Showing posts with label Averaging Trading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Averaging Trading. Show all posts
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Investasi Online Terbaik Saat Ini,Investasi Online Terbaik Saat Ini-Kepuasan anda adalah prioritas pertama kami dan kepercayaan Anda adalah aset kami.
UNITED KREDIT MIKRO ORGANISASI TERBATAS adalah perusahaan investasi secara resmi terdaftar yang bekerja dengan investasi modal dalam operasi mikro-kredit internasional, Anda dapat memverifikasi informasi tentang pendaftaran dan legitimasi umo1 terbatas di alamat berikut: Companieshouse.Gov.Uk untuk recive menerima informasi tentang pendaftaran resmi perusahaan Anda perlu untuk memasukkan namanya di baris pencarian (UNITED KREDIT MIKRO ORGANISASI TERBATAS) atau memasukkan nomor pendaftaran di baris yang sesuai mencari perusahaan nomor 09279326
Rencana UMO1 tersedia pada 2 domain, dan
Perhatikan warna sambungan dalam nevigation Bar browser Anda (Green Bar). Perusahaan kami menggunakan layanan validasi Truste Certified perusahaan. Memastikan bahwa situs web bekerja, perusahaan UMO1 juga berjuang untuk mencapai keselamatan teknis dan keuangan.

UNITED KREDIT MIKRO ORGANISASI TERBATAS menggarap pasar kredit mikro sejak tahun 2010, membantu pelanggan memecahkan kesulitan keuangan mereka. Volume besar pinjaman jangka pendek kepada pelanggan selama ini, menunjukkan permintaan yang tinggi dari bisnis ini di pasar jasa keuangan global. Pasar kredit mikro adalah momentum: dibandingkan dengan 2010, pasar tumbuh sebesar 315%. dokumen perusahaan
Hari ini kita bekerja tidak hanya ke arah mengeluarkan kredit mikro, tapi mengundang semua yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam program investasi kami. Menarik investasi tambahan, kami dapat meningkatkan omset perusahaan dan mendapatkan bisnis kami profit.Join lebih besar sebagai investor dan memiliki penghasilan harian konstan.
Keamanan Bisnis

kami menyediakan tingkat keamanan bank yang tinggi dan Keselamatan investasi dalam program terbatas lembaga kredit mikro bersatu
Semua deposito di lembaga kredit mikro bersatu terbatas aman diasuransikan. Kami menggunakan sistem deposit re-asuransi. Deposit Setiap investor sudah berisi komisi asuransi.

A. Deposit adalah cross-diasuransikan di 2 perusahaan asuransi di Inggris. Penutupan simultan dari semua perusahaan asuransi ini tidak mungkin, sehingga metode cross-mengasuransikan ini telah terbukti menjadi yang paling aman.

B. Deposito disimpan dalam 3 bank yang terletak di daerah yang aman dan lepas pantai. Bukan perang, maupun bencana atau pemerintahan yang korup dapat mempengaruhi tabungan Anda di sana.

C. Deposito disimpan dalam bentuk yang berbeda, dimulai dengan kripto-mata uang dan uang tunai dan berakhir dengan emas dan platinum. Metode diversifikasi ini telah terbukti menjadi salah satu yang paling aman. Dalam metode ini tingkat risiko adalah 0.0000001% saja.

Untuk Informasi selengkapnya silahkan menuju website utama dibawah ini

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Analisa Teknikal USD/CAD Hari ini

Forex Education Center And Investment-Analisa Teknikal Harga USD/CAD Hari ini,USD /СAD Analisa gelombang dan proyeksi 17,10-24,10: Uptrend terus. 

Perkiraan pivot point adalah pada tingkat 1,1080. 

Pendapat kami: Beli pasangan di atas tingkat 1,1080 dengan target 1,14-1,15. 

Skenario alternatif: Breakout dan konsolidasi harga di bawah tingkat 1,1080 akan memungkinkan pasangan untuk melanjutkan penurunan ke level 1,10-1,09. 

Analisis: Agaknya, pembentukan iv gelombang keempat dari tingkat senior telah selesai. Lokal tampaknya bahwa harga akan mundur dan kecil satu-dua satu dua gelombang sedang terbentuk. Jika asumsi ini benar dan harga tidak memecah tingkat kritis 1,1180, pasangan ini kemungkinan untuk naik ke tingkat 1,14-1,15 dalam gelombang kelima.
 Demikianlah Analisa teknikal USD/CAD Hari ini,semoga memberikan manfaat untuk anda
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Analisa Harga USD/CHF Hari ini

Forex Education Center And Investent- Analisa harga USD/CHF Hari ini,USD / CHF Analisis Wave dan proyeksi 24,10-31,10: Pasangan ini kemungkinan akan tumbuh. 

Perkiraan pivot point adalah pada tingkat 0,9390. 

Pendapat kami: Beli pasangan dari koreksi di atas tingkat 0,9390 dengan target 0,97-0,98. 

Skenario Alternatif: Beli pasangan dari koreksi di atas tingkat 0,9390 dengan target 0,97-0,98. 

Analisis: Agaknya, pembentukan koreksi lokal sebagai gelombang keempat 4 telah selesai. Secara lokal, satu-dua satu-dua momentum sebagai gelombang pertama sedang terbentuk dan jika asumsi ini benar, ada kemungkinan bahwa setelah selesainya koreksi kecil (ii), harga bisa naik dalam gelombang kelima ke tingkat dari 0,97-0,98. Tingkat kritis untuk skenario ini adalah tingkat 0,9390.

Demikianlah Analisa teknikal harga Usd/CHF Hari ini semoga memberikan manfaat untuk anda
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Harga Emas ANTAM Hari ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Harga Emas Antam Hari ini,Investasi Emas memang sangat diminati masyarakat karena sifatnya yang memiliki tingkat liquiditas tinggi dan memiliki kecenderungan untuk selalu tumbuh nilai investasinya dari tahun ketahun.
Meskipun Emas adalah model investasi yang memiliki hasil tinggi dan tingkat keuntungan yang hampir stabil ini bukan berarti harga emas tidak pernah mengalami penurunan.Ada banyak faktor yang dapat mempengarhui harga emas termasuk diantaranya Nila KURS mata uang Rupiah terhadap dollar serta kondisi fundamental dunia secara global.

Penguatan nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar akan memicu juga penurunan harga Emas sedangkan penurunan nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap dolar akan memicu menaikkan harga emas dalam negeri.

Untuk dalam negeri standar harga emas kita adalah harga emas yang berada pada standar harga ANTAM yang merupakan perusahaan negara dengan standar harga yang tentunya secara nasional dapat dipakai sebagai acuan harga diseluruh pelosok negeri ini.

Dibawah ini adalah harga terbaru Emas antam yang saya ambil dari sumber berita Liputan6,dan datanya adalah sebagai berikut:

* Pecahan 1 gram Rp 525.000
    * Pecahan 5 gram Rp 2.480.000
    * Pecahan 10 gram Rp 4.910.000
    * Pecahan 25 gram Rp 12.200.000
    * Pecahan 50 gram Rp 24.350.0000
    * Pecahan 100 gram Rp 48.650.000
    * Pecahan 250 gram Rp 121.500.000
    * Pecahan 500 gram Rp 242.800.000

Berdasarkan berita yang dirilis oleh liputan 6 harga emas antam mengalami penurunan pada hari ini Rabu,15 oktober,2014 yang sebelumnya ada dikisaran harga Rp.525.000/gram kin berada pada harga Rp.474.000/gram,ini berarti harga emas antam mengalami penurunan sebesar Rp 51.000/gram.

Penurunan harga emas antam hari ini memicu penurunan minat terhadap BUYBACK harga emas itu sendiri.
Momentum ini sebenarnya adalah momentum yang sangat tepat untuk digunakan oleh para investor besar yang ingin mencapai target keuntungan besar dalam beberapa hari kedepan.


Untuk investor emas batangan saatnya untuk melakukan aksi BUY dan menahan sebentar tunggulah beberapa hari untuk mencari momentum kapan anda harus menjual emas batangan anda tersebut.

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Berita Gold Hari ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Berita Gold Hari ini,Sahabat Trader Diseluruh dunia,hari ini kita akan mencoba melihat arah pergerakan harga untuk GOLD terhadap Mata uang Dollar,akan seperti apa pergerakannya dichart market yang ada didepan kita.Kita akan mengintip sedikit tentang itu 

Langsung saja kita melihat Hasil analisa teknikal seperti gambar dibawah ini

Bila sebelumnya kita sudah melihat hasil analisa harga pasangan ini akan kemana,seperti yang disini,nampaknya harga emas sudah waktunya menjawab analisa sebelumnya.
Setelah semat diwarnai aksi Reborn kemarin kini nampak jelas bahwa harga emas terhadap dolar tidak mampu lagi untuk menaiki level harga yang lebih tinggi dari itu dan nampaknya level resistance sudah tercapai.Sebelumnya kita prediksikan emas akan mengalami sedikit kenaikan lebih diatas level yang sudah dicapai ini namun ternyata bila kita lihat sepertinya kekuatannya sudah habis diperjalanan untuk reborn,dan kini saatnya emas akan menuju level dan trend harga sesungguhnya yalitu BEARISH.

Titik pencapaian level harga sudah  tertulis jelas dalam gambar diatas dimana support dan resistancenya sehingga anda akan dapat dengan mudah untuk mendeteksi pergerakan harga  emas tehadap dolar.


XAU/USD Trend = Down,Waktunya untuk melakukan aksi SELL Sampai batasan level yang tertulis dalam gambar diatas.
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Harga Emas Hari Ini

Forex Education Center And Investment- Harga Emas hari ini, adalah bagian dari service yang diberikan oleh Forex Education center dalam rangka membantu mitranya untuk melakukan sebuah analisa terhadap perjalanan harga emas setiap harinya.Anda dapat menemukan analisa harga emas setiap harinya secara gratis

Kami memberikan analisa teknikal untuk berbagai pasangan harga yang akan terjadi diantaranya adalah harga emas.

Nah untuk mempermudah layanan kami kepada anda silahkan segera berlangganan analisa kami setiap harinya dengan gratis

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Principles That Should Include In Trading

Forex Education Center-Principles That Should Include In Trading,All traders, who joined Forex, trying to achieve the best results. However, for trade with profit, the trader must know and follow some of the principles of Forex
  - Having your own trading strategy. Develop your system, which is based on several factors significant for Forex trading

  - Take control of your emotions. Unstable emotional state can interfere with the decision-making process. 
- Learn how to control emotions and desires. 
  - Having your own historical data. Write down where the circumstances and factors of your decision to open / close orders and comments are based on each situation. 
- Constantly review your work

  - Learn from your mistakes. And work on error analysis is one of the most important components of successful trading. It is important to be self-critical in a loss position analysis. Having dealt with the loss position, you can avoid repeating these mistakes. 

  - Do not trade without reason. Do not open a trading platform just because you have nothing else to do or you can not fall asleep. Trade only when trere are factors that justify such action. 

  - Work and think for themselves. Assistance and guidance from others can help, but not while trading in Forex. You can consider the advice of experienced traders, but do not just follow it without thinking. Progress will only appear when you make your own analysis, develop your own strategy, and only depends on your decision. 

  - Trade only when you are sure about it. Better to wait for the right moment to enter the market rather than opening order when you do not understand the situation. It is important to enter and leave the market at the right time. If you do not feel confident, you better not take the risk. Some pips lost can not be compared to a huge loss, which may be caused by the reckless actions. Just open the order later, the market will not work. 

  - Limit your risk. Use only the amount of money to trade, the loss of which will not cause a shortage of family budgets. 
  Know your limits. Can be stopped. 
  - Be careful with early success. Do not lose your head of happiness just because a few hundred dollars profit '(back to 2). 

  - Do not trade against the market. With a lack of experience, it is better not to take risks. In the process of price movement in a particular direction, the market began to jump up / down. To learn how to use short-term fluctuations, you have to get experience, so as to minimize the risk.
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EUR/USD Price Action For This Week

Forex Education Center- EUR/USD Price Action For This Week,What's up friends .... reunited with forex price analysis this week, I take this analysis is based on W1 or weekly time frame. 
For this time you will get information on the price of the currency pair EUR / USD is going to look like in the picture below

Looking at the picture above, we will obtain an analysis for this currency pair. 
After experiencing a decline in the price action that occurs in a long time during the last month now it seems the pair looks like it is time to return to the next price trends.
The pair will be supported technically drive prices visible

support 1 = 1.23520
Resistance 1 = 1.29879
Resistance 2 = 1.31870

Based on the level of support and resistance that occurs then the pair today or at least this week has a tendency to take action bullish trend, although the potential for a bearish trend, there is still enabled the pair to get to 1.23520 as a strong support level monthly.

This situation will be achieved depending on which one first, if it turns out the pair managed to rise towards bullish trend means that the price range will be pursued in accordance with the above position limits support and resistance levels that are already visible.

We look on daily time frame first

When we loook at Daily Time frame its will be bullish trend to 1.29879 than the true of trend will be correctly down trend again.

Buy for EUR/USD for this week close at 1.29879 than Sell on that level.
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How Stock Prices Determined

Forex Education Center- How Stock Prices Determined,Price of a stock is determined by market participants based on the demand and supply of the relevant shares in the capital market, where the relationship between price and supply is negative (increased offer price drop), while the relationship between price and demand is positive (increasing demand prices rise ). 

Another thing that affects the supply and demand for a stock of which is the expectation or hope in the future of the company and the issue of performance issues related to the company concerned, giving rise to speculation that is temporary (in the Indonesian capital market just as the stock is known as fried stock ). 

One of the theories about the stock price in the continuous cycle of professional investment is the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EFM), although this theory has been discredited by many widely, both in academic circles and capital markets professionals. In summary, theory suggests that the price of an equity share is price efficient and will tend to follow the movement of randomly determined by the emergence of late-breaking news (randomly) from time to time. Therefore professional equity investors who tend to spend their time immersed in the flow of information is fundamental in order to gain an advantage over their competitors competitors (mainly other professional investors) by more intelligently interpreting the flow of information (news) is emerging. 

EFM theory does not seem to give a complete picture of the process of equity price determination, such as the stock market is more stable than a theory that assumes that the price is the result of the discounted future cash flows expected to be incurred. In recent years it has been realized that the stock market is not perfectly efficient, perhaps especially in emerging markets or other markets in which the level of professional activity (availability of good information) is still lacking. 

Another theory of share price determination comes from the field of Behavior Finance (Finance). In the financial behavior, it is believed that people sometimes make irrational decisions, especially related to the purchase and sale of shares is based on fear and a false perception of an event. Irrational trading can often create stock prices deviate from rational price, which is based on the assessment of the fundamental price. For instance, during the technology bubble that occurred in the late 90s and then burst back in 2000-2002, technology firms are often negotiable far beyond the rational fundamental value because of what is commonly known as the theory of "greater folly ". Stupidity Greater theory states that because the predominant method to realize profits from the sale of shares to other investors, a person should choose stocks that they believe that others will judge these shares at a higher level in the future.
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MACD Forex Indicator

Forex Education Center- MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence / Divergence (moving average konvergention  / difference), which is a technical analysis indicator created by Gerald Appel in the 1960s. MACD is an indicator for excess buying or selling excess by looking at the relationship between the MA (moving average = moving average) long-and short-term. The MACD line is the difference of 2 MA above. The second line is a line is a sign of the short-term MA of the MACD line. 

MACD shows the difference between the exponential moving average (exponential moving average is commonly abbreviated as "EMA") that rapid and slow closing price. Some development has been done on the MACD for years but still leaves the problem of delay in the indicator, so often criticized for its failure in response to weak market conditions or turbulent. Since the collapse of the market "dot-com" in 2000, most strategies no longer recommend the use MACD as a primary method in the analysis, but only used as a mere observer. Standard period suggested by Gerald Appel in the 1960s is to use the 12 and 26 day periods: 

MACD = EMA  , price - EMA , price 
The signal line or trigger line is formed by refining the formula is then formed by the smoothing this with a further EMA. The standard period for this is 9 days, 

signal = EMA, MACD 
The difference between the MACD and the signal line is often calculated and expressed in the form of lines but not in the form of a histogram containing box. This construction was made by Thomas Aspray in 1986 Method of calculation: 

histogram = MACD - signal 
In the example chart above, shows all three simultaneously. The graph above is the price, which is below the graphs have the blue MACD line and the signal line in red and white in the form of a histogram is the difference between the two. 

The set of periods of average values ​​are usually written as 12,26,9, and may vary. Appel and other analysts have been experimenting with various combinations.
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Volume Indicator In Forex

Forex trading is not centralized as well as stock trading, so that the volume measured on the trading platform does not show the entire trading volume of forex market participants, but limited only to those who trade in a particular broker. Thus the size of the volume of a broker for a particular currency pair may differ from other brokers

However, if you look at some of the strategies used in forex trading, you will find the trading strategy by using the volume indicator. It is certainly logical because of the rising volume of trade will lead to more predictable price movement or could easily be predicted. When the price moves uptrend, buy the volume up will cause the trend of increasingly strong and vice versa if the sell volume dominant then the trend will be weakened and could even turn bearish. 

Trading strategy with the volume indicator is very relevant in the stock market (not the stock price index), because transactions on stock trading volume data always include, but are less relevant to the forex market. According to those who trade on Metatrader 4, the volume of data shown represent the number of trades that have been performed, depending on the server where the trader's broker to do the transaction. More and more traders are trading on a broker will be more accurate indicator of the volume displayed. 

In this case the volume measured by tick, and when there is a change in the price bid (and ask) on the display trading platform, then the volume will increase. High volume is due to frequent price changes and vice versa showed low volume infrequent price changes. So the volume in the forex market is not measured in the number of contracts traded just like stock market. 

However Metatrader platform used only by retail traders who are relatively less compared to the trader at a major financial institution that determines the market price movements. Trader large financial institutions and banks use trading platform which is totally different from retail traders who use Metatrader, so tick volume on Metatrader does not indicate the volume of transactions financial institutions traders. In addition, institutional traders are also not using the retail trader broker server. 

If you happen to use a strategy that involves the volume of Metatrader indicators like volume, on balance volume, money flow index, indexes and other force, including if you use Expert Advisors (EA) based on the volume indicator, should you choose a broker that is highly liquid large. Please note that the accuracy of the volume on a live account is much more accurate than the demo account.
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RSI Support And Resistance Combination

In most traders tend to focus on the trend of the market as a trading strategy
But the weakness of this strategy is sometimes the price bounces back or reverse direction. Therefore, if a trader using this strategy it must be good to find a period in which the movement of currency almost predictable direction. This period is known as support and resistance

Below you can see an example of a 30-minute chart of EUR / CHF. Resistance over-head have been found by looking at the highest point of the market in the near 1.2050. 
Instead, support is found from lows near 1.2030. With the defined areas, then the trader can proceed with his trading plan to buy and sell at certain price points.

While the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a versatile indicator, which can be used to detect the saturation point of a trend. Time is the key of this indicator. 
In the graph below, the trader that allows trading signals prior to selling at the resistance. The trick is to observe how the movement of the RSI indicator of the level of over-bought. As for the point of support, traders can look for a signal to buy EUR / USD when the RSI becomes over-sold

Traders can continue to buy and sell between support and resistance levels until prices break through one of the levels. Although the EUR / CHF has a small range of movement, using this level trader allows traders to use risk management

It is concluded that traders can use the RSI on the chart, such as the example above, to sell EUR / USD or other currency pair at overbought levels near 1.2050. New orders can be targeted in close support with the price range at 1.2030. So arget should be placed on the support of about 20 pips with a risk ratio of 1: 2.
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Trend In Market Forex

We could have detected the phrase "the trend is our friend". Well, presumptuous that is true, particularly with respect to commercialism within the Forex market. after we area unit ready to establish the trend of worth movements of currency pairs and to grasp that direction the market can move for a definite amount of your time, it'd be terribly useful. 

Trading within the direction of the trend on the daily chart with the flow like running water, while not having to swim we've carried by the flow itself. however though we are able to follow the currents trends, market volatility will generally occur suddenly. it's that you simply ought to remember of the movement of costs within the market

1 Checking the daily chart of any currency combine that has been elect 
2 Finding the strongest tendency in either direction of the trend 

After doing these 2 steps, concentrate, whether or not there'll be a high rise or a pointy decline. Here area unit some samples of the currency combine shows a robust trend:

If the combine area unit during a sturdy up-trend, it will simply be known on the daily charts. therefore there ought to be no doubt in our minds concerning that direction is most applicable to maneuver this trends. however if undecided of the direction of the trend, then we must always realize that basically has shown a transparent and powerful trend

Looking at the chart NZD / USD Daily on top of, we are able to make certain that currency combine to be within the direction of the up-trend. Besides seeing rising trend pictured on the chart within the higher right corner of the table, we are able to additionally ensure the up-trend by noting that the combine has traveled a worth more than all-time low purpose ever. The movement is claimed to be the movement of the worth rise. 

When commercialism was up-trend, the most effective strategy is to attend for it to come back to the extent of support then take an extended position by victimization the direction of the daily trend amount. within the chart on top of, once AN up-trend has occurred, traders will take long positions in close to the points denoted in red within the table. this method is thought as "buy the dips". subsequent step is to position a stop loss below all-time low purpose of the worth. 

The opposite happens once commercialism tends to decrease. examine the table below.

Downtrend is known once the currency combine has affected down from the very best worth worth (green) to all-time low worth (red). during this case, the bargainer can usually short positions as seen tendency for down-trend. Traders can sit up for lower costs to the extent of resistance (green) so take a brief position within the direction of the daily trend. marketing techniques of resistance to the current support space is named "sell the rally". 

The key here is to exchange the direction of the daily trend, the bargainer can enter into a trade that encompasses a larger likelihood of success. whereas pips are often collected once the trend is afoot. As traders, we would like to scale back the danger the maximum amount as potential from every trade. Well, currently we have a tendency to have already got AN understanding of the way to confirm the trend of the currency combine within the Forex market.
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Breakout Basics For Detecting Trend

Traders who follow the trend usually will always identify trends before opening a position. After finding a trend trader, then he started applying for entry breakout strategy. As we discussed in previous articles that there are many advantages if we are trading in accordance with the direction of the market
Below you can see a prime example of a trending market in the AUDUSD. The pair has risen more than 449 pips since September 2012 to the price of 1.0488. Note the series of the highest point on the daily chart below. State makes a strong uptrend the price is ideal for purchases made​​. Well, this article will continue learning about the basics of trading trends, identifying potential opportunities to use a breakout strategy

Ways breakout trading is very easy once you identify the market today from a high point and low market pattern will be seen in the 1.0597 resistance area in the AUDUSD. This acts as a price ceiling or resistance area for the pair. Breakout traders will wait for the price to pass the value of the price, and make new highs before entering the market. Traders will buy in the hope prices continue to rise and make the price could go higher in the market. 

One of the most popular ways to trade the breakout is through the use of order entry. An entry order can be set through trading platform and allows you to set the order at a price that has been set. This method is very popular. No matter whether you are trading a position in front of the chart or not, if the price has reached the price of your message, the execution price would be running.

Stop and targets 
After finding points to enter the market, next you should consider is the risk. Because of the placement of the order can be changed or dimodif, you can place them as you want. However, you should make a stop loss under an open position to anticipate if the price reverses. 

To use the profit target per positive risk reward ratio that can be selected, typically using 1: 2, the stop loss: take profit. Traders can also choose to use a trailing stop to lock in profits or other methodologies that they choose according to their individual tastes.
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How To Trade With Trend

As a dealer you wish to know is that stormy market conditions like this could amendment at any time. after you area unit experiencing emotional, frustrating, and during a state of psychic instability mustn't trade initial. 
To get a true image of that, let's inspect the daily chart of the EURAUD as follows

From the image higher than, that showed the foremost outstanding trend for now's an edge to sell. 
So target the position of the trend by inserting many indicators and different supporters. you'll add Fibonacci to work out whether or not the value of getting retracement. Because, once such a powerful movement these days permit retracement at a particular worth purpose. Therefore, the waiting time of the retracemen could be a sensible issue before creating entry. 

Chasing the market down during a state like this enables you to will take an edge and build a profit. However, by wanting ahead worth retracement, then you ought to initial wait till the market really shows the precise direction of the trend. 

Should you attempt to analyze again? Not. as a result of the presence of the analysis can solely obstruction for time to try and do the open with a ram down the room fibo. If you discover a doji, or Hesperus, and then on round the Fibo then they'll assist you to work out the direction of the analysis of future trend

So what if once a wait, however the value decline really began to perform motion? this might cause allegations that the value has continuing the trend. however don't rush to create a deal. you ought to see the results of consolidation within the market history. If it happens lowering of consolidation, {we can|we will|we area unit able to} make certain that costs are going down-trend deeper. 

When it's identified that costs area unit going back down-trend, the open position ought to be targeted on open sell. From this analysis it will be complete that the vendor is admittedly back up to the mark of the try EUR / AUD.
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What Is The Trend On Forex Trading

The basic conception of the trend (trend) is incredibly basic stuff during a kind of market-based approaches to the analysis of technical analysis. All the tools used chartist like support and resistance, value patterns, moving average, trendline, etc.. Everything is that the same aim, particularly to help in activity the trend is going on within the market, so as to participate within the trend. you will usually hear the favored terms like "always change the direction of the trend", "never buck the trend", or "the trend is your friend". 

This short article tries to investigate and outline what's meant by trends and classify them into classes. once viewed generally, the trend may be a movement within which direction the market moves. however aside from that we'd like a additional correct definition of their use in technical analysis
All you would like to recollect may be a type of value movements isn't a line in one direction. The market moves within the type of a series of zigzags. Zigzag Movement is forming a series of consecutive waves, with peak (peak / top) and "copy" (through) is pretty clear. Direction peak and throughs it which can verify a market trend that's happening. whereas Peak and thru moving up, down, or sideways (sideways). On Direction movement is what is going to tell United States regarding the market trends

An ascending trend (uptrend) is outlined as a series of peaks and throughs sequence of ascending

While the downward trend (downtrend) is that the opposite, particularly a series of peaks and throughs of decreasing, the subsequent image of the downtrend

There is conjointly a series of peaks and throughs ar inclined sideways named because the sideways / travel
Well so about a trend in forex trading may provide inspiration for you
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Teknik Dan Strategy Trading Dengan Alligator

Teknik dan strategy trading dengan alligator ini digunakan jika posisi perdagangan dibuka telah dipertahankan selama beberapa hari. Keputusan trading dibuat dengan bantuan indikator "Alligator," yang didasarkan pada garis moving average dengan periode yang berbeda. Tujuan kita adalah untuk mengambil keuntungan dari periode trading ketika harga bergerak 100-250 poin. Menurut statistik, sekitar 50-60% dari instrumen keuangan dalam waktu diperdagangkan di channel sideways, dan hanya 20-30% dari perdagangan waktu dilakukan dalam tren.

Oleh karena itu, Anda harus siap untuk menerima fakta bahwa sebagian besar operasi perdagangan akan ditutup pada stop-loss. Jika manajemen uang digunakan dengan benar, strategi ini dapat membawa penghasilan yang baik. 

Namun, untuk mencapai ini, Anda harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut: 

Kondisi penting pertama, yang harus diperhatikan adalah bahwa keuntungan atau tingkat take profit setidaknya harus lima kali lebih tinggi dari tingkat order pelindung. 

Kondisi kedua: ini diperlukan untuk menggunakan Trailing Stop. Misalnya, jika keuntungan pada operasi sebesar 50 poin, perlu untuk memindahkan stop-loss ke zona impas, yang akan memungkinkan untuk mengurangi jumlah kehilangan transaksi. 

Ketiga, setelah pengujian strategi ini kita menyadari bahwa jumlah rata-rata transaksi merugi berturut-turut biasanya tidak lebih dari 5, yang memungkinkan untuk mengasumsikan dengan probabilitas 80% bahwa transaksi kita akan membawa keuntungan. Berdasarkan asumsi ini kita dapat melipatgandakan volume perdagangan setelah penutupan setiap transaksi yang merugi, yang akan memungkinkan kita untuk meningkatkan secara signifikan potensi keuntungan setelah penutupan tercapai di take profit. Namun, perlu diketahui bahwa jumlah transaksi merugi bisa lebih dari lima kali berturut-turut, dan kemungkinan ini adalah 20%. Oleh karena itu, dianjurkan untuk meninggalkan beberapa dana lainnya pada account dan tidak menggunakan semua uang untuk perdagangan. 

Untuk menerima sinyal trading untuk membeli atau menjual, membuka grafik baik untuk pasangan EUR / USD atau GBP / USD dengan timeframe H4 di terminal perdagangan. Lalu pergi ke "Indikator" (jika ikon ini tidak mengaktifkan, menggunakan CTRL + N), pilih "Alligator" dan memindahkannya ke grafik. Hal ini juga diperlukan untuk mengubah pengaturan: periode rahang harus 22; periode gigi harus 13, dan bahwa bibir adalah 10 melayang harus tetap tidak berubah pada 8, 5, 3. 

Kapan periode terbaik untuk membuka posisi sell? 

Periode terbaik untuk transaksi adalah saat ketika bergerak garis rata-rata dengan periode 13 dan 10 melewati garis rata-rata bergerak dengan periode 22 dari atas ke bawah. Dianjurkan untuk menempatkan stop-loss di level 25 poin dan take profit di level 150-200 poin.

Kapan dianjurkan untuk memulai transaksi beli? 

Dianjurkan untuk membuka posisi buy ketika bergerak garis rata-rata dengan periode 13 dan 10 memotong moving average dengan periode 22 dari bawah ke atas. Stop-loss dianjurkan pada tingkat 25 poin dengan take profit f 150-200 poin.

Nah demikianlah Teknik dan strategy trading dengan alligator semoga memberikan manfaat untuk anda semua....

Mau mendapatkan Rebate terbaik dari perdagangan anda bisa anda coba disini
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Analysis Of Price Movements Eur / Usd In A Week

It seems that the movement of the currency pair Eur / Usd still have a tendency to take action down. 
Based on the observation that technically there is the potential that the eur / usd will go weekly trend that could have reached the level of the price of 1.27939 (this is the weekly price range). 

As seen in the picture below

1.27939 price level would appear to be a support and a strong purpose for this pair.
Based on the analysis results that appear in the image above is a weekly chat where we can see a tendency down the price is still very strong in this week although there is a bit of a correction that will occur as seen in the daily chart as below

Daily chart

In the daily price chart correction action is likely to be there a little bit towards the price level is 1.32242 which is the strongest resistance levels, if the pair is able to penetrate the potential reborn up will happen but look at both technical and fundamental condition seems to be the weight for the pair

In technical the pair was overwhelming tendency will have come down in price 
This tendency is supported fundamentally the situation is still deteriorating economic conditions and is still associated with the crisis in the Ukraine so that it encourages the weak state of the single currency for the euro area 

Worsening economic conditions and political region helped to trigger the weakening of the euro single currency as traders were still focused on the Ukraine crisis and do the steps carefully in making decisions, this causes the currency of this region is difficult to back up
At least this week the pair eur / usd will still be in a weakened condition as seen in the image above

Thus this Analysis Of Price Movements Eur / Usd In A Week wish this analysis may provide benefits to you


This analysis does not warrant the truth 100% even though we've made ​​the best of what we represent so use them wisely and keep trading with your own level of risk

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