 000 units of the base currency). 
-Margin - Collateral is required to carry out trading with the help of leverage. For example, if the leverage is 1: 100 and 10 000 USD order volume, margin is 100 USD. 
-Margin call - Notification which indicates that little amount of funds remaining in your trading account and that, in the case of unfavorable market movements, stop out may occur. This notice is sent at a time when the rest of the funds on the trading account is a certain percentage of the margin (eg, 40%). 

-Market-maker - a big bank or financial organization that determines the exchange rate at this time because most of the operations in the entire market volume. 
-The base currency (base currency) - which stands first currency in a currency pair. All transactions are made with the base currency. 
-Quoted Currency (Quoted currency) - which stands second currency in a currency pair. The price of the base currency is reflected by the aid. 
-Major (Majors) - the main currency pairs: EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / JPY, USD / CHF, AUD / USD, and USD / CAD. 

-Order (position) - Instructions client to execute trading on a certain level (to buy or sell one currency to one another). Once an order is opened, it should be closed to improve profit or loss. 
-Open Order (position) -Processes buy or sell a certain volume of financial instruments for profit due to changes in supply in a favorable direction. To improve trading results, you have to close the order. 
-Currency Pair (Currency pair) - Financial instruments ditraderkan in the foreign exchange market. The pair formed by the two currencies, which is written as a ratio of one to the other. For example, USD / JPY. The result is called the exchange rate or offers. 
-Cross currency pair (Cross currency pairs) - Currency pairs that do not include USD. For example, EUR / JPY. 

-Pending orders - Orders to buy or sell financial instruments in the future, when price reaches the level indicated in the order. 
-Non-market offer - Offer in accordance with the following conditions: 
significant price gaps; 
return of the price in a short time to the initial level, the price gap formation; 
the absence of rapid price dynamics before the advent of this offering; 
the absence of important economic news, which obviously affects the financial instruments at the time of offer appearance. 
-Offer (Bid) - The price at which you can sell the currency. The offer price is lower than the ask price. 
-Short (Short) - Position to sell. Earnings increase with a decrease in the market price. 

-Permitaan (Ask) - The price at which you can buy the currency. Asking price is greater than the Bid price. 
-Pips (Points) - Unit price changes of financial instruments (0.0001). For example, if a major change 1.3000-1.3001, it means that he will change for 1 pip (point). Fractional unit price changes used in NDD and ECN accounts, which means that supply can be changed at 0.1 pips and will look like 1.30011. 
-Trading platform (trading terminal) - Software that allows traders to execute the trading of computer or other telecommunication devices. 

-Resistance level - term technical analysis, which determines the rate at which market players often start selling. 
-Requote - Notification in the trading terminal on price changes during the process of placing the order. You can accept the new price or cancel the execution of the command. Requote can appear in an account with the Instant Execution. 
-Balance (Balance) - The number of funds in the trading account after completing the last transaction in the given period. 

-Scalping - a trading strategy in which a trader executes a large number of orders over a short period (even a few seconds) and improvement in a few pips profit. 
-Slip (Slippage) - The number of market movements of the time of placing the order until its execution. This is the situation when the command executes at a better price / worse than indicated in the order. For example, this may occur during high market volatility. 
-Sell ​​Limit - Pending orders to sell at a higher price than the current price level (selling more expensive than it is now). It is placed with the expectation that the market price will increase to a certain level and then it will start to fall. 

-Sell ​​Stop - Pending orders to sell at a price lower than the current price level (selling cheaper than now). It is placed with the expectation that the market price will decline to a certain level and will continue to fall. 

-Spread - The difference between the real-time Bid and Ask price of one currency to one another. 
-Stop out - automatic closing process orders. This procedure took place at the time when the remnants of the trading account is a certain percentage of the margin (eg, 20%). 
-Stop loss - a pending order type that helped limit losses while trading. 
-Swissy (СHF) - a slang term for the Swiss franc. 
-Swap - Cost to transfer trading positions open all night. Funds can be reduced or added from / to the account. 
-Take profit - a pending order type that helps fix (taking) advantage while trading. 

-Automated trading (Autotrading) - Method trading when a specific program executes orders on behalf of the trader, based on a particular system, but without the participation of traders. 
-Тrailing stop - an instrument that "recruit" stop loss to a current price at a certain distance to the changing market and distributed. This helps for price movement in one direction. 
-Тrend - clearly visible market movements in one direction (upwards - bullish, down - bearish, sideways - flat). 
-Volatility - the strength of the exchange rate variation. 
-Volume - The number of financial instruments to trade during a certain period.

Those are some terms and defition of  present in about forex trading is expected understanding and understand our respective functions so that in the future we can apply in our trade
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Principles That Should Include In Trading

Forex Education Center-Principles That Should Include In Trading,All traders, who joined Forex, trying to achieve the best results. However, for trade with profit, the trader must know and follow some of the principles of Forex
  - Having your own trading strategy. Develop your system, which is based on several factors significant for Forex trading

  - Take control of your emotions. Unstable emotional state can interfere with the decision-making process. 
- Learn how to control emotions and desires. 
  - Having your own historical data. Write down where the circumstances and factors of your decision to open / close orders and comments are based on each situation. 
- Constantly review your work

  - Learn from your mistakes. And work on error analysis is one of the most important components of successful trading. It is important to be self-critical in a loss position analysis. Having dealt with the loss position, you can avoid repeating these mistakes. 

  - Do not trade without reason. Do not open a trading platform just because you have nothing else to do or you can not fall asleep. Trade only when trere are factors that justify such action. 

  - Work and think for themselves. Assistance and guidance from others can help, but not while trading in Forex. You can consider the advice of experienced traders, but do not just follow it without thinking. Progress will only appear when you make your own analysis, develop your own strategy, and only depends on your decision. 

  - Trade only when you are sure about it. Better to wait for the right moment to enter the market rather than opening order when you do not understand the situation. It is important to enter and leave the market at the right time. If you do not feel confident, you better not take the risk. Some pips lost can not be compared to a huge loss, which may be caused by the reckless actions. Just open the order later, the market will not work. 

  - Limit your risk. Use only the amount of money to trade, the loss of which will not cause a shortage of family budgets. 
  Know your limits. Can be stopped. 
  - Be careful with early success. Do not lose your head of happiness just because a few hundred dollars profit '(back to 2). 

  - Do not trade against the market. With a lack of experience, it is better not to take risks. In the process of price movement in a particular direction, the market began to jump up / down. To learn how to use short-term fluctuations, you have to get experience, so as to minimize the risk.
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Doda Doncian Indicator

Forex Education Center And Investment- Doda Doncian Indicator,These indicators have in common as the pivot point. And most of the indicators are indeed taking the information from the pivot point as the signal indicator in the analysis. Signal given already reflect the way open right position. So for anyone who wants to use indicators doncian doda, can perform transactions according to the instructions on the signal given by the indicator. 

Another advantage, indicators like the shape of a breakout or breakout price level. however, a reliable indicator of when the prices touched near support levels and resistance. If the price has reached that level, the signal of the line indicates the strength of the price is below or above the area that shows the strengthening or weakening prices. 

Time frames that can be used is to use a small time frame. At least h1 is still able to provide a good signal. Because of the greater time frame used, the lower limit of resistance and support.

Doda Doncian indicator indicator because of its relatively that tool helps traders to identify the price of the power market. When the price has reached a point or level of support or resistance sometimes weakening or strengthening of the price significantly occur on a large scale. 

Another distinctive feature is that there is a color that is not owned as another indicator. It is a pivot point in the stretcher by indicators to assist in the analysis of the market. But more than that, there are indicators that are doncian give an indication signal weakening or strengthening of the existence of the price of the price seen on the indicator. 

when the price is below the MA doncian or purple line as the price trend is likely to continue to pass down. Conversely, if the price is above the MA line doncian such up trend is still dominating. 

Look at the upper right that reads the signal given. Follow the signal with a pending order and the stop loss is given. Signal has been automatically provide information about the transactions and orders given along. Follow, and obey what has been given by the indicator. 

Doda Doncian indicator is an indicator which can detect changes in the market prices in real time. Regardless you can identify with other indicators, indicator Doda Doncian able to provide an accurate signal in accordance with the strategy and system provided by the indicator. Use, use, and learn Doda Doncian indicator to help your trading more profitable.
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Trend indicators

Forex Education Center And Investment- Trend indicators,As the name suggests it has a distinctive indicator in determining the direction of the trend. For real name not know whether the original author Trend or no name other than the name on the outcome there. It is suitable for beginners and who have sufficient experience in forex trading. 

Another advantage to recognize the movement of the market. Either a reversal or during a long trend. Moreover, it also can help traders identify future market condition in the form of a cross signal that serves to understand the trend of trend has not occurred. 

Trend indicators classified as leading or ahead of the market. This condition allows the Trend indicator can find opportunities faster than utilizing the MA indicator. Specifically to detect the state reversal trend and I think it is quite capable of using Trend Indicator. 

Time frame is no problem, the trader can use it whenever and whatever. If possible, focus on h1. Because of the results of testing a potential indicator applied to the time frame h1. But it is not related to a person's character. May use it in another time frame. 

The color of the indicator can be used as a signal. Where the down trend is represented by the red line and blue line represented the trend up. If the line is experiencing a cross then found a possible trend will occur. 

Focus on crossover indicator, and if there are no open positions do not cross. Wait state indicator crosses having a complete and clear, then the trader can use these signals as the opening position. 

Trend indicators provide an opportunity for traders to identify trends early. Use Trend indicators as the easiest way in recognizing trends and reversals. The more you use it the easier it is to recognize the trend.
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Trade with Support and Resistance

Forex Education Center And Investment- Trade With Support And Resistance,Support and Resistance is a limitation that connects the lowest point to the highest point of a trend. This strategy is usually referred to as an SR strategy which means Support Resistance. The advantages of using SR strategy is able to provide guidance to traders regarding the highest and lowest area on the graph. He can also explain whether the market will continue the trend or bounce (bounce), a reversal of the previous trend. 

Therefore, the Forex Education Center And Investment article will discuss about the support and resistance, as well as benefits to trading. 

S and R And Trading Plan 
Support and Resistance is one of the techniques most widely followed technical analysis in financial markets. It is a simple method to analyze the charts quickly. It can be seen from the 3-point in trading using SR strategies, including: 

1 When driving directions trend occurred 
2 When time entry begins 
3 When to get out of the trading 

If you can answer the 3 items above, then you essentially have a trading plan. Identify the Support and Resistance in the table below can answer the questions above.

As you can see in the chart above, support is oversold point under. While Resistance is overbought point located at the top of the price because it was considered expensive. 

Think of it this way, you see a room and see the Support as the floor while Resistance is the ceiling. Support and Resistance From this, the price will reach the breakout price is referred to as a trend. The penetration itself is done with one-way. If the price penetrates the Resistance, it means the trend will move toward buy. Conversely, if the price moves to penetrate Support the trend will be down-trend. 

In theory, Support is a price level where demand (purchasing power) is strong enough to prevent the price down past the lowest price at the time. The reason is if the price is getting close to the support, it is regarded as a less expensive price. Buyers can see the price is too cheap, and agreed to start making a purchase. Sellers ultimately less confident because the sale price was too low and it does not fit because of the price offered by the buyer at a very low price. In such cases, the request or the buyer will try to maintain the price to go up so that the price does not penetrate Support. 

Resistance is the price level at which supply (selling power) is strong enough to prevent the price from rising further. The reason behind this is when the price is getting closer and closer to the Resistance, the price is more expensive to make so that sellers tend to sell. While buyers become less or a little to take action to buy. In that scenario, supply (sellers) will overcome demand (buyers), this then prevents the price of a breakout above resistance. 

As a general rule, the longer the period of time from the graph, the more accurate level of support and its Resistance. In other words, the level of support and resistance are reflected on the graph D1 will be stronger than it appears on the H1 chart.
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Economic And Politic Callender

N/A   US            Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda speech at the Economic 
                    Club of New York 
N/A   US            Center for Latin American Monetary Studies' Central Bank 
                    Governors Meeting 
N/A   UK   Oct      Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee meeting 
N/A   EU            European Commission adopts the 2014 Enlargement Package 
N/A   US            Commonwealth Finance Ministers Annual Meeting 
Thursday, October 9, 2014                                      Exp        Prev 
0600  JPN  Sep      Preliminary Machine Tool Orders 
                       Tool Orders, Y/Y                                   +35.6% 
0600  GER  Aug      Foreign Trade 
0645  FRA  Aug      Foreign trade 
0800  EU   Oct      ECB Monthly Bulletin 
0830  UK   Aug      CML Monthly Lending Trends 
0830  GER           Ifo Joint Economic Forecast of German economic research 
1000  FRA  Aug      OECD Harmonised Unemployment Rates 
1100  UK   Oct      UK interest rate decision 
                       Bank Rate                                          0.5 
                       High Range Value 
                       Low Range Value 
1230  US            U.S. Weekly Export Sales 
                       Corn, In Metric Tons                               685.9K 
                       Soybeans, In Metric Tons                           890.6K 
                       Wheat, In Metric Tons                              741K 
1230  US   10/04    Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report - Initial Claims 
                       Weekly Jobless Claims                   296K       287K 
                       Weekly Jobless Claims Net Change                   -8K 
                       Cont Jobless Claims (prior week)                   2398000 
                       Cont Jobless Claims Net Chg (prior                 -45K 
1230  CAN  Aug      New Housing Price Index 
                       Housing Price Index (Mom)                          +0% 
                       Housing Price Index (YoY)                          +1.4% 
1245  US            FRB St. Louis President James Bullard opening remarks at 
                    Annual Fall Conference 
1300  US            World Bank President Jim Yong Kim press briefing 
1345  US            Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index 
1400  US   Aug      Monthly Wholesale Trade 
                       Inventories                             +0.4%      +0.1% 
1400  US            IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde press briefing 
1400  US   09/27    DJ-BTMU U.S. Business Barometer 
                       DJ-BTMU Business Barometer                         -0.1% 
                       DJ-BTMU Business Barometer (52 Wk)                 +0.9% 
1430  US   10/03    EIA Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report 
                       Total Working Gas in Storage                       3100B 
                       Total Working Gas in Storage (Net                  +112B 
1500  US            ECB President Mario Draghi speaks at U.S. think tank 
1600  US   Sep      ICSC Chain Store Sales Trends 
1715  US            FRB Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker speaks in Asheville, NC 
2030  US            Federal Discount Window Borrowings 
2030  US            Foreign Central Bank Holdings 
2030  US            Money Stock Measures 
2350  JPN  Aug      Tertiary Industry Index 
2350  JPN  Sep      Bank Lending 
                       Bank Lending (on year)                             +2.3% 
2350  JPN  Sep      Bank of Japan Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes 
N/A   GER           German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets new Polish Prime 
                    Minister Ewa Kopacz 
N/A   US            G24 Ministers and Governors Meeting 
N/A   CAN           WTO Director-General Azevedo meets Canada Trade Minister Ed 
N/A   US            Bretton Woods International Council Annual Meeting 
N/A   US            G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies meeting 
N/A   US            G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting 

Friday, October 10, 2014                                       Exp        Prev 
0200  JPN  Sep      Electric Power Output 
0500  JPN  Sep      Consumer Confidence Survey 
                       Sentiment  Index                                   41.2 
0645  FRA  Aug      Industrial Production Index 
                       Industrial Production                   +0.1%      +0.2% 
0800  ITA  Aug      Industrial Production 
                       Industrial Output Monthly               +0.4%      -1% 
                       Industrial Output Yearly                           -1.8% 
0830  UK   Aug      UK trade 
                       Global Goods Trade Balance, GBP                    -10.2B 
                       Non-EU Trade Balance, GBP (Adjusted)               -4.3B 
0830  UK            Financial Policy Committee record of latest meeting 
1000  FRA  Q2       OECD Contributions to GDP growth data 
1230  US   Sep      Import & Export Price Indexes 
                       Import Prices                           -0.7%      -0.9% 
                       Non-Petroleum Prices                               -0.1% 
                       Petroleum Prices                                   -4.4% 
1230  CAN  Sep      Labour Force Survey 
                       Average Hourly Wages                               +2.5% 
                       Full-Time Jobs                                     -2300 
                       Jobless Rate                            7%         7% 
                       Labor Force                                        -20800 
                       Net Jobs                                22000      -11000 
                       Participation Rate                                 66% 
                       Part-Time Jobs                                     -8700 
1430  CAN           Bank of Canada Business Outlook Survey 
1600  US            World Agricultural Supply & Demand Estimates (WASDE) 
                       U.S. Corn, Ending Stocks, Bushels 
                       U.S. Soybeans, Ending Stocks, Bushels 
                       U.S. Wheat, Ending Stocks, Bushels 
1800  US   Sep      Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts & Outlays of the U.S. 
1800  CAN           Bank of Canada Weekly Financial Statistics 
1900  US            FRB Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker speaks in Chicago 
N/A   US            World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings open 
N/A   US            IIF Annual Membership Meeting opens 
N/A   US            Roberto Azevedo and Jim Yong Kim co-host global trade event 
                    in Washington 
N/A   US            FRB Philadelphia President Charles Plosser speech at SABEW 
                    Fall Conference 
N/A   GER           German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets Chinese Premier Li 
N/A   US            FRB Dallas President Richard Fisher speaks at the CEE 
                    National Conference 
N/A   US            Oklahoma Historical Day 
N/A   US            G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting 
N/A   US            Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Annual Fall Conference 
Saturday, October 11, 2014 Exp Prev GMT 1600 US ECB President Mario Draghi press conference in Washington N/A US World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings continue N/A US IIF Annual Membership Meeting concludes
(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 05, 2014 21:55 ET (01:55 GMT)